Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You guys offer Canada domestic now? Could I get a list either here or pm? I’ve used your international service a few times now, but I haven’t been on the forum in many many months.
I have personally received labels that were a number 2 but looked like a 3.
Same. It wasnt such a big deal, I sent him another email with another (better) picture and he explained me everything in detail and in a respectful manner. No big deal imho. I misread 2 as 3 and vice versa.
2 separate packs, one was seized? Small orders by the sounds of it too... I ordered a couple raws, oils, and kits, and and tablet and they made it fine with reship line.

Looking for more input from other Canadiens!

Sorry your luck seemed shit Canuck.
5 orders in total, not more than 2kg an order. 2 orders were just powdered raws, other 3 were mixed peptides and raws; no oils. 2 of the orders were inspected (yellow cbsa tape) but nothing was siezed. All shipped china post.
The insurance (20%) for Canada is optional and entitles you to ONE reship only. For me, the insurance isn't worth it because the seizure rate is lower than 20% and I'm willing to accept the loss and re-order. Over multiple orders, I would pay more for insurance than any losses suffered. Same reason I never buy insurance playing blackjack.

I have had a package opened (CBSA yellow tape) but still delivered. They don't care much about 100g of raws because they know it's not for distribution. They want to intercept 5kg+. That said, by allowing these smaller shipments through, they can gather intelligence on who is receiving these shipments.

There is no doubt that CBSA is on the lookout for these packages now. When shipped China Post, the boxes are always the same size, description, and customs declaration. They are easy to spot.
I'm curious if reship line has better opsec in terms of getting items into Canada, as then they repackage and send out from US. But then isn't special line repackaged and sent out, as well? What would be the difference in the two.

I wanted to order around 10 kits of HGH, along with oils and other goodies. Wonder if I should order the HGH domestic instead to reduce size of package. But then again, if it's reship line size doesn't matter as they order in bulk parcels to distributor, then repackage and send out.
5 orders in total, not more than 2kg an order. 2 orders were just powdered raws, other 3 were mixed peptides and raws; no oils. 2 of the orders were inspected (yellow cbsa tape) but nothing was siezed. All shipped china post.
Thanks for sharing. I wonder if it would have been a different story if you had oils in there?
The insurance (20%) for Canada is optional and entitles you to ONE reship only. For me, the insurance isn't worth it because the seizure rate is lower than 20% and I'm willing to accept the loss and re-order. Over multiple orders, I would pay more for insurance than any losses suffered. Same reason I never buy insurance playing blackjack.

I have had a package opened (CBSA yellow tape) but still delivered. They don't care much about 100g of raws because they know it's not for distribution. They want to intercept 5kg+. That said, by allowing these smaller shipments through, they can gather intelligence on who is receiving these shipments.

There is no doubt that CBSA is on the lookout for these packages now. When shipped China Post, the boxes are always the same size, description, and customs declaration. They are easy to spot.
It's required to use reship now.
Ordered on the 23rd recieved this morning! Packaged well and no issues with the corresponding labels! Smooth smooth deal. Standing by for a couple of products to hit US Domestic and I'll be placing another order!
The insurance (20%) for Canada is optional and entitles you to ONE reship only. For me, the insurance isn't worth it because the seizure rate is lower than 20% and I'm willing to accept the loss and re-order. Over multiple orders, I would pay more for insurance than any losses suffered. Same reason I never buy insurance playing blackjack.

I have had a package opened (CBSA yellow tape) but still delivered. They don't care much about 100g of raws because they know it's not for distribution. They want to intercept 5kg+. That said, by allowing these smaller shipments through, they can gather intelligence on who is receiving these shipments.

There is no doubt that CBSA is on the lookout for these packages now. When shipped China Post, the boxes are always the same size, description, and customs declaration. They are easy to spot.
I am only interested in stocking up and stabbing my own bum so survey away I guess. And yeah that makes sense. Watch where these things ship and how many. If it's a lot bust the person receiving the packages. Good thing in canada personal use is all fine and dandy.
Canada doesn't really care about juice heads. I had a Kg of testosterone Cypionate seized last year. If they actually cared they'd be able to make a case that amount isn't personal use.
Holy fuck no kidding. Problem is if it is just test they probably won't bother spending the money to find out. They likely just rule out more dangerous narcotics then incinerate it. Hard to charge you if they don't test it.
Holy fuck no kidding. Problem is if it is just test they probably won't bother spending the money to find out. They likely just rule out more dangerous narcotics then incinerate it. Hard to charge you if they don't test it.

Have you see the 24" arms on our border guards? They don't destroy this shit. Guy probably hangs out in the homebrew forum here on Meso
I don't think that's true. There have been numerous reports of packages opened and then delivered to the customer without evidence of being tested. If you put a "trenbolone" label on the vials, you increase the chance of seizure.
I think this happened with a guy who bought finished PPL oils. They opened a few and still sent him the package with green customs tape. I don’t think the vials were labeled otherwise he would’ve been screwed.
I question anyone who says mk677 has less side effects than real hgh with no dimer.

So if you can make what is in my opinion a fairly large factual error, it stands to reason you would misread a label.
And you're lying about that since I never said that. Not even wasting my time talking with ya.
at least I know the difference between a 2 and a 3
Okay dbag by your logic this is a 2.
Screenshot_20230327_164849_Gallery.jpgAnd this is a 3
Honestly I don't care what the fuckin numbers say. The qsc rep was cool asf and fast and got this shit sorted out for me with no issues or complaints on my part. I will Def. Use this source again. Thought the customer service well very good. If the gear is great too then I look forward to doing a shit ton more business with them. Just having to listen to you arrogantly make up lies and stories of prior hgh and mk677 post that I never made in hopes of discounting any intellectual credibility on my behalf is what I find annoying and rude asf! Have a nice day!