Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So I'm about 6 weeks into a test/deca/npp/ anadrol cycle. 600mg test cyp,600mg deca, been taking 400mg npp a week to kinda bridge until the deca kicks in since I had some on hand and 100mg of anadrol a day which I'm almost through. I want to add another compound around week 9-10 when I drop the npp(or whenever it runs out). I am thinking either 400-500mg dhb a week or 600 mg boldenone cyp a week. I have both just need to make a batch up of whichever I choose. Any suggestions? I have never ran dhb, I've ran eq but never bold cyp.
So I'm about 6 weeks into a test/deca/npp/ anadrol cycle. 600mg test cyp,600mg deca, been taking 400mg npp a week to kinda bridge until the deca kicks in since I had some on hand and 100mg of anadrol a day which I'm almost through. I want to add another compound around week 9-10 when I drop the npp(or whenever it runs out). I am thinking either 400-500mg dhb a week or 600 mg boldenone cyp a week. I have both just need to make a batch up of whichever I choose. Any suggestions? I have never ran dhb, I've ran eq but never bold cyp.
Should probably put this in the cycle thread. How have you progressed this cycle? Solid amount of anadrol for 6 weeks! Not sure of the difference between bold cyp and EQ regarding absorption rates. I'd assume the dhb would be a better option as it's faster acting and you already pretty deep into the cycle. How long you plan this cycle for? I swear I need to fight the urge to keep adding things to a cycle and you're probably better off saving it for the following cycle.
Should probably put this in the cycle thread. How have you progressed this cycle? Solid amount of anadrol for 6 weeks! Not sure of the difference between bold cyp and EQ regarding absorption rates. I'd assume the dhb would be a better option as it's faster acting and you already pretty deep into the cycle. How long you plan this cycle for? I swear I need to fight the urge to keep adding things to a cycle and you're probably better off saving it for the following cycle.
I've ran deca for 20 weeks before. I know it's a little long but I don't seem to get any bad sides or diminished results. I'll run deca anywhere between 16-20 weeks then my next added compound I'll run anywhere from 12-16 weeks. So I'll drop the deca and continue my last compound with test at the end. I realize it's not the healthiest to stay on cycle for extremely long periods of time but just seeing what my body can handle.
Progress has been good. I've only been back lifting for about 4 months, fell off the wagon pretty hard in Feb. I stared about 155lbs and I'm back up to almost 170. My bulk last year I got up to 190lbs but I definitely had some water weight and just meaty. Not sure if it's the anadrol but my 6 pack is showing more than it was in my 20's and I eat like crazy. Ill never be the biggest guy in the gym by any means but it's the one thing that really helps keep me sober. Also I love to homebrew and enjoy doing research on different compounds so that is a healthy hobby I suppose.
Trivializing and blatantly violating the prohibition on doxxing and/or posting potentially personally-identifying information
Holy fuck dumbfuck. I Didnt read a word you posted because your stupid gibberish aint worth it.

Prove you fucking conspiracy of go fuck yourself

Damn son you are a disgrace to lifting, a disgrace to this forum, a disgrace to this thread and QSC, a disgrace to yoir family, and a disgrace to Canada
Now you look here you fag, your the one thats a disgrace to bodybuilding. When people read your nonsense, they think that steroids fuck up a person in the head, where in reality, you were fucked up in the head since birth. This is you, the reason why you can't get any pussy and the reason you turned towards doing guys in the ass as the next best thing. With the way you act, you give people the impression that steroids are bad and cause brain damage. And then the general public give steroids a bad name because of retards like you. You continually attack people that have used QSC gear, and there can only be a secret agenda on your part for doing that, which I've likely addressed in my last post to you. I'll give you an opportunity here to burn QSC. List me the legitimate infractions this QSC source has committed. And don't use trivial shit like those 2 pussies @JAU22 or @BigRed91 that complained of floaters in their vials. I've injected numerous vials with floaters in them from other labs and never had a problem. Don't use trivial shit like that goof @L0ND0N that switch the 20mg anavar tab for a 10mg tab when testing it in order to make QSC look bad. Don't use the trivial doxxing incident where that goof Zonezack from [EDIT: POSTING POTENTIALLY PERSONALLY-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED] acted like a retard towards the rep. The goof deserved to have his reship cancelled because of his stupidity. And don't use the incident where that goof deus switched the clomid raw for something else in order to get a free reshippment. Now go ahead. List the legitimate infractions you retard:rolleyes:
Does anyone actually read these long walls of text by this inbred redneck?
Im just pointing out the obvious here you god damn goof:rolleyes:. Everything I said makes sense. Your the one that's a retard here. Go ahead, tell everyone here about the legitimate infractions that QSC has done. You can't do it because there are none and your pissed off all the newbies are gravitating to this source.
Now you look here you fag, your the one thats a disgrace to bodybuilding. When people read your nonsense, they think that steroids fuck up a person in the head, where in reality, you were fucked up in the head since birth. This is you, the reason why you can't get any pussy and the reason you turned towards doing guys in the ass as the next best thing. With the way you act, you give people the impression that steroids are bad and cause brain damage. And then the general public give steroids a bad name because of retards like you. You continually attack people that have used QSC gear, and there can only be a secret agenda on your part for doing that, which I've likely addressed in my last post to you. I'll give you an opportunity here to burn QSC. List me the legitimate infractions this QSC source has committed. And don't use trivial shit like those 2 pussies @JAU22 or @BigRed91 that complained of floaters in their vials. I've injected numerous vials with floaters in them from other labs and never had a problem. Don't use trivial shit like that goof @L0ND0N that switch the 20mg anavar tab for a 10mg tab when testing it in order to make QSC look bad. Don't use the trivial doxxing incident where that goof Zonezack from [EDIT: POSTING POTENTIALLY PERSONALLY-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED] acted like a retard towards the rep. The goof deserved to have his reship cancelled because of his stupidity. And don't use the incident where that goof deus switched the clomid raw for something else in order to get a free reshippment. Now go ahead. List the legitimate infractions you retard:rolleyes:
Well now since I see you are banned, you wont see this but others will.

Everything you dont want me to quote did infact happen, and QSC has admitted they happened. So that said you want me to ignore the truths while you perpetuate the lies. Like all haters are working for other labs, I cam assure you I am not.

Also take a look through and you will see I dont jump on people with legit good service reports , only people like you. As I have said over and over with a few changes QSC will do good here and have even told him so publicly
Sorry for new account. My previous one got banned for mentioning the pilates instructor training program that my much-preferred Pilates instructors went through while I was detailing the difference between various styles of pilates and the difference in rigor and how it synergizes with powerlifting and helps my injuries. Apparently that was marketing spam XD.

Anyways. I ordered a bunch of HMG. Seems to potentially work, as my balls are hanging a bit lower. (? Hard to tell. But I am running it without hCG at the moment as that hasn’t arrived from ReliableRX yet, which has notoriously terribly unreliable shipping) However, I’m concerned about some PIP I get with it. I’m using 1mL of pharmaceutical bacteriostatic water (from an actual FDA/DEA licensed pharmacy) to reconstitute it and 27 and/or 25 gauge 1”-1.5” needles to inject into glutes. I don’t get any PIP from prescribed TRT test cyp (200mg/mL in GSO, 20% BA 2% BB)

I wish it were possible to test HMG. I didn’t know Jano doesn’t test this when I ordered from QSC. If anyone knows how to get HMG tested please for the love of god let me know. But I am concerned that PIP may come from contamination, either chemical or biological, and wonder if it’s putting additional load on my lymph system even if nothing actually bad happens.

Sometime in the next 1-2 months I’m going to see if filtering the reconstituted HMG helps with the PIP. I’ll also inject some unmixed bacteriostatic water and see if that causes PIP.

It’s not too bad, just a tight/sore glute for 2 days or so. Does anyone else get PIP from HMG? Pharma or otherwise?
for what its worth I reconstitute my HMG with 1mL water and pin half in one go, and I pin it subcutaneously twice a week. Haven't noticed any massive changes, but I do notice that I tend to get little welts when I pin, which is not the case with any other peptide or HGH for example. Not sure what it is