Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I challenge you to not post in this thread for 48 hours. Bet you're not able.

Starting now.
But who's gonna stop all this RaCiSm? Lol zoidberg must be one of those gender neutral non binary vegans. Changing the world by staying in one internet thread fighting racism.
Anyways my first order with them just cleared customs. I'm going to give an honest non dick riding review. For the most part the hater trolls and the love qc long time trolls are both wack and seem to have motives. I normally order only top quality labs but as I get older trt is going to be my lifestyle. Going into business for myself means no prescription benefits from employers. So having having options like this help me personally.
Domestic order took about 4 days from payment to delivery.
Inspected all vials as with my previous orders, haven’t found any floaters. I have found floaters with multiple other sources I’ve ordered from including colonial who didn’t get much shit for it, but then again they don’t source here or at all anymore. I did get taken care of with replacements either way. It’s funny with other sources I hear how it’s normal and even happens with pharma etc and it’s about how the issue is taken care of.
I understand what people are doing, there is 2 instances of reported floaters, idc if people think one is an air bubble, I take pretty much any claim as valid.
Also it’s hard to take the one guy who had order issues serious, and what happened with his reship sucks but also he had a part in that imo. These are drug dealers not your local pharmacy, and if I treated a drug dealer irl like that you could fuck off.
@MisterSuperGod i have a lot of respect for the standards you help uphold here but you’re really letting this zoidberg dude bring you down to his level, I know you’re better then that. Anyway there’s plenty of other sources to order from.
Anyways my first order with them just cleared customs. I'm going to give an honest non dick riding review. For the most part the hater trolls and the love qc long time trolls are both wack and seem to have motives. I normally order only top quality labs but as I get older trt is going to be my lifestyle. Going into business for myself means no prescription benefits from employers. So having having options like this help me personally.
So you have NEVER received from the source and are leaving a non dick riding review.

You are waiting for your first order. Shouldn’t you actually receive something to review?

Lucky for us you will get back up on that dick again.
USER=87572]@MisterSuperGod[/USER] i have a lot of respect for the standards you help uphold here but you’re really letting this zoidberg dude bring you down to his level, I know you’re better then that.
Of course. What do you think I'm trying to do? I'm calling out this racist asswipe. His argument that people shouldn't order because of poor quality gear is senseless. There are 5 complaints on this thread and hundreds of positive reviews.

Racism is the only card he can play. It's really sad and I honestly feel bad for him.
Can we just ignore all repeated complaints about this source? Just inform if something new pop ups, no need to complain a year about floaters etc. Quite boring to read 100 messages of the same shit. I got it now, but I will still order from QSC. If something bad happens with their gear I will post it once... and if something good happens on their gear I will post once.... Be adults.
Of course. What do you think I'm trying to do? I'm calling out this racist asswipe. His argument that people shouldn't order because of poor quality gear is senseless. There are 5 complaints on this thread and hundreds of positive reviews.

Racism is the only card he can play. It's really sad and I honestly feel bad for him.
He’s been on this website (and presumably on steroids) for nearly a decade but still looks natty in his PFP at his height of 5’5”. Id be pissed too if I was him lol that’s why he walks around all day angry. Probably hasn’t felt a pussy since he came out of one
Of course. What do you think I'm trying to do? I'm calling out this racist asswipe. His argument that people shouldn't order because of poor quality gear is senseless. There are 5 complaints on this thread and hundreds of positive reviews.

Racism is the only card he can play. It's really sad and I honestly feel bad for him.

Waaaycist. Yet i'm not banned. You sound hurt. Did i hurt your poor little feelings? i'm sorry, Dingdoxx. You sure talk a tough game. i didn't realize you were such a delicate flower.
So you have NEVER received from the source and are leaving a non dick riding review.

You are waiting for your first order. Shouldn’t you actually receive something to review?

Lucky for us you will get back up on that dick again.
Are you fucking retarded or just incapable of reading? I said it passed customs and I'm GOING to be providing a review. Fuck man the retarded is strong in here.
Waaaycist. Yet i'm not banned. You sound hurt. Did i hurt your poor little feelings? i'm sorry, Dingdoxx. You sure talk a tough game. i didn't realize you were such a delicate flower.
Again, you're confused. I'm not the rep. Anyone reading my post history can easily see that. You are going around in circles and it's senseless to keep responding to your delusional claims.

You think the rep is permanently banned but you refuse to take my friendly wager. You keep posting your racist rhetoric. Looking at your profile, it's true. You are short and spineless coward with obvious mental problems.

Because we are going in circles and you keep posting your nonsensical claims, nobody wants to read this garbage. Time to put you on ignore. You can engage with the rep when he returns (although I think he put you on ignore months ago).

I hope you get the help that you need. Try being less racist and more respectful of people around you. It will improve the quality of your life. Peace brother.
Domestic order took about 4 days from payment to delivery.
Inspected all vials as with my previous orders, haven’t found any floaters. I have found floaters with multiple other sources I’ve ordered from including colonial who didn’t get much shit for it, but then again they don’t source here or at all anymore. I did get taken care of with replacements either way. It’s funny with other sources I hear how it’s normal and even happens with pharma etc and it’s about how the issue is taken care of.
I understand what people are doing, there is 2 instances of reported floaters, idc if people think one is an air bubble, I take pretty much any claim as valid.
Also it’s hard to take the one guy who had order issues serious, and what happened with his reship sucks but also he had a part in that imo. These are drug dealers not your local pharmacy, and if I treated a drug dealer irl like that you could fuck off.
@MisterSuperGod i have a lot of respect for the standards you help uphold here but you’re really letting this zoidberg dude bring you down to his level, I know you’re better then that. Anyway there’s plenty of other sources to order from.

Meh. Just killing time shill smashing and getting under the reps greasy skin until the ban on the rep account is lifted then i'm out.

We've had a number of great contributors here throughout the years that hit ban #3 and were permanently removed. Dingdoxx getting a 4th shot at it sets a bad precedent.
Again, you're confused. I'm not the rep. Anyone reading my post history can easily see that. You are going around in circles and it's senseless to keep responding to your delusional claims.

You think the rep is permanently banned but you refuse to take my friendly wager. You keep posting your racist rhetoric. Looking at your profile, it's true. You are short and spineless coward with obvious mental problems.

Because we are going in circles and you keep posting your nonsensical claims, nobody wants to read this garbage. Time to put you on ignore. You can engage with the rep when he returns (although I think he put you on ignore months ago).

I hope you get the help that you need. Try being less racist and more respectful of people around you. It will improve the quality of your life. Peace brother.

i'm bad for business and it eats you up inside. So much so that you're here from sun up to sun down ready to fight for those broke noob orders.

Take a nap, Dingdoxx. The thread won't burn to the ground if you sleep for a few hours. Have the fake accounts run interference for you.
oh sticks and stones you pussies.
There's a genocide in china RN if you wanna direct your anti discrimination virtues anywhere go there/home

It's only the cause in this thread. Setting company standards in line with the book of rules he wrote pages back after returning from a previous ban.

Can't have a bunch of people running around here calling the company a name that isn't even racist. If the word Dingdong is racist then he needs to jump on his high horse and seek to eradicate the millions of racist doorbell owners around the world.

They're Dingdoxx now anyway. It's a more fitting name. Don't like bad reviews? Just Doxx 'em!
oh sticks and stones you pussies.
There's a genocide in china RN if you wanna direct your anti discrimination virtues anywhere go there/home
If I was a source like QSC, I would reserve all rights to refuse selling to anyone I choose. My store would mean my rules. One of the criteria I would use to ban someone is making racist comments against me.

Don't like it? Go to the BBB and register your complaint. Or do like that Zoncrack loser did, and go to the police. "Mister police officer, I didn't get the illegal steroids that I ordered on the internet". What an idiot.
If I was a source like QSC, I would reserve all rights to refuse selling to anyone I choose. My store would mean my rules. One of the criteria I would use to ban someone is making racist comments against me.

Don't like it? Go to the BBB and register your complaint. Or do like that Zoncrack loser did, and go to the police. "Mister police officer, I didn't get the illegal steroids that I ordered on the internet". What an idiot.
i dont really want to contribute to the whole discussion.
But i am impressed that you have all of your posts (really 100%) in this thread. Not one post in any other thread.
not quite easy to accomplish imo..
i dont really want to contribute to the whole discussion.
But i am impressed that you have all of your posts (really 100%) in this thread. Not one post in any other thread.
not quite easy to accomplish imo..
I have also been on Reddit for 4 years and I only post on r/steroids. In fact, that's where I learned about this place. The mod on r/steroids is Chinese too and he doesn't tolerate any racism.