Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yes but when spending 100$ on hgh to use for the fact of fasted cardio. I dont want to risk. Unless i take the oral post fasted, but with sometimes i need it in effect for my schedule. I would be interested to know for sure

Can you explain the benefits of this fasted cardio? Just even more efficient fat burn?
Can you explain the benefits of this fasted cardio? Just even more efficient fat burn?
I actually lift weights followed by 30-45 mins of cardio, all while fasted from the night before (about 14 hours fasted) then eat directly after my workout (16ish hours fasted). Strength does take a bit of a hit, but 4 years later I’ve never felt better at 40. It fits my needs quite well as it gives me the ability to indulge often and enjoy life well maintaining a great physique
Can you explain the benefits of this fasted cardio? Just even more efficient fat burn?
When combined with gh.

As long as there are people hard on the source who have never ordered but with their continued spamming of the thread look suspicious in the eyes of some members, it is guaranteed that there will be extreme reactions from other members " satisfied customers " who will consider it suspicious, and who will start defending the source and creating this type of alt accounts even if they have nothing to gain.

Let people make up their own minds, the source doesn't need someone to defend them, customers are adults and don't need police to guide them who is the G2G source, let people make their own choices, and you will live in peace.

Post your feedbackz, positive or negative, honestly I don't give a fuck, maybe I had an extreme reactions in the past to some when I took things personally, but that's doesn't mean it bothers me that you post negative feedbacks.

If the thread goes back to its basic topic, which is feedbacks, good or bad, you wouldn't have to police or get into those wars where you're wasting your time, energy and gaining nothing.

You find a suspicious account, report it to the moderator.

For my part I do my best to improve the service, to make it right when it's not going well, and more efforts are planned, but it does not mean that I will suck anyone's dick.

So if you made it your mission to bring us down just because in the past I teased you and invited you to lick my yellow balls, you must get some help, remember that you are just usernames in a forum, if you leave it today no one will remember you 2 weeks later, so much energy is invested for free it's wasted time in your life.

Your interventions here in this thread should be limited to feedbacks, no more and no less. Good or bad, and let others make their choice. If you feel the need to post 20 times a day, there's a problem.

Be fair, otherwise you will lose credibility

I agree. Can everyone stop wasting their time trynna defend the source. If people don’t want to buy from QSC then by all means don’t!!

Less customers = less whistleblowers. All I care about is that QSC is around for a long time. The less customers the better
Studies say it makes no difference for fat burning.
Screw the studies. Fasted cardio makes a difference in fat burning. I'm surprised you haven't noticed that since you know so much about blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. Fasted cardio is amazing. The problem is that you can feel so good while doing fasted cardio that you end up doing too much of it. That's when you'll start burning muscle.
Why no t3 or clen tabs for international line ?
Even pharma has a hard time dosing those compounds. You would need to use wet granulation for ug dosing. I’m sure all QSC do for they’re tabs is dry granulation with a huge rotary pill press. Pill presses require lots of maintenance cause they break down often even the simple ones used by drug dealers like tdp-5s, and the dies can break too.
Screw the studies. Fasted cardio makes a difference in fat burning. I'm surprised you haven't noticed that since you know so much about blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. Fasted cardio is amazing. The problem is that you can feel so good while doing fasted cardio that you end up doing too much of it. That's when you'll start burning muscle.
Yes you are right about insulin sensitivity and so on, if one's goal is to improve these parameters, then yes it's best to do fasted cardio. I 100% agree with you on that, even the data from studies shows so. If the goal is to burn fat and lose weight it doesn't make any difference if cardio is done in a fasted state or not.
I've noticed that you Btcowfag and that other goof @MadBret talk a lot about cum and dicks. Is that because the two of you are fags? Just because when guys continually talk about cum and dicks and sucking each other off just gives the impression to normal peopIe that you guys are fags. I also take it that woman find the both of you too repulsive, thats why the two of you have gone to the other side:rolleyes:. I'll tell you what there Btcowfag, you and that other goof MadBret can fuck each other in the ass, and from here on in, I'll do my hot asian girlfriend in the ass and pussy:p;)
Aww I hit a nerve did I? Poor downsie redneck queer couldnt come up with anything new... you are failure in everything you do. Remember its you and ksin that arw fuck buddies. If you think madbret and I are maybe the 2 of you can show us the how its done.