Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Tablets are good for traveling or being on the move.

As for me, I prefer raws now because I want to avoid fillers which are usually in tablets.
Can you explain the logic here? Inevitably what ever oral you're putting in your body is most likely much more harmful than any fillers that could be used.
Can you explain the logic here? Inevitably what ever oral you're putting in your body is most likely much more harmful than any fillers that could be used.
Most people don't understand that fillers like silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide etc are nanoparticles, and they should be avoided. Nowadays, these fillers seem to be used in nearly every pharmaceutical as well as in many supplements. These fillers are a concern because of their toxicity as well as their long term accumulation in the body.

With a raw, you ingest the raw, then you metabolize and excrete it. With nanoparticles, they stay inside of your body. There may be some clearance but if so, it is generally slow and incomplete.

If you can avoid these fillers, you should. That's where raws are a better choice.
Can you explain the logic here? Inevitably what ever oral you're putting in your body is most likely much more harmful than any fillers that could be used.
Also some fillers can ruin a fast. If you take your AAS in am before a fasted hgh cardio run. Having no fillers is clutch. As you BG wont be effected.
i noticed a strange price on anavar and winstrol powders 10 and 50gr. anavar is 57 winstrol 60 but on 50gr anavar 190 winstrol 100.
seems strange or not? it anavar is pricier to create why cheaper on less quantity?

Different market strategies, on some products it is interestant be the cheapest and target 100% of BB community from the small user to the big retailer, anavar volume sales make you have more profit on mass sales, so you need to be the cheapest on 10g and 1kg prices, so you can't take the risk to sacrifice the customers who cannot afford the extra $133 to buy 50g, unlike winstrol, customers will quickly add an extra $40 and buy 50g ($100) instead of 10g ($60) for an extra 40g.
Are you sure I posted up a video you dumb cuck? I know you dropped out of school in grade 3 but come on re read it homo.

He replied to my post to you so kinda makes semse in a thread full of multis. But hey I get it, you a downsie boy.
You are not very good at reading or problem solving. I found something more your level. Downsie you say bisexual tranny cowboy???


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You are not very good at reading or problem solving. I found something more your level. Downsie you say bisexual tranny cowboy???
You and your butt buddy boyfriend sure do like.to comment on posts directed at the other. Its cute that you two love each other that much to defend each other. I was going to ask who is the giver and who is the taker. But from what I have seen of both of you, you both like your asses gaped and filled up with cum, glad to see you both are caring enough to share with each other
On a side note.

I have no issues bashing you two dumb fuck wads all day everyday. However this is QSCs thread. So you can continue to be the morons you are and I will continue to reply and clutter up this thread,, or just fuck off and then QSC and his customers dont need to see your gay ass posts and my responses... All up to you guys because I am good either fucking way.
On a side note.

I have no issues bashing you two dumb fuck wads all day everyday. However this is QSCs thread. So you can continue to be the morons you are and I will continue to reply and clutter up this thread,, or just fuck off and then QSC and his customers dont need to see your gay ass posts and my responses... All up to you guys because I am good either fucking way.
isnt it enough now? youre the only one still fighting

Better look into hilmas thread, they use used motoroil as aas carrier
Hi guys,

I've been hosting all lab tests on the price list, now you can open for each tested product you can click on the name, and get the link to the Jano lab test, items in blue, let me know if does it open well.

I haven't finished working on the price list.

The goal is to have everything in blue soooon

It's only what, a gram or two of maltodextrin or sugar? That won't ruin a fast.

Yes but when spending 100$ on hgh to use for the fact of fasted cardio. I dont want to risk. Unless i take the oral post fasted, but with sometimes i need it in effect for my schedule. I would be interested to know for sure
Is that tne pic of your boyfriend @Redneck Walten, the one you carry in your wallet and look longingly at every night you are not together
I've noticed that you Btcowfag and that other goof @MadBret talk a lot about cum and dicks. Is that because the two of you are fags? Just because when guys continually talk about cum and dicks and sucking each other off just gives the impression to normal peopIe that you guys are fags. I also take it that woman find the both of you too repulsive, thats why the two of you have gone to the other side:rolleyes:. I'll tell you what there Btcowfag, you and that other goof MadBret can fuck each other in the ass, and from here on in, I'll do my hot asian girlfriend in the ass and pussy:p;)