Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I haven’t seen real enclomiphene since joining from any source including when expresspct offered it.
Not saying this is okay. And not reimbursing the buyer is ridiculous but I could see them doing that. Me personally will be moving on from this source.
Good call, any source that takes your money, sends you underdosed, or incorrect compound has to either reship, or refund. Regardless of their percieved attitude. A good reputable source will do this, and then sever ties with that customer. Not QSC though he felt very comfortable in publicly not refunding, not reshipping, name calling when a real buying customer had an issue. Thats why this source is a piece of shit garbage source. Then the shill army comes marching in, QSCs cum dripping off their faces, and out their asses defending it, burying the negative information. Sayinh anyone else is just mad because we are all sources and QSC is putting us out of business. These guys are 100% either alr handles of QSC or paid (monetary, discounted, or free gear).
I need some popcorn for this thread.

On the one hand I like that people are fighting to get rid of shills and what they call a scammer…. On the other hand I haven’t seen solid evidence of scamming (besides anecdotal reports).

I can see both sides of this coin… QSC is a cheap supplier capable of putting a lot of domestic suppliers out of business. It’s in many businesses best interest to stop them. On the other hand, a big supplier like them controlling the market could be dangerous for us. It could affect quality and pricing.

Im no shill, and i like my domestic suppliers. But if I can get certain products much cheaper, with the same quality, then I’ll go for that.

I’ll be watching this thread as well as doing my own quality testing to report back on the future. In fact I have some QSC product on hand I may have tested soon. Depends on how things play out here.
Test reports would be great!
View attachment 173208

Just for information as not everyone here speak french.
The french meso fr member who posted this lab test did not receive any refund for the lab test, which was 170usd. Qingdao rep said a bunch of BS to avoid to pay.
He only refund the "missing product", not even the full order which was 150usd.

This post is just for information and sharing with you.
No need to send the army of shills. Thank you
Anyone been able to get your hands on the unique key that comes with every jano report ?
Cowgirl you have one day of glory here to play without the main character here. Get it all out would you ya lol
Fuck you are pathetic, cowgirl? Really? Oh you hurt my feelings.

He aint coming back so find a different dick to suck... even if he did I am still going to be here in this thread, get over it.
And QSC cancels a reship, just because the buyer came here to complain. Which just so happens to be the dagger in their heart and got them their ban. They did the same to one of their buyers who came into this thread and voiced displeasure.

Bullshit, fuck this source and anyone who thinks this source is worth a damn.
Yes just because your retarded friend had said that he will go report them to the local police they canceled his resheep

And it was fucking deserved lol, cry more
Kek, just imagine being so entitled that you think that the source is in the wrong because they canceled a order because you had publicly told everyone on a steroid board that you will report them to the police

IRL you would be probably dead for such kind of sing lmao
Kek, just imagine being so entitled that you think that the source is in the wrong because they canceled a order because you had publicly told everyone on a steroid board that you will report them to the police

IRL you would be probably dead for such kind of sing lmao

He wasn't the only one and you know it. Stop trying to use one example to cover up multiple mistakes by your source.

It's plain and simple. If you publicly complain you get screwed. If Dingdoxx wants to pretend that they never have issues and suppress negative feedback they came to the wrong forum.

Also your last line tells me that your Chinese to English translator doesn't work properly. Get a new one and try again.
He wasn't the only one and you know it. Stop trying to use one example to cover up multiple mistakes by your source.

It's plain and simple. If you publicly complain you get screwed. If Dingdoxx wants to pretend that they never have issues and suppress negative feedback they came to the wrong forum.

Also your last line tells me that your Chinese to English translator doesn't work properly. Get a new one and try again.
I know, i've already said that i don't really care, this exemple was just according to me a little bit retarded because the "scammed" customer was clearly not very breight
I'm french, thank you for correcting me, how do i right that? "for these kind of behaviors" ?
If someone would like to take 1mg Semaglutide per week:

Why taking 1mg once per week and not 0,5mg twice?
Is it because doctors think people are stupid and every injection hurts? So as less injections as better

Or is their any other benefit if you pin one a week?
If someone would like to take 1mg Semaglutide per week:

Why taking 1mg once per week and not 0,5mg twice?
Is it because doctors think people are stupid and every injection hurts? So as less injections as better

Or is their any other benefit if you pin one a week?
the drug has a pretty long half-life if i'm correct, so you don't gain much if you decide to split the injections
the drug has a pretty long half-life if i'm correct, so you don't gain much if you decide to split the injections
you gain more stable levels which in turn usually means less sides.
most here are dosing more often.
Pharma does recommend once a week because the "normal population" doesnt like to pin themselves
Less sides if I don't split?

My expectation is that if I split not so much active substance is in the body.
Like taking Testo E or Venlafaxin. Better to take smaller amount more often. But I really don't know.