Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Don't be obtuse. You're not posting here for typing practice, it's to influence opinion.

Provided it's genuine (I take no position on this), offering your opinion is fine. But pretending like nobody is reading and/or making decisions based on what you write here -- don't insult our intelligence
Dude, I have been clear that my objective is to eradicate these racist asswipes. Nobody is hinging their decision on buying from QSC based on what Zoidberg says. Lol.
Wow not going through the last 50 pages of rubbish nor do I care too par take in it. Just letting others know 6/6 successful packs to Canada for myself. But my buddy had one seized last month to same area, so consider the risk when ordering
The seller has been on the forum for a year. With such prices, there were a lot of orders and for all the time I counted only about 5 bad reviews. One buyer was denied re-delivery due to the fact that he refused to pay for re-delivery, another because he conducted a dialogue in an offensive tone. And therefore they are to blame for what happened. The total remains 3. There were several comments from customers, but these issues were settled with the seller. All other reviews are positive. Here are the facts. And let everyone decide for himself whether to make an order or not
The seller has been on the forum for a year. With such prices, there were a lot of orders and for all the time I counted only about 5 bad reviews. One buyer was denied re-delivery due to the fact that he refused to pay for re-delivery, another because he conducted a dialogue in an offensive tone. And therefore they are to blame for what happened. The total remains 3. There were several comments from customers, but these issues were settled with the seller. All other reviews are positive. Here are the facts. And let everyone decide for himself whether to make an order or not
That’s exactly what Ive been saying, but some people just wana beat a dead horse thinking their righteousness will make them seem like Batman or some shit
That’s exactly what Ive been saying, but some people just wana beat a dead horse thinking their righteousness will make them seem like Batman or some shit
I made a trial order about a month ago. I haven't received it yet. As soon as it comes, I will write here what and how. If the quality is good, I will continue to order, if something does not suit, I will write a review here and I will order elsewhere
I made a trial order about a month ago. I haven't received it yet. As soon as it comes, I will write here what and how. If the quality is good, I will continue to order, if something does not suit, I will write a review here and I will order elsewhere
Exactly and that’s how it should be, everyone just make their own educated decisions, no need to listen to any of the haters or promoters , there is plenty of infor in the thread For anyone to make a decision
Wow not going through the last 50 pages of rubbish nor do I care too par take in it. Just letting others know 6/6 successful packs to Canada for myself. But my buddy had one seized last month to same area, so consider the risk when ordering
My last order to canukistan had cbsa inspection tape on it. 8 kits of various peptides. Peptides are quasi legal i guess....
Wow not going through the last 50 pages of rubbish nor do I care too par take in it. Just letting others know 6/6 successful packs to Canada for myself. But my buddy had one seized last month to same area, so consider the risk when ordering
Has your mate had a reship organised?
The seller has been on the forum for a year. With such prices, there were a lot of orders and for all the time I counted only about 5 bad reviews. One buyer was denied re-delivery due to the fact that he refused to pay for re-delivery, another because he conducted a dialogue in an offensive tone. And therefore they are to blame for what happened. The total remains 3. There were several comments from customers, but these issues were settled with the seller. All other reviews are positive. Here are the facts. And let everyone decide for himself whether to make an order or not
There is a lot of entitlement in the world nowadays. Everyone thinks they are entitled to whatever they want and they can speak to people however they want. If someone comes into my work with an issues and speaks to me respectfully, I will help them. If they come in being rude and using racial slurs or cussing at me, I will tell them to go fuck themselves. I don’t know why people on this website seem to think that they can be disrespectful to a UGL and get what they want, if they can’t be disrespectful to a Home Depot employee and get what they want.
The amount of accounts under 6 months old either riding this sources dick or giving first post praises is actually alarming.

"OH no! The disrespect". There's a reason. You can't handle criticism on a source that had 3 strikes. You blatantly look past obvious shill accounts and pass it as nothing. Then for some odd reason continue to bump the thread as much as possible.

Definitely looked at QSC if I was to get a raw order. After the last 50 pages there's no fucking way. I'll stay clear.

As for all these accounts with less than 6 months of posting, 96% of your posts in this thread or only a few posts that are all over QSCs dick, go fuck yourselves.

The amount of accounts under 6 months old either riding this sources dick or giving first post praises is actually alarming.

"OH no! The disrespect". There's a reason. You can't handle criticism on a source that had 3 strikes. You blatantly look past obvious shill accounts and pass it as nothing. Then for some odd reason continue to bump the thread as much as possible.

Definitely looked at QSC if I was to get a raw order. After the last 50 pages there's no fucking way. I'll stay clear.

As for all these accounts with less than 6 months of posting, 96% of your posts in this thread or only a few posts that are all over QSCs dick, go fuck yourselves.

Everybody deserves respect. You are not more important than anyone else. You think you are better than everyone. Trust me, you are not, especially after your epic display of ignorance.
You can't handle criticism on a source that had 3 strikes.
qsc getting 3 strikes has nothing to do with his gear quality. he got striked so he wouldnt be on the forums and to keep him from taking other customers. getting banned is millard being pressured by forum sponsors to get rid of a good and fairly priced gear
Everybody deserves respect. You are not more important than anyone else. You think you are better than everyone. Trust me, you are not, especially after your epic display of ignorance.
Some Internet heroes do not not watch their language. In real life, they would have to be answered for sooner or later