Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You literally joined yesterday and have two posts. Now you're shilling @MisterSuperGod's source. Pathetic.

You cant even read with your ultra positive canthal tilt you noodles eater Jackie Chan movies lover..

I m an old user forum.. re joined because, its not your business.. mind your 2 inches tiny yellow penis instead of my posts..

Anyway i got tired already.. my backup plan was PPL but i just re saw his prices and got goosebumps.. whatta fucked world we live today.. i just buy raws anyway… hope MSG LABS will restocks raws soon..

Anyway, my memory sucks.. dont remember a lot of names of the good old people i met here times ago.. just MSG because i run his products, for the others bros I should check some threads..
I am an old forum user.. dont give a fuck about reps.. i care about user experience i trust like @MisterSuperGod , because i keep using his MSG Labs and nothing is still comparable to.. so, i would like to have some backups and wanted to know if this fuckin source qindao is permafucked permascamming , just wanna a confirm.. if qindao behaved badly here why this thread js still goin on? I swear i read lot of pages and read just shit.. i have a playboy mansion to care about and cant read all the pages , so i hope MSG could spoonfeed me, cause i ve a lot of chicks to bang… he could understand fo sure..

Dan Bilzerian just entered the conversation lol
You claim the rep is perma banned, but not confident enough to put your money ego where you mouth is. Gotcha
Jesus man my ego is not hurt if he is or isn’t perms banned I honestly don’t give a flying fuck. I was one of his customers and I dropped pictures of how his shit is and honestly his gear is doing me good I got bloodwork in the next two weeks so let’s how I am doing on the bloodwork side. But it’s just you have his dick in your mouth like no tomorrow where is your pride as a man. You said earlier you have a kid. How the fuck would your kid feel knowing your defending a man from every negative against a source cause personally that could never be me where I bow my head down to another man and start sucking his penis when he is literally banned off the forum right now.
You know it’s just a joke right? Please tell me tha you don’t believe MSGlabs is a real thing
Of course it's a joke. But MSG Labs should be a real thing. At least it would explain why he spends his entire day here when he's not even a customer.

I think you're confused about my motives. I care much less about QSC than you might think. My objective is to call out the overtly racist behavior of some members. By doing so, people say I'm the rep, working for the rep, etc... It's nonsense.

Even if you misunderstood my motives, I don't dislike you. You're not racist, and bonus points for being Canadian.
Of course it's a joke. But MSG Labs should be a real thing. At least it would explain why he spends his entire day here when he's not even a customer.

I think you're confused about my motives. I care much less about QSC than you might think. My objective is to call out the overtly racist behavior of some members. By doing so, people say I'm the rep, working for the rep, etc... It's nonsense.

Even if you misunderstood my motives, I don't dislike you. You're not racist, and bonus points for being Canadian.


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Crazy idea guys…
How about all y’all just stfu
Reading this shit is gonna give me a stroke lol

Q has fans and enemies we get it
My experience was positive so I’m happy

Now please stop pinging my notifications till Q is back , much appreciated

Crazy idea guys…
How about all y’all just stfu
Reading this shit is gonna give me a stroke lol

Q has fans and enemies we get it
My experience was positive so I’m happy

Now please stop pinging my notifications till Q is back , much appreciated

I agree 100%, and great advice from another Canadian. The ignore button is now active on the majority of the racist asswipes. They aren't customers but post here all day.

If the ban was a week, the rep will be back in a couple of days. In the meantime, if the asswipes want to keep posting their rhetoric, they can circle jerk each other.
Everyone's racist because they don't agree with the shill army that's been released?

Give your head a shake dude.

That alone is the reason I wouldn't buy from this guy. Literally doing him a disservice.

Did you log off for more than 10m today or do you get 10 more free grams per comment?
Everyone's racist because they don't agree with the shill army that's been released?

Give your head a shake dude.

That alone is the reason I wouldn't buy from this guy. Literally doing him a disservice.

Did you log off for more than 10m today or do you get 10 more free grams per comment?
Oh I missed you. One more asswipe to add to my ignore list. Peace brother.

I had higher hopes from you, also being Canadian.
whatsup naggers (qsc haters) and fagoots (qsc lovers)

funny how all the "OG" members come here to talk shit calling anyone who had a good experience a shill because their pals shitty bathtub operations are losing money from qsc. Qsc sells them their raws that they end up brewing/reselling.

its also funny how a couple of noobies got baited into a thousand pages of crying.

overall quality content, best thread on the forum. 100 pages til 1k keep it up fellas.
Purchased some items from QSC and received them in perfect condition. Will prob continue ordering from them again due to the price, esp their HGH. The rep is always quite responsive to my emails.

That said, I don't understand people like @Zoidberg. Even I as a QSC customer know that you're full of shit. I rly hope you're not QSC alt because I don't want to be banned from ordering.
Purchased some items from QSC and received them in perfect condition. Will prob continue ordering from them again due to the price, esp their HGH. The rep is always quite responsive to my emails.

That said, I don't understand people like @Zoidberg. Even I as a QSC customer know that you're full of shit. I rly hope you're not QSC alt because I don't want to be banned from ordering.
This is what a lot dont understang their crusade, or defensiveness and undying need to defend tnis adds to the sources discredit