Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There is so much going on in this thread..

Lets see if I can recap, newest to oldest

1. Brewer being investigated by the police
2. Stopped brewing/manufacturing oils as China cracks down. Out of stock on most
3. Floaters in his oils
4. Underdosed Var
5. Refusal to refund or reship if you complain
6. Soft doxxes and threats of dox
7. Inconsistent dosing
8. HCG 50% underdosed

I know there is more but man this is a train wreck just to get cheap prices.
So you all were sending him his order—that he paid for—but because he complained you decided to just keep his money and not reship him his items. It’s astonishing that you admit that and then follow it up with this gem:
Your retarded friend arrived and started talking like a schizophrenic patient from some mental asylum for two whole days while saying that he will go and snitch on them to the police, telling him that he will not have a resheep is the minimum lol
So you all were sending him his order—that he paid for—but because he complained you decided to just keep his money and not reship him his items. It’s astonishing that you admit that and then follow it up with this gem:
Yep - and despite that he has a legion of fanboys drooling over him hoping that daddy will show them some love. Sad stuff.
Your retarded friend arrived and started talking like a schizophrenic patient from some mental asylum for two whole days while saying that he will go and snitch on them to the police, telling him that he will not have a resheep is the minimum lol
Hopefully daddy will get you some DNP for being such a good little simp.
Your retarded friend arrived and started talking like a schizophrenic patient from some mental asylum for two whole days while saying that he will go and snitch on them to the police, telling him that he will not have a resheep is the minimum lol
Why does everyone have to be friends just because they do not agree with a situation. This isn't a team based environment.
So you all were sending him his order—that he paid for—but because he complained you decided to just keep his money and not reship him his items.
Almost, but in my opinion significantly different. He said he’d reported them to the authorities so they canceled it. If I even said the word cop around my old coke dealer (I’m better now) he would bounce on a deal.
I genuinely think a lot of this hate comes from the fact that they are selling direct to consumer. Let me ask y’all this, where do most UGL labs get their raws from for almost everything? China. So now we have a Chinese source cutting out the middle man and now everyone is pissed.

Sure, the testing is spotty, but you pay less because usually the middleman would take on the costs of testing and eating the cost of bad batches.

Not a fanboy, just how I see it.
Almost, but in my opinion significantly different. He said he’d reported them to the authorities so they canceled it. If I even said the word cop around my old coke dealer (I’m better now) he would bounce on a deal.
What's your IQ too? There was no refund and there was no reply on WhatsApp, so the need cop help. Now, do QDS fan clubs even manipulate evidence? scared lol
I genuinely think a lot of this hate comes from the fact that they are selling direct to consumer. Let me ask y’all this, where do most UGL labs get their raws from for almost everything? China. So now we have a Chinese source cutting out the middle man and now everyone is pissed.

Sure, the testing is spotty, but you pay less because usually the middleman would take on the costs of testing and eating the cost of bad batches.

Not a fanboy, just how I see it.
Don't you think that price is the bait?
I genuinely think a lot of this hate comes from the fact that they are selling direct to consumer. Let me ask y’all this, where do most UGL labs get their raws from for almost everything? China. So now we have a Chinese source cutting out the middle man and now everyone is pissed.

Sure, the testing is spotty, but you pay less because usually the middleman would take on the costs of testing and eating the cost of bad batches.

Not a fanboy, just how I see it.
Takes rocket science to figure this out doesn't it? LOL
It's fine and dandy if this dude was bringing light to his situation but the fact that another source Sciroxx got involved makes it look sketchy as fuck. Also, your attitude towards not getting a reship is reporting to the police? You are a fucking bitch. A grade A tool. If you did this with any source in real life, your body would be seen in a vat of acid.
I’m not going to comment on the seller because I have had a good experience. But I am going to say that a rat is a rat no matter the circumstance. Got a problem, post your evidence and be done. This is a harm reduction forum and calling out sellers is fair until you threaten outside involvement. You think you are harming the source but in reality you are harming your fellow men and board members. Anyone who would use this source would then be punished for something they didn’t do. Be upset with the seller. No one is saying that’s wrong. But don’t be a narc and fuck over everyone else.
Just dropped in to say a QSC order worth 2.5k USD of mixed peptides landed safe and clear at my door in central Europe a week ago. This was my first QSC order. You can count me as a happy customer.
Well I was wondering if it was a business model to give damn near homebrew prices on finished oils and then the change to only selling raws and such to encourage more people to homebrew... But now that this wormy ass dude is threatening people's safety I know it's just a hiccup in the plan
Either way this community is great bc all the testing done so people can just refilter and know how to dose properly