Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Another update: I finally received the second part of my order. For anyone keeping track: I ordered 600 tabs of metformin, but only received 300. Then I placed a second order which included 600 tabs of metformin and I asked to have the 300 missing pills of metformin added to my order, so I should have gotten 900 pills. Today I got my package and I have 15 bottles, 100 pills each of metformin. So I got an additional 600 free pills of metformin. Honestly, cannot complain about the source. The respond quickly, they ship your order out quickly, everything I've ordered has been good quality-wise, and I have yet to see cheaper prices on anything they sell anywhere else.
I feel like this thread has turned into the soap Days of Our Lives. Fighting bickering over someone that cant even be here to put in their 2 cent. Shit funny
Another update: I finally received the second part of my order. For anyone keeping track: I ordered 600 tabs of metformin, but only received 300. Then I placed a second order which included 600 tabs of metformin and I asked to have the 300 missing pills of metformin added to my order, so I should have gotten 900 pills. Today I got my package and I have 15 bottles, 100 pills each of metformin. So I got an additional 600 free pills of metformin. Honestly, cannot complain about the source. The respond quickly, they ship your order out quickly, everything I've ordered has been good quality-wise, and I have yet to see cheaper prices on anything they sell anywhere else.
What does the metformin look like?
If I was a source like QSC, I would reserve all rights to refuse selling to anyone I choose. My store would mean my rules. One of the criteria I would use to ban someone is making racist comments against me.

Don't like it? Go to the BBB and register your complaint. Or do like that Zoncrack loser did, and go to the police. "Mister police officer, I didn't get the illegal steroids that I ordered on the internet". What an idiot.

Why would the people that got screwed over and warned others about their experience want to order again from the same source that just selectively scammed them for sAyInG bAd WoRdS.

It's because when you have a soft, fragile ego and virtually zero power you make up a bunch of rules to feel powerful.

Why doesn't Dingdoxx start their own forum instead of free loading here? Did the $6 vials not yield enough profit to stop being a mooch?
I have also been on Reddit for 4 years and I only post on r/steroids. In fact, that's where I learned about this place. The mod on r/steroids is Chinese too and he doesn't tolerate any racism.
There's no comparison, you must take us as fools. You claiming to post on a steroid sub forum like reddit, and then coming to another steroid forum yet only posting in ONE specific source thread. Not only that, but assisting the rep with questions and defending her honor.

If you were so into posting on r/steroids because you had a general interest and/or wanting to help, why haven't you posted anywhere else on here. You're full of crap liar.
I hope you get the help that you need. Try being less racist and more respectful of people around you. It will improve the quality of your life. Peace brother.

You're waaaycist! i never saw you say a single word to the rep regarding his homophobic slurs.

You condone one form of hate, but dismiss the other. If you're going to spend 15 hours a day in this thread you could at least be consistent.

Eradicate your hypocrisy before you take on more than you can handle, little fella.
There's no comparison, you must take us as fools. You claiming to post on a steroid sub forum like reddit, and then coming to another steroid forum yet only posting in ONE specific source thread. Not only that, but assisting the rep with questions and defending her honor.

If you were so into posting on r/steroids because you had a general interest and/or wanting to help, why haven't you posted anywhere else on here. You're full of crap liar.
I really appreciate how much importance you are placing on years of posting on r/steroids and my contributions here, but people don't give a shit about my posts (or lack thereof). People are tired of the circular arguments. People are tired of the pages and pages of bickering.

People come to this thread because they want to buy gear. They can read the entire history and make their own conclusions. They are also free to listen to the racist asswipes that have never bought anything here, yet are obsessed with posting negativity. Or they can listen to the hundreds of positive reviews.

The fact that this thread stays at the top and has almost a thousand pages shows the popularity with QSC. With this, it will attract attention with haters and other sources who post misinformation in an effort to discredit this source.

I have also repeatedly posted that I have been happy with my purchases. If that changes in the future, I will be first to post my experience.
Lol at the guys posting in here on behalf of making this place safer for us knuckleheads. By posting dozens of times a day you are only drawing attention to this thread and then people read many pages and pretty sure most end up deciding this is a pretty awesome source overall. There’s bound to be a few hiccups when you are doing so much volume. Most folks are smart enough to understand that and won’t freak out about a dude that got a floater in his vial of testosterone in 2016 lol

But you idiots crying shill and harm reduction BS are doing the opposite of what you claim to be striving for. Brilliant. Keep it up. It keeps from me having to scroll very far to see this golden goose of a forum thread.
what happened here ?


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Lol at the guys posting in here on behalf of making this place safer for us knuckleheads. By posting dozens of times a day you are only drawing attention to this thread and then people read many pages and pretty sure most end up deciding this is a pretty awesome source overall. There’s bound to be a few hiccups when you are doing so much volume. Most folks are smart enough to understand that and won’t freak out about a dude that got a floater in his vial of testosterone in 2016 lol

But you idiots crying shill and harm reduction BS are doing the opposite of what you claim to be striving for. Brilliant. Keep it up. It keeps from me having to scroll very far to see this golden goose of a forum thread.

ThEyRe AwThUm. Too bad they can't keep from getting banned or you could suck their balls while they watch. i hope you're the next retard that gets scammed.
I really appreciate how much importance you are placing on years of posting on r/steroids and my contributions here, but people don't give a shit about my posts (or lack thereof). People are tired of the circular arguments. People are tired of the pages and pages of bickering.

People come to this thread because they want to buy gear. They can read the entire history and make their own conclusions. They are also free to listen to the racist asswipes that have never bought anything here, yet are obsessed with posting negativity. Or they can listen to the hundreds of positive reviews.

The fact that this thread stays at the top and has almost a thousand pages shows the popularity with QSC. With this, it will attract attention with haters and other sources who post misinformation in an effort to discredit this source.

I have also repeatedly posted that I have been happy with my purchases. If that changes in the future, I will be first to post my experience.
The bang of desperation off of your posts is almost too much. I nearly feel sorry for you. Does that make me racist?
what happened here ?
Who cares if the product is 75% underdosed, at least it's cheap! Right all you QSC die hard customers? Retards going bargain hunting with AAS. I'd love to know if QSC refuses to refund that customer. The members here who believed the underdosed anavar results were a con are idiots.
Not to worry here boys. If the Dick headed rep got his final they'll rotate in a new rep for you all to flock too. Until then keep the revisionist history going about the bulk of customers weren't taken care of because they're racist.

Their may have been racist comments made maybe not but the customers got screwed for bringing their problem to the forum which is what shoulde be done. Transparency shouldn't scare them if they're on the up and up.

Obviously not the only issue but I don't care to re hash the whole thread.
the customers got screwed for bringing their problem to the forum which is what shoulde be done.
When I had a problem with an order, I respectfully communicated with the rep over email and it was sorted to my advantage. Unlike some of you self-entitled asswipes, I didn't come to this thread and start yelling and making racist comments.

Guys, it's pretty basic stuff:

Follow the rules and policies and be respectful = good outcome

Act like spO2 (your username is misspelled btw) is suggesting = poor outcome and a ban from future purchases

Don't like the policies? Are you unable to be respectful? That's easy, buy elsewhere. Win-win for everyone.
When I had a problem with an order, I respectfully communicated with the rep over email and it was sorted to my advantage. Unlike some of you self-entitled asswipes, I didn't come to this thread and start yelling and making racist comments.

Guys, it's pretty basic stuff:

Follow the rules and policies and be respectful = good outcome

Act like spO2 (your username is misspelled btw) is suggesting = poor outcome and a ban from future purchases

Don't like the policies? Are you unable to be respectful? That's easy, buy elsewhere. Win-win for everyone.
I had no doubt you'd continue with the made up trash defense. The upside is your posts are obvious as to what they are. The more you post the easier it is for the actual new members to read. If they choose to order and post a review they won't be shit on.

Amazing since the reps been banned and there's been new order reviews and they're not being attacked. Go ahead and respond with more attempted spin. I'm done with you because you proven civil intelligent conversation is out of your reach. Try and log out and put some time in under the bar.