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Does anybody have amazon micro spoon dosages for Anadrol and Raloxifene?
I got this and it works well https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B011J88S8M/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=388a923e1314fbe9c22fe03bf779fed2&hsa_cr_id=7101664870801&qid=1680744014&sr=1-1-b3cdfe14-2100-42fc-a468-568b9a24cc4f&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_scm_asin_0_img&pd_rd_w=xg2Y9&content-id=amzn1.sym.f56ce973-f4b2-4b36-ab47-741d2bd4959c%3Aamzn1.sym.f56ce973-f4b2-4b36-ab47-741d2bd4959c&pf_rd_p=f56ce973-f4b2-4b36-ab47-741d2bd4959c&pf_rd_r=G39P2FY0SET50QSTAH7X&pd_rd_wg=L5aSQ&pd_rd_r=bc90b229-61e6-4fd2-a568-6a098608d2f8
I got this and it works well https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B011J88S8M/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=388a923e1314fbe9c22fe03bf779fed2&hsa_cr_id=7101664870801&qid=1680744014&sr=1-1-b3cdfe14-2100-42fc-a468-568b9a24cc4f&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_scm_asin_0_img&pd_rd_w=xg2Y9&content-id=amzn1.sym.f56ce973-f4b2-4b36-ab47-741d2bd4959c%3Aamzn1.sym.f56ce973-f4b2-4b36-ab47-741d2bd4959c&pf_rd_p=f56ce973-f4b2-4b36-ab47-741d2bd4959c&pf_rd_r=G39P2FY0SET50QSTAH7X&pd_rd_wg=L5aSQ&pd_rd_r=bc90b229-61e6-4fd2-a568-6a098608d2f8
ur misunderstanding his post.

he wants people to tell him how many mg a scoop is. which he should be weighing for himself.
So he should not care about heavy metals because there is heavy metals foods? He should say "Fuck it, it doesn't matter"...?

He should care. Many of us care. Many of us eat only organic or trustworthy clean foods and use clean products to avoid metals and other chemicals.
Nobody said he shouldn’t care and that it doesn’t matter. My point is there’s a much greater chance of food with heavy metals in it that we are eating on a daily basis. And it’s been said by Jano that he has rarely or possibly never seen heavy metals in anything he’s tested.

If he is gonna focus his energy and worries on that. Focus on what has been tested and shown to have metals in it. Not the opposite.
Gemini 20 but be sure to buy from their website and not a third party. It's repeatedly accurate and cheap. Again, buy from their official website.
Can I ask why from aws' official site? The site itself just links to a amazon prime shipping. I'm genuinely asking, not to be rude!
No, that guys full of shit. I doubt he’ll post his bloodwork to backup his claims.
Except what he said is true…sort of. He’s not using proper terminology and without blood work I take his specific claims about his own experience with a grain of salt. But the concept of using a SERM to maintain low-but-functional LH and FSH while using exogenous testosterone is not in any way novel or even mildly controversial. Of course it works. HCG works, and while the mechanism is somewhat different than something like enclomiphene, in terms of fertility maintenance (and by extension testicular function and testosterone production) it’s perfectly adequate.
Except what he said is true…sort of. He’s not using proper terminology and without blood work I take his specific claims about his own experience with a grain of salt. But the concept of using a SERM to maintain low-but-functional LH and FSH while using exogenous testosterone is not in any way novel or even mildly controversial. Of course it works. HCG works, and while the mechanism is somewhat different than something like enclomiphene, in terms of fertility maintenance (and by extension testicular function and testosterone production) it’s perfectly adequate.
This ^^. He didn't do a good job of explaining it initially, saying things like "500 test didnt shut me down" but after he clarified, everything he said is not only within reason but borderline standard.
so you downvote me because you have no clue?
funny dude
no you have no clue , none at all
hes been injecting 15iu gh and his igf is in normal range ?
and you blame tren ?? are you fucking serious?
then you said SOME people have this issue with tren and lower igf..not all? you literally contradict yourself when people laugh at you
NOLVADEX can lower igf but at 15iu of gh your igf should be wayyy above normal ranges

oh yeh i have no clue? just enough clue to go pro, so luckily SOME clueless people arent effected lol like your tren theory
keep on your argument that 15iu gh wont raise igf to atleast HIGH igf readings

because at 15iu hes blood sugar should be fucked and igf sky high
both which didnt happen

so your dumb and you shouldnt talk on adult bodybuilding forum , learn more and then come instead of sucking sources dicks
i bet you used to be teachers little pet too
i hate people who kiss the ass of anyone in charge , theyre weak souls
Can I ask why from aws' official site? The site itself just links to a amazon prime shipping. I'm genuinely asking, not to be rude!
Tbh I'm not sure. Was something relayed to me and I see the scale is offered wildly everywhere. Hears rumors of fakes blah blah. I sought it out via their website, price was about same as elsewhere. I've tested and tared it time and again and is on point and way cheaper than many. .001 scales can be hundreds of dollars. Just saying it worked for me and if I need a replacement I know where I'm going . Have used others in the past with disappointment (not this scale to be exact.) It's a great value and accurate. Would recommend to anyone.
no you have no clue , none at all
hes been injecting 15iu gh and his igf is in normal range ?
and you blame tren ?? are you fucking serious?
then you said SOME people have this issue with tren and lower igf..not all? you literally contradict yourself when people laugh at you
NOLVADEX can lower igf but at 15iu of gh your igf should be wayyy above normal ranges

oh yeh i have no clue? just enough clue to go pro, so luckily SOME clueless people arent effected lol like your tren theory
keep on your argument that 15iu gh wont raise igf to atleast HIGH igf readings

because at 15iu hes blood sugar should be fucked and igf sky high
both which didnt happen

so your dumb and you shouldnt talk on adult bodybuilding forum , learn more and then come instead of sucking sources dicks
i bet you used to be teachers little pet too
i hate people who kiss the ass of anyone in charge , theyre weak souls
Roids..... check..... Rage.....check..... add keyboard... eat popcorn.....
Does anybody have amazon micro spoon dosages for Anadrol and Raloxifene?

You really should measure yourself though because sometimes the spoons can change sizes or your raws can be ground to a different size/shape which can affect how much a given volume of raw weights (more/less air in between particles, more/less moisture, etc).

The way to measure yourself is:

1) Get a good scale. Preferably one with a 0.1mg "resolution" and a minimum weight of <= 10 mg. Most scales have a minimum weight of at least 10mg and anything below that either doesn't read or is totally junk. And if the lowest weight it reads out is 10mg, I wouldn't trust anything below 25mg to be accurate. Please note a couple things: In a professional context, scales don't have "precision" and "accuracy"...at least those aren't scientific claimed marketing specifications. Instead it's generally "resolution", "repeatability", and "linearity". Basically no affordable analytical balance (<$500) publishes data on linearity, but go ahead and assume its decent, most are good enough for us. If you want to check if your scale is "good" you need two calibration weights somewhere sort just a little above and below the limits of what you're planning to measure.

So like, a 25mg weight and a 200mg weight if you want to measure 50mg. Or a 5 gram weight and a 50g weight if you want to measure 25 grams. Call the lower weight "A" and the higher weight "B". Whatever the scale reads with the lower calibration weight call "P" and whatever the scale reads with the higher calibration weight call "Q". Then when you weigh your raws, call whatever the scale says "X". Then use this equation to figure out what the "real" weight is cuz whatever the cheap scale says is gonna be wrong (which you'll realize when u put the calibration weights on and they dont match what the scale says, especially really light weights like 25mg).

"Real Weight" = ( (Q-P) / (B-A) ) (X - A) + P

2) Even if your scale has a resolution of 0.1mg doesn't mean it can measure a 5mg dose. This is because it has a "minimum weight". For 0.1mg scales that's usually at least 10mg. For 1mg scales its usually at least 20mg. So to figure out how much a "scoop" is you'll need to scoop many many times until you've scooped at LEAST 2-3x the minimum weight. This could be 30mg, this could be 300mg. You need to record how many scoops it took to get to that weight. If you want, you can record what the scale says after each and every scoop to ATTEMPT to calculate a "variance" which is like, how much bigger one scoop is, and how much smaller the next scoop is. Maybe it's +/- 10%, maybe +/- 50%, who knows. But that will only "work" with a 0.1mg resolution scale, if you have a 1mg resolution scale you'll never be able to trust any difference from scoop to scoop.

Then you divide the total weight by the number of scoops and pray that every scoop was approximately the same size. The more scoops you did the more accurate the "average" will be but you still won't know if one scoop was twice the size of the others.

Good analytical balances are at least $300 (I mean, "decent" ones cost a lot more, but I'm not a millionaire). Calibration weights are pretty expensive too - the ones on amazon can't be trusted if you're really worried about dose weight. Actual real calibration weights can be bought from Mettler-Toledo. They’ll be $17 to $60 each. Get M1 class, without certificate, to save money.
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