Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

222 posts and every single one is in this thread. All day running interference. I almost feel sorry for you if this isn't your job.
I really like how much effort you put into me.

As I posted earlier, nobody wants to read this garbage. People want to come to this thread and learn about gear, buying gear, etc... But each time someone posts a positive experience, the asswipes come out screaming "shill!", "alt account!" or some other nonsense that their autistic brains can come up with.
I really like how much effort you put into me.

As I posted earlier, nobody wants to read this garbage. People want to come to this thread and learn about gear, buying gear, etc... But each time someone posts a positive experience, the asswipes come out screaming "shill!", "alt account!" or some other nonsense that their autistic brains can come up with.
I like how without me tagging you, you knew who I was addressing. There's been plenty of positive experiences posted that have been confirmed with likes and nothing was said. That doesn't fit your made up narrative and attempts to deflect.

I rarely call anyone shill because it's kind of like throwing racist around its lost any actual use but damn dude.

Hey man, this is a mess. You keep posting like you’re going to change someone’s mind when you absolutely cannot. You are trying WAY too hard here. Whether you are right or wrong or making sense or not, you are consumed. You have been posting nonstop on this thread instead of walking away and letting it die down. Insanity is trying the same things over and over hoping for different results. Hush man. For your own good. Go enjoy your life and stop worrying about this thread. I’m serious.

It's his job. If he isn't the scumbag rep we all know and love then he was appointed by him to carry on the thread in his absence.

How else would he know what the reps user control panel says in regards to his ban? As if he just picked a random customer to cry to. He's been a part of Dingdoxx from day one.

Imagine an internet crusade against racism on a small forum that makes up 0.0000000000001% of the internet being the motivation to spend every waking hour in this thread.

He's losing sleep and spiking his blood pressure for them sweet sweet dollar biils and i think he really believes that he has everyone fooled.
222 posts and every single one is in this thread. All day running interference. I almost feel sorry for you if this isn't your job.

It's so far beyond believable. Why Millard would continue to permit it is beyond me. How many miles of rope does one need before they hang themselves with it?
It's so far beyond believable. Why Millard would continue to permit it is beyond me. How many miles of rope does one need before they hang themselves with it?
Permit only posting in this thread? Lololol what rule am I breaking? Lololol Millard should ban my ass! It's so outrageous that I'm getting away with this! :p

Time to put you on ignore as well because I'm not engaged in your circular argument. You're not even a customer but spend all day here making xenophobic racist comments. I'm pretty sure you have a history of failed relationships and friendships because an absence of respectful behavior. Peace brother.
Permit only posting in this thread? Lololol what rule am I breaking? Lololol Millard should ban my ass! It's so outrageous that I'm getting away with this! :p

Time to put you on ignore as well because I'm not engaged in your circular argument. You're not even a customer but spend all day here making xenophobic racist comments. I'm pretty sure you have a history of failed relationships and friendships because an absence of respectful behavior. Peace brother.
Alt accounts aren't as big a problem as many suspect. These are usually detected. They try to avoid detection by the use of VPNs, etc. but they inevitably screw up switching back and forth.

What concerns me the most are source customers who join MESO and post exclusively (or almost exclusively) in the source's thread. They regularly announce how great their experience with source. They camp out and bump the source thread discussing various topics that should be discussed in the relevant subforums dedicated to the topics of AAS, training, nutrition, bodybuilding, etc.

Most sources have these type of customers in their threads. They bury relevant info with fluff but mostly they are innocuous.

They become a concern when this "army" goes to bat for the source and attacks/dismisses/minimizes/refutes/etc other members who have a legitimate complaints or are dissatisfied or are warning members about potential harms, etc.

What motivates these type of members? How far would "satisfied" and "happy" customers naturally and organically go to defend their source?

I suspect they are incentivized in some manner. For example:

1) source simply asks satisfied customers to join and share their positive experiences;
2) source offers discounts or free products to reward customers who join and share positive experiences

If my experience moderating forums tells me anything, people will do a lot for free gear.

Sources could recruit reviewers for hire on Fiverr or Freelancer, etc. and pay them to join and pretend to be customers. I think this is less likely because there is no shortage of customers who will do it for free gear.

Having said all of that, I think members should be free to post positive reviews - it is actually encouraged. It just doesn't take more than a few posts to share these positive reviews. If someone is posting daily posts praising a source, with dozens or hundreds of posts in the source thread, then I would be suspicious.

I'm not saying every single one of them has been incentivized. There is a subset of customers who seem to thrive on having "personal" relationships with their drug dealers, who genuinely consider them friends. I can't understand this desire for such intimacy in a relationship that should just be transactional - but there is that.
I don't think Millard could have described you any better than he did above. You've become a broken record, repeating the same thing over and over. Paid shill, no one would do what you're doing for Nothing in return.
I have a dream. A dream where a man is not be judged by the color of their skin but by price and quality of the gear they sell online.
Jesus are you the MLK jr of steroid forums? End of discussion I am a man that bought from QSC had no trouble but you are a shill you are not for harm prevention or help people learn. QSC is perms banned so why the fuck are you staying defending your daddy like no tomorrow just leave! Also PS your dream is not gonna work on a forum site I am all there for defending my minorities my dad was a half black man in the 60s and my mom is white my dad has more experienced more racism than you ever have in your life just for being lightskin. So if you are really trying to change the world do it over Instagram or in real life u weirdo.
You've become a broken record, repeating the same thing over and over. Paid shill

So what exactly are all the other people doing other than sounding like a broken record as well? The whole debate has become hypocritical at best and a complete farce at worst.

Nobody here is engaged in good faith discourse, there is no attempt to bring either side closer to the truth, thus there is no benefit in having a discussion at this point.
Yeah, I don't see that happening.

I have a dream. A dream where a man is not be judged by the color of their skin but by price and quality of the gear they sell online.
Yeah, I don't see that happening.

I have a dream. A dream where a man is not be judged by the color of their skin but by price and quality of the gear they sell online.


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Or do like that Zoncrack loser did, and go to the police. "Mister police officer, I didn't get the illegal steroids that I ordered on the internet". What an idiot.
That was a wank move tbh
I have also been on Reddit for 4 years and I only post on r/steroids. In fact, that's where I learned about this place. The mod on r/steroids is Chinese too and he doesn't tolerate any racism.
Reddit is for queers
/steroids is barely a worth while place to get or discuss info. And is it really a shocker than a Reddit mod has Chinese leanings?
Hello everyone, why has this qindao source being banned? I read almost 30 page and just read shit about a guy who s speaking about racism or whatever.. if qindao has been banned so why this thread still exists? So, qindao isnt g2g right? Thanks everyone that will be helpful
Hello everyone, why has this qindao source being banned? I read almost 30 page and just read shit about a guy who s speaking about racism or whatever.. if qindao has been banned so why this thread still exists? So, qindao isnt g2g right? Thanks everyone that will be helpful
Why don't you email the rep and ask?

Care to make a friendly wager? I don't want your money. I want your ego and your pride.
Bro I am 18 and that wager ur doing is childish I don’t care that much. I have nothing against QSC my package went through fine but the way he treats criticism is ridiculous IMHO he does act childish his ego is extremely fragile over random people on the internet. But tbh I just really dislike you bring nothing productive to this forum and you dick suck a lot your worse than some of these sheep I see at school and it disgusts me that you can’t be your own man and instead you stay in forum all day defending a source. I only go on this forum in between sets to read or on the subway or late at night before I sleep to gain more knowledge and for some fun banter in this thread because there’s way too many dick suckers in here.
Bro I am 18 and that wager ur doing is childish I don’t care that much. I have nothing against QSC my package went through fine but the way he treats criticism is ridiculous IMHO he does act childish his ego is extremely fragile over random people on the internet. But tbh I just really dislike you bring nothing productive to this forum and you dick suck a lot your worse than some of these sheep I see at school and it disgusts me that you can’t be your own man and instead you stay in forum all day defending a source. I only go on this forum in between sets to read or on the subway or late at night before I sleep to gain more knowledge and for some fun banter in this thread because there’s way too many dick suckers in here.
You claim the rep is perma banned, but not confident enough to put your money ego where you mouth is. Gotcha
Why don't you email the rep and ask?

I am an old forum user.. dont give a fuck about reps.. i care about user experience i trust like @MisterSuperGod , because i keep using his MSG Labs and nothing is still comparable to.. so, i would like to have some backups and wanted to know if this fuckin source qindao is permafucked permascamming , just wanna a confirm.. if qindao behaved badly here why this thread js still goin on? I swear i read lot of pages and read just shit.. i have a playboy mansion to care about and cant read all the pages , so i hope MSG could spoonfeed me, cause i ve a lot of chicks to bang… he could understand fo sure..
I am an old forum user..
You literally joined yesterday and have two posts. Now you're shilling @MisterSuperGod's source. Pathetic.

It's true what Millard said: people with multiple accounts fuck up inevitably and post from the wrong account. The number of members here with multiple accounts is very concerning, mostly for purposes of being shills for another source.

Now it makes sense why MisterSuperGyno hangs around all day even when he's not even a customer.
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