Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

And QSC offered to resend toremiphene as soon as its available again and to keep the Clomid? Sounds fair, mistakes happen and the source should at least be given the opportunity to make it right?

Not taking any side here.
But why didn't they tell him it was unavailable/ out of stock at the moment instead of sending another item not labeled properly. I was actually interested in them, they do offer nice pricing and loads of items, that doesn't mean they get a pass
But why didn't they tell him it was unavailable/ out of stock at the moment instead of sending another item not labeled properly.
Because QSC likely believed the stuff getting shipped was in fact toremiphene. These forums thrive on mob-mentality and act as judge and jury WITHOUT ALL THE FACTS AND EVIDENCE.

What's clear based on the correspondence shared in the thread is that QSC was trying to make things right, Deus called him a scammer. Yes, we don't know if QSC was ever truly going to make Deus whole, but Deus calling him a scammer means we will never know. Deus started with the name calling. In fact, Deus could take steps to make things right as well.

What's also clear is MANY other testimonials of people who said that when mistakes were made, QSC resolved everything. There is no reason to believe QSC wasn't going to do the same to Deus.
And QSC offered to resend toremiphene as soon as its available again and to keep the Clomid? Sounds fair, mistakes happen and the source should at least be given the opportunity to make it right?

Not taking any side here.

You say you’re not taking a side but you only want to see things in the way it benefits the source not being called a scammer. Which is what they are.

Even I am getting tired of the same bickering but it’s infuriating seeing the fan club down play and spin the narrative of what really happened.

Deus placed order, had it tested, test results showed it wasn’t what he ordered, Deus went to source, source dicks him around for weeks, Deus then shares what had transpired with the community, Source gets upset he went public and then pocketed Deus $2k. The end. This source scammed Deus.

Does the source even have tested toremiphene today? Very doubtful. So what should Deus have done differently? Still be waiting? By the way him going public was the right thing to do and it’s BS the source got upset about it. This is a harm reduction board and ALL reviews should be shared.

For you guys ordering and having a good experience, that’s great but lord help you if they ever send you the wrong product and they don’t have the other in stock. Which the majority of you would never know it’s the wrong product as you don’t test. Deus actually did a great thing for the community by sharing testing which prevented others from buying the same product, opened everyone’s eyes to how they operate and that this could also be the case for other products on their list.

Before QSC got here this was a brotherhood and we all looked out for each other. Now it’s, who cares they scammed someone, it didn’t happen to me. It’s sickening and sad.
And QSC offered to resend toremiphene as soon as its available again and to keep the Clomid? Sounds fair, mistakes happen and the source should at least be given the opportunity to make it right?

Not taking any side here.
Months went by from the time the order was placed to the time deus decided to tell our community what happened. The part y'all like to leave out is deus was promised a refund if his order wasn't right. It wasn't right yet qsc refused his refund after they gave him their word that he was covered if it didn't turn out to be toremifine. It very likely was sent intentionally for the fact that clomid and toremifine are two drugs that are basically interchangable and it wouldn't have been noticed had he not sent it to jano for testing.
I don't even know why bothering yourselves answering this troll with his post history of 4 messages, 3 in this thread
How many trolls/shills that have probably 100 posts in your thread exclusively, always jumping to defend their prized dollar store of the steroid world?

Post count doesn't matter if someone is making a solid point, which this man is. Quick qsc, log into some of your shill accounts and nip this uprising in the bud before it gets out of control.

Dumb fucking cunt.
That's just untrue. I myself have had an ordering issue that was resolved. Looks like theotherguy had one too that he talked about a few posts back. I've read about several in this thread. Its just factually untrue to say that.

I don't know every single detail about the Deus thing, and it probably could have been handled differently, but we all know what a "scammer" is...what a real "scammer" is. PSL/Uncle Z is a selective, exit scammer piece of shit. I don't see QSC as that...sorry. Not saying that he can't ever do that, we know how the world works, but it looks like packs are landing and the gear is as accurately dosed as can be given the outstanding prices they are sold at.

I'm not shilling, I'm just saying look at the whole picture. I'll say good things about any vendor if they are doing good things. Hilma Biocare rep was awesome to work with a couple of weeks ago. Fast shipment too. Products are awesome. Can't say enough good things about Hilma. Turkish Pharmacy too.

Look at how involved QSC is in his thread. I wish all the UGLs were like that on Meso.
Shut up you piece of trash. You get banned here, then make a royal fool of yourself on UGBB where you also get banned, then come back touting QSC as the best source around. Your words of "not shilling" is a damn lie with your denial of their obvious scam.

The more I think about it, this is the perfect place for you. In this dumpster fire of a source thread, where a slew of new members justify QSCs actions as acceptable.
Man, you should really read it. It's pretty funny. Type "flog" into he search bar. You will see a funny AF back and forth.
The alleged victim of a "scam" was another source here charging a massive mark up on his products. He kicked off and got banned. Thats it.
This was followed by a bunch of flogs having a sook about it. QSC literally states the rules on the first page.
I've ordered a few times and got my stuff.
The real scam is other sources and people here attempting to discourage customers from accessing China prices! I have saved stupid amounts of money coming to these guys. Cheapest here!
Read it and make up your own mind.
Or stay stunned for a load of "shills" coming here to attack QSC.
Are you referring to me? If so, it's proper to tag me so I can respond accordingly.

Can you please clarify what you mean by kicked off and banned? I was never kicked off or banned from MesoRX. Do you mean from QSC's 'services'? I think I made it very clear I had no intention of doing any further business with QSC, so please don't get confused thinking I'm losing sleep at night being banned from ordering further. Bit like quitting a job and your boss telling you you're fired, instead.

The scam is quite simple:

1. I asked for a guarantee of a refund if the Toremifene I ordered came back mislabeled or low purity:


2. QSC promises a refund if the product comes back fake or low purity:


3. QSC Toremifene tests as Clomid:


4. I ask for my refund, as promised at the outset:


5. Tracy refused to honour his promise to refund me in the event of mislabeled or low purity product:


I welcome you to clarify what you meant by kicked off and banned, whenever you get the opportunity. If you require any clarification from me as to details of the above transaction, I am happy to provide them so long as they do not unduly threaten the OPSEC of either myself or Tracy.

As I told Tracy in private, I believe a man's word is his bond. Many attempts have been made to dismiss the principle point of issue here which is that Tracy promised a refund if the Toremifene turned out mislabeled or low purity. I shouldn't speculate as to whether he knew the product would turn out mislabeled or not, but he refused to deliver the refund that he promised at the outset. It was a simple agreement that I would have preferred a simple resolution to, but so long as I keep being brought up here, I will begrudgingly return to provide clarifying details to anyone who claims this was not a scam.
Shut up you piece of trash. You get banned here, then make a royal fool of yourself on UGBB where you also get banned, then come back touting QSC as the best source around. Your words of "not shilling" is a damn lie with your denial of their obvious scam.

The more I think about it, this is the perfect place for you. In this dumpster fire of a source thread, where a slew of new members justify QSCs actions as acceptable.
1. I wanted to get banned at UGBB. That forum really sucks. The only good thing about that forum is that BigBaldBeardGuy is there, and he's my favorite poster, hands down. I wish he was here.

2. Why are you getting so personal, calling people "trash" and things like that? I don't recall ever calling you names.

3. I never said QSC is "the best source around". *Even in this thread*, I said Hilma Biocare and DashPCT were some of the best sources I've used recently.

4. I didn't comment on the Deus thing, because I don't know all the details, but rather I said look at the whole picture. There have been pieces of human shit scammers on Meso through the years...in my opinion QSC doesn't rise to that level. Its my opinion, who cares. I could give a fuck less if ANYBODY orders from QSC.

5. There is a sense of "old school pride" that some of the guys get here from going after questionable vendors. I get it. I have that pride too. If QSC was really scamming people left and right, I would be right there with you, but the reality is, he isn't. I just said look at the whole picture.

6. Again, I could give a fuck less if anybody orders from QSC.

7. Again, I want to say Hilma Biocare rep is awesome and really took care of me on my last order. Their Clen and T3 is great.
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Now we are making progress with understanding each other. This place is not suited for you. One time I read a bad review on Amazon, but I still shop there. Crazy, I know.
Yet another brand new account with every post coincidently in this thread. Hilarious.
Now we are making progress with understanding each other. This place is not suited for you. One time I read a bad review on Amazon, but I still shop there. Crazy, I know.
Do you continue to shop on Amazon with a vendor who takes your money but doesn't send you the right product and then refuses to refund for their mistake? Even though they promised you a refund if you had a problem? If so, you're a special kind of stupid and my reply was obviously in vain.
Months went by from the time the order was placed to the time deus decided to tell our community what happened. The part y'all like to leave out is deus was promised a refund if his order wasn't right. It wasn't right yet qsc refused his refund after they gave him their word that he was covered if it didn't turn out to be toremifine. It very likely was sent intentionally for the fact that clomid and toremifine are two drugs that are basically interchangable and it wouldn't have been noticed had he not sent it to jano for testing.

How many trolls/shills that have probably 100 posts in your thread exclusively, always jumping to defend their prized dollar store of the steroid world?

Post count doesn't matter if someone is making a solid point, which this man is. Quick qsc, log into some of your shill accounts and nip this uprising in the bud before it gets out of control.

Dumb fucking cunt.
In this business, I trust no one. That said, the prices are so cheap, it’s almost silly not to get the products tested. I’m not defending this company whatsoever but they are heavily interactive with the thread and obviously here to make money, out right scamming people like that isn’t in the best interest of making money
How are you guys able to have such low prices?

Sorry if this has been asked before
Having low margins, increasing profit using high volume of sales.

1 vial of test if it costs you $1
you can choose to sell it at $30 like most of sources do and sell few vials a day.
you can also choose to sell it $7/vial by kits of 10 and sell 100-150 kit per month which is 1000-1500 vials.
i live in USA. I used to live in China for several years and I know how cheap everything is in terms of raw materials. so I understand Qingdao's business very well. the turnover of the company is sure gigantic. the whole world buys raw materials in China and then makes its own logo, but it's still China and not the exclusive Canadailt USA. I will place my order in a few days. Let's see what quality Qingdao makes. and I also know how many normal guys and guys are on this forum who are always looking for different reasons to insult the seller. I've been watching the forum for a long time - and you don't need to trust anyone - just keep silent and buy and then draw your own conclusions - because no one is sure that Jano is 100% honest - we just have to trust. peace for everyone
You say you’re not taking a side but you only want to see things in the way it benefits the source not being called a scammer. Which is what they are.

Even I am getting tired of the same bickering but it’s infuriating seeing the fan club down play and spin the narrative of what really happened.

Deus placed order, had it tested, test results showed it wasn’t what he ordered, Deus went to source, source dicks him around for weeks, Deus then shares what had transpired with the community, Source gets upset he went public and then pocketed Deus $2k. The end. This source scammed Deus.

Does the source even have tested toremiphene today? Very doubtful. So what should Deus have done differently? Still be waiting? By the way him going public was the right thing to do and it’s BS the source got upset about it. This is a harm reduction board and ALL reviews should be shared.

For you guys ordering and having a good experience, that’s great but lord help you if they ever send you the wrong product and they don’t have the other in stock. Which the majority of you would never know it’s the wrong product as you don’t test. Deus actually did a great thing for the community by sharing testing which prevented others from buying the same product, opened everyone’s eyes to how they operate and that this could also be the case for other products on their list.

Before QSC got here this was a brotherhood and we all looked out for each other. Now it’s, who cares they scammed someone, it didn’t happen to me. It’s sickening and sad.
"this was a brotherhood "

lol go outside boomer you're completely insane
Yet another brand new account with every post coincidently in this thread. Hilarious.
You're so anoying it is fucking insane
99% of people who place an order don't even have an account here, the few who interract on the forum just want to talk about the source and the product of this source

Are you retarded or what? Do you think that the majority of people want to talk with you about your TRT or your erectil disfonction all day?
No, the majority of ppl here post just on one or two threads, so calling everyone who dosen't have 6 gorillons messages a shill is completely retarded and you should kys