Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah, some people don't notice any effects from GLP-1 agonists. My girlfriend's mother claimed that Ozempic made her "more hungry", individual experiences can vary drastically. I haven't heard of people not responding to Tirzepatide yet though
I got some reading to do
I got some reading to do
There are some diabetic forums out there. I know its just anecdotes but the R/Mounjaro and R/Ozempic subreddits have tons of them. It's not any significant data but they do exist. Anyways, that's all. We should carry this conversation to the Semaglutide megathread, this is the QSC's thread
A little update from my order now that iv done a close up of every single vial.
30 vials of primo and 10 vials of masteron all seemed completely clear and free of floaters.
The 10 vials of L carnitine I had all contained floaters tho. Some more than others. The floaters resemble the look of stringy snot or moldy particles. I am unaware if this could have something to do with the cooking process or if its bacterial growth in the sterile water. I suppose the smart choice would be to bin it.
All in all I can see through it considering my 40 vials of anabolics are clear of any particles.

Heat up the vials. Only way to tell if it's floaters or crashed gear. If it's floaters, 100% bin that shit. Not worth the risk.

'stringy snot' does sound a bit like crashed gear. 'moldy particles' doesn't sound too promising though.
A little update from my order now that iv done a close up of every single vial.
30 vials of primo and 10 vials of masteron all seemed completely clear and free of floaters.
The 10 vials of L carnitine I had all contained floaters tho. Some more than others. The floaters resemble the look of stringy snot or moldy particles. I am unaware if this could have something to do with the cooking process or if its bacterial growth in the sterile water. I suppose the smart choice would be to bin it.
All in all I can see through it considering my 40 vials of anabolics are clear of any particles.
If these floaters arent supposed to be there(hopefully he answered you?) I for sure wouldnt touch any of the stuff you recieved. Just because you cant find any visible stuff, doesnt mean its clean at all.
If these floaters arent supposed to be there(hopefully he answered you?) I for sure wouldnt touch any of the stuff you recieved. Just because you cant find any visible stuff, doesnt mean its clean at all.

I agree.

I'm honestly suprised people are still ordering from this source when there have been numerous reports of floaters.

Granted, mads possibly placed this order before those reports came in.
I agree.

I'm honestly suprised people are still ordering from this source when there have been numerous reports of floaters.

Granted, mads possibly placed this order before those reports came in.
People just hating on qsc because they need to pimp out their own labs that they (me) work for. Nobody ever had a floater in any qsc gear. Nothing but a bunch of flogs in here promoting their unnamed labs. Nothing to see here, boys. If you order, you will probably receive something in the mail. #G2G!
People just hating on qsc because they need to pimp out their own labs that they (me) work for. Nobody ever had a floater in any qsc gear. Nothing but a bunch of flogs in here promoting their unnamed labs. Nothing to see here, boys. If you order, you will probably receive something in the mail. #G2G!

And it's not like anyone has lost a piece of their glute or shoulder, or died/become very sick from sepsis (yet/that we know of).

It's so cheap I'll take the risk. If I get sepsis I can just inject the $6 vials of bpc157 to heal me up in no time.
Filter it and look what they are. This isn't rocket science people. I swear to fuck the average person cannot start a goddamn lawnmower anymore.
Starting a lawn mower is a lot less complicated tho- even if it's a gas powdered mower. Otherwise VERY accurate analogy dude, i mean what's the chances of getting an infection and losing a chunk of my leg if I don't know how to start a gas mower? Pretty high right?
A little update from my order now that iv done a close up of every single vial.
30 vials of primo and 10 vials of masteron all seemed completely clear and free of floaters.
The 10 vials of L carnitine I had all contained floaters tho. Some more than others. The floaters resemble the look of stringy snot or moldy particles. I am unaware if this could have something to do with the cooking process or if its bacterial growth in the sterile water. I suppose the smart choice would be to bin it.
All in all I can see through it considering my 40 vials of anabolics are clear of any particles.
Post pics. It's probably falling out of suspension.
Filter it and look what they are. This isn't rocket science people. I swear to fuck the average person cannot start a goddamn lawnmower anymore.
This really is a shitty argument to use

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of buying finished products? Filtering is, IMO, the most time consuming and tedious part of brewing, so at that point you may as well just buy the raws.
L-Carnitine at 250mg/ml is generally a saturated solution when it is at 1.5% BA and it is difficult for us to dissolve more than that, and therefore often it contains an undissolved and floating solute deposit, in aqueous solution is the equivalent of crashing in oils, by slighly heating in water bath and shaking these solute can disappear, I asked Mands to share some pictures or possible video with me to see this together, because it's clear that the goal of buying finished products is not having to bother with filtration, if it is proven that they are floaters, the necessary will be done to compensate the customer, although knowing L-Carnitine and what it looks like I suspect that this is the case.

Was my thoughts too. I will wait for QRC to reply. If i have to bin it then it is what it is. I might finally make myself homebrew it which apparently should be easy.
L-carnitine home brew is extremely simple and well worth it imo. Make sure to brew at least 500mg/ml. No PIP. I bought Chase Irons’ 600mg/ml to try out at first and the PIP was insane.