Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I genuinely think a lot of this hate comes from the fact that they are selling direct to consumer. Let me ask y’all this, where do most UGL labs get their raws from for almost everything? China. So now we have a Chinese source cutting out the middle man and now everyone is pissed.

Sure, the testing is spotty, but you pay less because usually the middleman would take on the costs of testing and eating the cost of bad batches.

Not a fanboy, just how I see it.
I have zero issue with them other than the reps shitty attitude and the fact he takes revenge on anyone who publicly discusses their negative experience on here. I was planning to place a large order before that.

The idea that every single person who is negative is a source is hilariously dumb. Probably like .2% of members on here are actual sources worried about competition.

For the record, zonezack also seems like a little bitch and I think he might be retarded.
I genuinely think a lot of this hate comes from the fact that they are selling direct to consumer. Let me ask y’all this, where do most UGL labs get their raws from for almost everything? China. So now we have a Chinese source cutting out the middle man and now everyone is pissed.

Sure, the testing is spotty, but you pay less because usually the middleman would take on the costs of testing and eating the cost of bad batches.

Not a fanboy, just how I see it.

Only if you're a competitor. Don't see many of those in this thread. No, the below pretty much sums up the hate. Add the half witted rep and his shill accounts to that list too.

There is so much going on in this thread..

Lets see if I can recap, newest to oldest

1. Brewer being investigated by the police
2. Stopped brewing/manufacturing oils as China cracks down. Out of stock on most
3. Floaters in his oils
4. Underdosed Var
5. Refusal to refund or reship if you complain
6. Soft doxxes and threats of dox
7. Inconsistent dosing
8. HCG 50% underdosed

I know there is more but man this is a train wreck just to get cheap prices.
Only if you're a competitor. Don't see many of those in this thread. No, the below pretty much sums up the hate. Add the half witted rep and his shill accounts to that list too.
Just as there are shills, I bet there are some competitors who make fake accounts and spam hate just like they spam fanboy shit for QSC. A lot of the gripes that you listed though from a previous comment are not 100% confirmed though. Like from the underdosed var, we dont know whether a competitor sent in 20mg tabs and faked them as 50mg, etc. The first two QSC cant really control. Eventually, almost everyone can get caught. Personally, have never had a floater in my oils. I check. I have seen him refuse to reship or refund though over some shallow reasons. Or at least it seems that way until you realize that some people here are snitches. Idk, QSC really threw a monkey wrench into the market and thus I think the controversy comes naturally.
Just as there are shills, I bet there are some competitors who make fake accounts and spam hate just like they spam fanboy shit for QSC. A lot of the gripes that you listed though from a previous comment are not 100% confirmed though. Like from the underdosed var, we dont know whether a competitor sent in 20mg tabs and faked them as 50mg, etc. The first two QSC cant really control. Eventually, almost everyone can get caught. Personally, have never had a floater in my oils. I check. I have seen him refuse to reship or refund though over some shallow reasons. Or at least it seems that way until you realize that some people here are snitches. Idk, QSC really threw a monkey wrench into the market and thus I think the controversy comes naturally.
You do realize the same group who posted the underdosed Anavar results, also posted positive HGH testing in the past. Which the rep here just so happened to repost everytime someone asked about the hgh.

But when the testing looks bad, the rep cries it's a setup and dumbass members here believe it without question. So the rep uses testing when good, denies it when bad.
You do realize the same group who posted the underdosed Anavar results, also posted positive HGH testing in the past. Which the rep here just so happened to repost everytime someone asked about the hgh.

But when the testing looks bad, the rep cries it's a setup and dumbass members here believe it without question. So the rep uses testing when good, denies it when bad.
I realize that now looking at the stuff. Also, to add on to the anavar debacle, I have tried QSC anavar. I dont feel much even when taking one 50mg tab. In general, still, I think this recent dude snitching to police and spamming is overboard.
Another US primo kit landed today. Everything looks great yet again. Glad I got one of the last kits for a while this primo has been great and tested great
Members who camp out in source threads, defending them and minimizing issues brought up like you do here, are slimeballs. Many of your past posts are doing just that, it's obvious you're an alt account for QSC.

You go on Qingdao's thread to suck his dick and ask the same 50 questions about using a fucking Debit Card but you don't know about their quality? " I got a lot a love for this company I really do they make some the best supplements out there" but it seems like you've never used them. You're a retard

I'm starting to become convinced that some of you guys are role-playing as white knights in shining armor. A bunch of entitled boys being dramatic over the stupidest shit. This entire situation could have been resolved if the rep just apologized for jumping on the GH Jano test. Regarding the clomid, it seems like an honest mistake. God forbid an illegal steroid source sends you the wrong shit on accident.

If you want my answer, I can only speak for myself but the answer is yes. All of my orders with them have been good experiences. There’s many reasons why I will continue to be a customer with caution since this whole debacle. The first reason is that no other raw sources on here offer the extensive amounts of products that Qingdao offers, the majority of raw providers on here don’t offer raws outside of the basic steroids. Second is that Qingdao has been around for a while, for years since the Alibaba days, they’re a real company that is located in China, unlike a lot of these UG labs that can disappear overnight *cough Dyna. Third, they cut out the middlemen so the costs is a fraction of what other raw provider costs. You can argue all day and night that Qingdao doesn’t actually make their own products which I will admit. A simple google search will reveal that they’re a licensing agency for multiple Chinese chemical factories and they export those products under the Qingdao Sigma name. Forth, their products consistently tests well, the raws that is, their oils have several discrepancies but the majority are dosed properly. All of their raws have tested well besides the 90% anadrol raws. This already puts them heads and shoulders above alot of providers on the underground market that doesn’t test at all. I will admit that it is sketchy that Deus was screwed over like that and threats of doxing is a huge concern. Notice that Qingdao is a huge company and the complaints on this board has to do with the Meso REP, not with the products of the company itself. If they can do enough damage control, the future is still bright for them, I do have hope
Members who camp out in source threads, defending them and minimizing issues brought up like you do here, are slimeballs. Many of your past posts are doing just that, it's obvious you're an alt account for QSC.
Yes, I am an alt account (ignore my touchdowns for other sources like BG and 24/7) :)Oh no.jpg
Perhaps you are not an Alt account.

You attitude and not seeing you anywhere else within the community at large makes me wonder if anyone puts any weight behind your words.

Both the people you have called out I have interacted with for YEARS. Why attack them if you want me or others to hear you. You post so frequently yet I am failing to see what your personal goals are other than to align yourself with a single source.
Perhaps you are not an Alt account.

You attitude and not seeing you anywhere else within the community at large makes me wonder if anyone puts any weight behind your words.

Both the people you have called out I have interacted with for YEARS. Why attack them if you want me or others to hear you. You post so frequently yet I am failing to see what your personal goals are other than to align yourself with a single source.
Believe it or not, this might be a crazy concept.......but I only care about buying shit.
Crazy right? Maybe I don't want to be butt buddies with you guys? Crazy
Members who camp out in source threads, defending them and minimizing issues brought up like you do here, are slimeballs. Many of your past posts are doing just that, it's obvious you're an alt account for QSC.
You sound like the lunatic liberals on Twitter calling everyone who calls them on their lunatic bullshit a “Russian bot”
You sound like the lunatic liberals on Twitter calling everyone who calls them on their lunatic bullshit a “Russian bot”
I'd put more stock in the members with a long term account and post history raising valid concerns, over new accounts like yours and 90% of the members in this thread defending them. In other words, you're in the same boat as the other ttran guy so spare me your horseshit response.
Members who camp out in source threads, defending
I'd put more stock in the members with a long term account and post history raising valid concerns, over new accounts like yours and 90% of the members in this thread defending them. In other words, you're in the same boat as the other ttran guy so spare me your horseshit response.
You’re a Karen lunatic. Get over it.
People are saving their hard earned money by buying mostly good gear from QCS. Go cry somewhere else. I’ve never had an issue, and I’m saving money. Until every purchaser has been affected by “floaters” or “under-dosing” your fighting a losing whiner battle. Go find some other hobbies.
Hello everyone,
Now, from now on, I will tell the truth without a single lie.
*And I'm posting this post because I don't want the same victims to come out for the public good.

I found QDS on the meso forums from last year and started ordering from Alisa Yang, who is higher than the rep here.

I was promised a redelivery policy and a refund before ordering, and fortunately, several orders have been successful. But today QDS tried to send the product through Hong Kong post but it was returned by customs.

I asked for a refund and QDS told me it wasn't their fault it was returned from customs. So whose fault is this? Is it my fault?

QDS said they could not give me a refund. The reason was the nonsense that the product could not go back to China from Hong Kong.

So what's the difference from a foreclosure at the customs of the destination? Guys, QDS dazzles people with a very low price at first. Of course, we do the actual delivery.

However, when there is a real problem, they do not even reply. Even someone who has been ordering for a long time like me is no exception.
QDS knows nothing but money. I sent money to them through my Chinese acquaintances, and I will soon report them to the police through my Chinese acquaintances.

I'll post all the evidence below. The decision is yours. At least I'll post on other forums to avoid causing victims like me.

View attachment 172742View attachment 172743View attachment 172741
I found QDS on the meso forums from last year and started ordering from Alisa Yang, who is higher than the rep here.

Read this again.
As you said, why did I start now? lol
I should have attacked QDS earlier.

I love your writing the most among the QDS fan clubs.
Because I can remind you again.
Thank you sincerely :)
Perhaps you are not an Alt account.

You attitude and not seeing you anywhere else within the community at large makes me wonder if anyone puts any weight behind your words.

Both the people you have called out I have interacted with for YEARS. Why attack them if you want me or others to hear you. You post so frequently yet I am failing to see what your personal goals are other than to align yourself with a single source.
The QDS fan club seems to have 200 members in my opinion.
soon they will come
I look forward to every day.:D


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