Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Those straight legged deadlifts blew my hamstrings up. Just 245 on the bar and really stretch into it with slow reps. Under rated exercise.
I'd cry with that weight I think. Keeping under 200# as I'm honestly scared to be in as much hurt as I was last year. Don't want to go back to using walking canes, and asking my kids to put on my shoes and socks!
I'd cry with that weight I think. Keeping under 200# as I'm honestly scared to be in as much hurt as I was last year. Don't want to go back to using walking canes, and asking my kids to put on my shoes and socks!
Safety first. I have some ciatica or however you say it from 16 years of construction. But I find posterier chain exercises holding it off for now. I still remember the pain from tying boots.
What in the actual fuck happened in the 2 weeks I was gone.

I ain’t reading thru 200 pages of hormonal men crying and raging with their 3 inch cocks to find out.
i didn't have herniated discs until a year ago so I've been a long time lurker. I had to get an account to read the stupid list for bpc.

How are you using BPC-157 for this? Local injection or subQ elsewhere, IM, some other method of administration? If anyone else has experience, please chime in.
And he never will be able too he is gone and gone for good.
once again you dont know shit. Lets make a deal. If QSC rep comes back you are gone from this thread. If they dont come back Il be gone from this thread. Lets give it til oct 1. Deal Hot head?
once again you dont know shit. Lets make a deal. If they are back you are gone from this thread. If they dont come back Il be gone from this thread. Lets give it til oct 1. Deal Hot head?
I am here forever, get used it it. He wont be back so you need to get over that too.

I was just thinking, you are sad and hurt that he is gone. You don't have his dick to ride anymore. You will find someone else, I promise
I am here forever, get used it it. He wont be back so you need to get over that too.

I was just thinking, you are sad and hurt that he is gone. You don't have his dick to ride anymore. You will find someone else, I promise
See you cant even make a bet cause you have no clue. You just love to spread FUD. You are complete BS. Everyone else out there Dont listen to all the fud here. They will be back!!!!!!!! You see right here cowgirl doesnt want to take the bet. All he is and his cronnies is a bunch of clowns spreading FUD. Il get the last laugh very soon
See you cant even make a bet cause you have no clue. You just love to spread FUD. You are complete BS. Everyone else out there Dont listen to all the fud here. They will be back!!!!!!!! You see right here cowgirl doesnt want to take the bet. All he is and his cronnies is a bunch of clowns spreading FUD. Il get the last laugh very soon
@Millard doea this shill sound awful similar to the shill you just banned? If not him pretty close.

I dont make bets with losers so that means no bets with you
What protocol did you follow for your herniated disk? I have 4 lmfao

I started BPC-157 and TB-500 for a nasty pec strain, direct IM into the damaged pec. I think they've enhanced recovery.

I also have some low back radiculopathy and have been doing a lot of physical therapy and stretching to avoid surgery (my stubborn ass continues a mix of bodybuilding and Westside barbell training, but that's another story).

Does anyone know (or have experience) if these compounds work better when administered where they're needed, or do they work systemically?

@PettyRascal @johndoe29434 @Tiredandhot @Cridi887
@Millard doea this shill sound awful similar to the shill you just banned? If not him pretty close.

I dont make bets with losers so that means no bets with you
Its not shill but stop spreading fud..... You have no clue if this rep is coming back or not. You guys still spreading fud when someone cant even defend themselves. Grow up.
I started BPC-157 and TB-500 for a nasty pec strain, direct IM into the damaged pec. I think they've enhanced recovery.

I also have some low back radiculopathy and have been doing a lot of physical therapy and stretching to avoid surgery (my stubborn ass continues a mix of bodybuilding and Westside barbell training, but that's another story).

Does anyone know (or have experience) if these compounds work better when administered where they're needed, or do they work systemically?

@PettyRascal @johndoe29434 @Tiredandhot @Cridi887
BPC - systemic and local capabilities.
Its not shill but stop spreading fud..... You have no clue if this rep is coming back or not. You guys still spreading fud when someone cant even defend themselves. Grow up.
You jump on any post against QSD, I bet you will even post up a price list for him too.

Rules here are 3rd ban is permanent, not a rumor.
I started BPC-157 and TB-500 for a nasty pec strain, direct IM into the damaged pec. I think they've enhanced recovery.

I also have some low back radiculopathy and have been doing a lot of physical therapy and stretching to avoid surgery (my stubborn ass continues a mix of bodybuilding and Westside barbell training, but that's another story).

Does anyone know (or have experience) if these compounds work better when administered where they're needed, or do they work systemically?

@PettyRascal @johndoe29434 @Tiredandhot @Cridi887
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Thread 'BPC157 & HGH' BPC157 & HGH

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