Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Nope and I wont, why? Because the source is a scamming piece of shit and you and his shill army are even worse than him
Def not a scammer I have recieved plenty from him. Some stuff crashed but everything else great. I post up the good and bad. Unlike you and your fud peace Cowgirl
once again you dont know shit. Lets make a deal. If QSC rep comes back you are gone from this thread. If they dont come back Il be gone from this thread. Lets give it til oct 1. Deal Hot head?

Here we go. Defacto rep #2. You sound just like that fuckhead Zoidberg. Here to pick up where that failure left off?

If this abomination of a source is allowed to come back after all the bullshit you phoneys have pulled in the last few days then there's no hope for this forum. You fucking scammers can have it.
Anyone remember the movie the Wizard of Oz?

Pretty cool song in it if I remember correctly. I think it was called Ding Dong the Witch is dead
Here we go. Defacto rep #2. You sound just like that fuckhead Zoidberg. Here to pick up where that failure left off?

If this abomination of a source is allowed to come back after all the bullshit you phoneys have pulled in the last few days then there's no hope for this forum. You fucking scammers can have it.
lmao Ive been posting on my expereinces with this source for awhile. lmao I give it you guys are working overtime agaisnt this source. Clear agenda. Keep up with the FUD. Only a few days left
Def not a scammer I have recieved plenty from him. Some stuff crashed but everything else great. I post up the good and bad. Unlike you and your fud peace Cowgirl
Really? You delusional twat, he has scammed a few people, but hey he didn't scam you so you dont care. Because it is all about you and not the collective good
Here we go. Defacto rep #2. You sound just like that fuckhead Zoidberg. Here to pick up where that failure left off?

If this abomination of a source is allowed to come back after all the bullshit you phoneys have pulled in the last few days then there's no hope for this forum. You fucking scammers can have it.
Ok so another deal. If the source comes back you leave for good right?
Really? You delusional twat, he has scammed a few people, but hey he didn't scam you so you dont care. Because it is all about you and not the collective good

That seems to be a shared trait amongst the defenders. Praise Dingdoxx and dismiss the glaring issues because it hasn't happened to them... Yet.

i wonder what tune they would sing if it did happen to them. That would be sad, interesting and hilarious all at the same time.

Msg and cowboy are members, they don't have insider knowledge like you obviously do. Carry on.

Bingo! Dingdoxx can't buy our allegiance. i mean, seriously, he's just a source. A horrible one at that. There's no shortage of them here.
You can clearly go back and read my post and see clearly im not him clown lol
Everything you say is very close to copy and paste of what he said. Coincidence?

And no i dont feel like reading your bullshit 2x. I will hang out in the now read and answer your shit here
lmao Ive been posting on my expereinces with this source for awhile. lmao I give it you guys are working overtime agaisnt this source. Clear agenda. Keep up with the FUD. Only a few days left

Prove it. We've already proved that your coworker Zoidberg had one. Where's he now?

Oh, that's right. He can finally get some sleep now. Like i told him, keep talking. You'll make my case for me. Here, have some rope.
Why do all the shill accounts repeat the same phrases over and over again. I think I was right about him supplying the Special Olympic teams. You racist fud faggots are mean to da China man!
This is still kicking off! Amazing!
We should probably set some ground rules soon. Like every page can have one post trashing QDS, one with a counter argument and the rest of the posts stating reviews etc.
Alternatively, if people are just bored, go check out the bodybuilding threads. There are some really good logs there!
This is still kicking off! Amazing!
We should probably set some ground rules soon. Like every page can have one post trashing QDS, one with a counter argument and the rest of the posts stating reviews etc.
Alternatively, if people are just bored, go check out the bodybuilding threads. There are some really good logs there!
I can get behind that
Haters gotta hate, supporters gotta support
But keep the majority to legit reviews good or bad from actual people that have purchased , 1 review per purchase going forward

That would be swole lol
I need some popcorn for this thread.

On the one hand I like that people are fighting to get rid of shills and what they call a scammer…. On the other hand I haven’t seen solid evidence of scamming (besides anecdotal reports).

I can see both sides of this coin… QSC is a cheap supplier capable of putting a lot of domestic suppliers out of business. It’s in many businesses best interest to stop them. On the other hand, a big supplier like them controlling the market could be dangerous for us. It could affect quality and pricing.

Im no shill, and i like my domestic suppliers. But if I can get certain products much cheaper, with the same quality, then I’ll go for that.

I’ll be watching this thread as well as doing my own quality testing to report back on the future. In fact I have some QSC product on hand I may have tested soon. Depends on how things play out here.
I need some popcorn for this thread.

On the one hand I like that people are fighting to get rid of shills and what they call a scammer…. On the other hand I haven’t seen solid evidence of scamming (besides anecdotal reports).

I can see both sides of this coin… QSC is a cheap supplier capable of putting a lot of domestic suppliers out of business. It’s in many businesses best interest to stop them. On the other hand, a big supplier like them controlling the market could be dangerous for us. It could affect quality and pricing.

Im no shill, and i like my domestic suppliers. But if I can get certain products much cheaper, with the same quality, then I’ll go for that.

I’ll be watching this thread as well as doing my own quality testing to report back on the future. In fact I have some QSC product on hand I may have tested soon. Depends on how things play out here.
Have you seen this post?

Tracy has acknowledged the above post as true, he was simply upset that it was brought to light publicly. Once again, this is the problem people have with QSC. It's not the low costs or the perceived competition. The problem is that the source fucks up and wants any fuck ups buried, but Meso posters don't allow fuck ups to be buried. When they were outed for mislabeling products, they took a customer's money and ran. When they were outed for floaters, they said 'tough luck' and buried it.

The strategy is clear, dissuade users from posting any negative feedback by any means necessary (withhold refunds, reships, dox customers). Spam the thread with as many posts from alt accounts as possible to hide negative feedback. Rinse, repeat.