Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Primo 200 & Trestolone E/A promo


Primo 200mg/ml : $240/kit
Trestolone Enanthate 75mg/ml : $260/kit
Trestolone acetate 50mg/ml : $160/kit

Shipping cost
1-2 kits: $40
3-4 kits: $55
5-8 kits: $75

Buyers who get both Primo 200mg/ml and full kit of trest E 75mg/ml get free shipping.

Buyers who want to add single vials of trest e 75mg/ml: $30/vial.

Contact info:
Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:
List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:

End : 27th August 2024.

Test Report #47702.pngTest Report #47701.png
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals


Tracy!! have you heard about the new HGH that slowly releases over the period of 7 days after 1 subcutaneous injection?! Its called "Ngenla"

Can QSC have this novel, innovative and ground-breaking form of HGH synthesised?? Consider consulting your engineers/suppliers. If they don't know how to synthesis it, maybe it could be reverse engineered or perhaps there is a patent we can access on the public domain.

This could change everything. Currently, users have 12-16 hours of time to spread their HGH over to maximise IGF-1 production. With Ngenla, HGH is slowly released into your body 24/7! It mimics the body's natural release of HGH much better than what can be done with conventional HGH. I can't imagine how good the sleep, muscle recovery and fatloss will be. I'd personally pair the Ngenla with some Lantus to take advantage of their synergy 24/7.

It would be insane for business if QSC is able to facilitate this. Even if it takes weeks or months to develope, being late is always better than never. You heard it here first folks.

Like if you'd like to see QSC offer Ngenla!
Joined 3 days ago... Oh boy.
If you order EU domestic, before opening your parcel, take your phone and film how you open your parcel, otherwise you end up in the same shit as me. In the case of missing products. QSC does not refund you anything at all

Yeah, i mean what was missing. 1 vial? 1 kit?
this scares me a little.
Right! Sometimes I think covid fucked up a lot of youngsters that were in 11th & 12th grade bc they didn't have the experience of those last year(s) in high school. And the fact that it seems they don't even know how to 'study' bc only have to look up the answers to complete tests and such (researching is good but only half as good as completing a research paper). But I'm a bible person so math evades me sometimes too ( Holy Trinity (3) but only 1 God ) 1=3... What? Ha
And I feel like I'm 8 different people so yah... Always enjoy your positivity is real reason for this post
If you order EU domestic, before opening your parcel, take your phone and film how you open your parcel, otherwise you end up in the same shit as me. In the case of missing products. QSC does not refund you anything at all
Put yourself in QSC's position, if they didn't make it that you had to have a chain of custody between receiving the package, opening it and then claiming there was stuff missing, they would have 100's of people trying to scam them and claim missing stuff out of packs constantly!

Here is a few tips when opening packs.

1 - Place pack on scales and photograph weight of unopened pack. Every product has a weight that QSC can then check. Do a quick video of the all sides of the outside of the pack to show it is unopened.

2 - Record opening of pack and unpack and show each item, each code and/or each number written on the products.

3 - If anything is missing, email them and explain the situation politely and provide EVIDANCE with a clear chain of custody between you receiving the pack and you opening the pack.

I've had stuff missed from 1 pack and QSC didn't even push back on the claim as I sent them evidence to prove my claim. Store credit and sorted next order.

In my experience, its rare that QSC make packing mistakes. In my case, it was due to me making a change on the order and I'm assuming that under their old system, they just checked the 1st order email in a order string. Recently, QSC have implemented a form to track you ordering, shipping details and so on and this is sent to you to confirm the order is correct before they ship. Putting more checks and balances in the process so that problems like missing product can be cut out further.

It sucks to be in your position but take away the learning from it at least.
Put yourself in QSC's position, if they didn't make it that you had to have a chain of custody between receiving the package, opening it and then claiming there was stuff missing, they would have 100's of people trying to scam them and claim missing stuff out of packs constantly!

Here is a few tips when opening packs.

1 - Place pack on scales and photograph weight of unopened pack. Every product has a weight that QSC can then check. Do a quick video of the all sides of the outside of the pack to show it is unopened.

2 - Record opening of pack and unpack and show each item, each code and/or each number written on the products.

3 - If anything is missing, email them and explain the situation politely and provide EVIDANCE with a clear chain of custody between you receiving the pack and you opening the pack.

I've had stuff missed from 1 pack and QSC didn't even push back on the claim as I sent them evidence to prove my claim. Store credit and sorted next order.

In my experience, its rare that QSC make packing mistakes. In my case, it was due to me making a change on the order and I'm assuming that under their old system, they just checked the 1st order email in a order string. Recently, QSC have implemented a form to track you ordering, shipping details and so on and this is sent to you to confirm the order is correct before they ship. Putting more checks and balances in the process so that problems like missing product can be cut out further.

It sucks to be in your position but take away the learning from it at least.
I applaud your attention to detail (and those that can pull that off). I'm not sure if it's a character flaw or not, but I'm waaaaay to goddam lazy to do any of that for an order.

Best I can do is pay attention to the variably placed barcodes or numbers or random ID markers that may or may not be on the packaging.

I guess I'm now doomed to get scammed in short order.
Nothing without bloods. Primo doesn’t lower e2 much for some people , myself included. I can run 250 test and 600+ primo and still have 90 e2 so I need to run Aromasin on top. Less than I would if I were just on test but i don’t consider primo an AI substitute *in my case*

/:/ edit. DO NOT rely on side effects to gauge if you’re too low or too high with e2. Sometimes they can be similar. I thought I was crashing my e2 but went for blood work and turned out I was over twice the upper reference range for e2.
Geeze 90 on just 250 test dam you sure your primo isnt test either lol
@gobig2 You man, not trying to be a bully but I realize it might look that way. Just trying to have a little fun. Jokes aside, I don't have an issue with test and primo. True TRT is test only though in physiological range. 1:1 is fine for some and totally crushes E2 in others. I would suggest adding 100 primo and get E2 checked 4- 6 weeks later. Adjust from there.
Where can you get a good scale to measure small amounts? Like12.5mg of enclo or 1mg arimadex. I bought one but it's not measuring such small doses and that's the smallest measuring scale I can find.
Where can you get a good scale to measure small amounts? Like12.5mg of enclo or 1mg arimadex. I bought one but it's not measuring such small doses and that's the smallest measuring scale I can find.
A good scale is going to cost you significantly for super tiny amounts. For at home capsules or suspensions just weigh out a significantly LARGER amount of your API and dilliute it with a powder (vit c or whatever) to make a capsule, or humco to make a suspension. The homebrew section stickys will help you the rest of the way.
That's what you came away with? I put a little effort and time into my creative writing and you ask me for a price list?

Just because my criminal record tells a sordid story involving sales of illicit products doesn't mean its what's happening today. Then again maybe it is or will be in the future? I wouldn't want to be incriminating myself on my home board. In any event, I promise you my attitude here has nothing to do with anyone's "Business".

Its personal for me. It may sound silly but I don't like the person or people who post under the QSC handle here at meso. They have a genuine hatred for us as Americans. The shipping of hot packs....that's what they are. They weren't ordered by the person at the address its shipped to and with the level of scrutiny pkg's coming from China get its akin to these people emailing the FBI or any federal LE agency about a guy ordering illegal products.

When the Turkish Scammer Adnan sanat(sp?) threatened to contact the FBI about meso members ordering illicit products from him if they posted openly about him sending fake Humatrope gh I took it personally and ran him out of the Community. I went from board to board until everyone knew what he had done. Then I hit up my friends at 24hreup and they sent the meso members who were sent fake Humatrope authentic Humatrope at no charge.

Not that you care but I don't believe it puts you in a bad light or reflects poorly on you because you are a client of QSC. I happen to enjoy your posts and kim has me on her payroll(I'm compensated with her time) as a silent mod at her channel. I find you to be a quality member there and here at meso where I've also been known to hold rank.

My last arrest was 2007. It's been so long that it can't be counted if my Criminal Category was going to be calculated today or anytime in the future. The feds can go back 15 years when doing so. Its ancient history.

Grumpy isn't a word I've heard or read used to describe me. Old? I'll be the first to admit that is spot on. All the nonsense I've gotten myself caught up in over the years has truly given me a perspective that has taught me to be grateful and enjoy the things i do and have going on.

I should tag her.... @QueenBee. Just having a little fun, Kim. I know you won't hold it against me.
Tag me anytime!
A good scale is going to cost you significantly for super tiny amounts. For at home capsules or suspensions just weigh out a significantly LARGER amount of your API and dilliute it with a powder (vit c or whatever) to make a capsule, or humco to make a suspension. The homebrew section stickys will help you the rest of the way.

Nah, there's a scale that's popular among reloaders that's accurate down to the milligram. I'll see if I can dig it up.
Put yourself in QSC's position, if they didn't make it that you had to have a chain of custody between receiving the package, opening it and then claiming there was stuff missing, they would have 100's of people trying to scam them and claim missing stuff out of packs constantly!

Here is a few tips when opening packs.

1 - Place pack on scales and photograph weight of unopened pack. Every product has a weight that QSC can then check. Do a quick video of the all sides of the outside of the pack to show it is unopened.

2 - Record opening of pack and unpack and show each item, each code and/or each number written on the products.

3 - If anything is missing, email them and explain the situation politely and provide EVIDANCE with a clear chain of custody between you receiving the pack and you opening the pack.

I've had stuff missed from 1 pack and QSC didn't even push back on the claim as I sent them evidence to prove my claim. Store credit and sorted next order.

In my experience, its rare that QSC make packing mistakes. In my case, it was due to me making a change on the order and I'm assuming that under their old system, they just checked the 1st order email in a order string. Recently, QSC have implemented a form to track you ordering, shipping details and so on and this is sent to you to confirm the order is correct before they ship. Putting more checks and balances in the process so that problems like missing product can be cut out further.

It sucks to be in your position but take away the learning from it at least.
Unless I was Told that I have to record opening my parcel I would be pissed . The order comes from qsc so I would expect they know what's in there . A full kit sucks
Nah, there's a scale that's popular among reloaders that's accurate down to the milligram. I'll see if I can dig it up.
Here's what I used first. This works perfect for weighing pharmaceuticals.

Here's what I use now after upgrading. 5 seconds took too long to sense the weight when it comes to reloading, so this was a necessary upgrade.



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