Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

By "annoying" you mean I remind you of how fundamentally stupid you are.

Otherwise you'd just hit the ignore button and remove my posts from your sight, instead of pretending you're speaking on behalf of the majority, demanding I stop posting.

Just do it man. Hit ignore, pussy.
You could do the same, but your narcissistic ass can't cope with that. You like the attention.

Fun fact: It ain't raining, it's just everyone pissing at you dum-dum
This guy has a life besides copy paste non stop what google say on a forum ? Dude take a break. This is becoming a obsession to post and check a forum.
No ones gives 2 shits about you or what you post. Get a break. It's for your own good.

If we make a pool on how many actually read your post and want to continue to share your copy paste knowledge you will be surprise what results would be
By "annoying" you mean I remind you of how fundamentally stupid you are.

Otherwise you'd just hit the ignore button and remove my posts from your sight, instead of pretending you're speaking on behalf of the majority, demanding I stop posting.

Just do it man. Hit ignore, pussy.
I'm still waiting for where to buy those special vials that don't delaminate. Just saying.
This guy has a life besides copy paste non stop what google say on a forum ? Dude take a break. This is becoming a obsession to post and check a forum.
No ones gives 2 shits about you or what you post. Get a break. It's for your own good.

If we make a pool on how many actually read your post and want to continue to share your copy paste knowledge you will be surprise what results would be

Only a moron would think familiarizing yourself with a topic like this is "google cut and paste". I reduce it to as succinct (quick, google this word) of an explanation as possible and provide what I think is the best of 100+ papers on the subject..

Despite reducing it to a relatively easy to understand concept, there will always be the product of damaged genetics, barely able to string together a sentence, stepping up like he's ever brought anything of value to MESO.

I get "X is now following you" notifications and an endless stream of DMs from intelligent, curious people every single day. You don't have one person interested in your ideas.

Since you're new here, let me help you out. Click my username and hit this button. You'll never see my posts again.


See, I even gave you a picture, do you think you can figure out how to complete this task without more help, retard?
Hello everyone

Holidays in china (national day holidays) from 1st to 7th october.
During this period you can place your orders and will be shipped after 7th october.

Domestic orders not affected and we will announce domestic promo soon, now usa domestic deliveries are way much faster than before since the relocation and you must have noticed that.
Canada domestic promo also?
I get "X is now following you" notifications and an endless stream of DMs from intelligent, curious people every single day. You don't have one person interested in your ideas.
There he is... out in the open... The fuckwit narcissist that tried to lurk in the shadows can't hide no more...

Ghoul rn:
Only a moron would think familiarizing yourself with a topic like this is "google cut and paste". I reduce it to as succinct (quick, google this word) of an explanation as possible and provide what I think is the best of 100+ papers on the subject..

Despite reducing it to a relatively easy to understand concept, there will always be the product of damaged genetics, barely able to string together a sentence, stepping up like he's ever brought anything of value to MESO.

I get "X is now following you" notifications and an endless stream of DMs from intelligent, curious people every single day. You don't have one person interested in your ideas.

Since you're new here, let me help you out. Click my username and hit this button. You'll never see my posts again.

View attachment 296942

See, I even gave you a picture, do you think you can figure out how to complete this task without more help, retard?
Get a life dude. You are non stop here looking for attention. Your life has become a username on a forum.
You mean nothing to anyone on here but try so hard. Keep on wasting your time here but looking for help also as this is becoming a addiction having 3000 post in 5 months is something. You spend like 16-18h daily to paste some texts no ones care about but you spam each topic with your shit.
On your next google search try to find how this is call.

And no I didn't read what you wrote. I don't care. I just responded to you to feed your need for attention
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Only a moron would think familiarizing yourself with a topic like this is "google cut and paste". I reduce it to as succinct (quick, google this word) of an explanation as possible and provide what I think is the best of 100+ papers on the subject..

Despite reducing it to a relatively easy to understand concept, there will always be the product of damaged genetics, barely able to string together a sentence, stepping up like he's ever brought anything of value to MESO.

I get "X is now following you" notifications and an endless stream of DMs from intelligent, curious people every single day. You don't have one person interested in your ideas.

Since you're new here, let me help you out. Click my username and hit this button. You'll never see my posts again.

View attachment 296942

See, I even gave you a picture, do you think you can figure out how to complete this task without more help, retard?
There you go i learned something new today- he served a purpose after all. I havent followed any of this drama but just looking at the last two pages, i know what needs to be done. Smash that ignore button.
There you go i learned something new today- he served a purpose after all. I havent followed any of this drama but just looking at the last two pages, i know what needs to be done. Smash that ignore button.

Oh no, what will I do without the attention of such a quality member. All 12 of your posts actually left me feeling dumber after reading them. Not a spark of intelligence. 45 years old and braindead :)

You served a purpose as well though, showing the way for the pussies who like to bitch and cry, but don't have the BALLS to cut off my posts,
What happens when the 2 special ed kids accidentally wander into the AP class.

Notice folks, it's not enough for them to ignore it, they want to make sure you can't read it either.

Oh no, what will I do without the attention of such a quality member. All 12 of your posts actually left me feeling dumber after reading them. Not a spark of intelligence. 45 years old and braindead :)

You served a purpose as well though, showing the way for the pussies who like to bitch and cry, but don't have the BALLS to cut off my posts,

Since you are a fan of using citations, here is one from the Mayo Clinic that caught my eye and is relevant to this discussion:

“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.”

Seek help
Since you are a fan of using citations, here is one from the Mayo Clinic that caught my eye and is relevant to this discussion:

“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.”

Seek help

Since you exhibit the behavior so many other low status gossipy chicks do, playing amateur psychologist, here's some help for you.

Either ignore me, so you don't see the posts you claim to find useless, like a man, which is the logical thing to do, consistant with your words, or don't, and understand I have more control over your eyes than you do.

I'm going to go out of my way to post more than usual. Just to stick it in your worthless, non-contributing ass. Remember, every time I irritate your Alabama incest bred smoothbrain, it's a reminder of how powerless and impotent you are to exercise control over my posts as you are over your own life.
Since you exhibit the behavior so many other low status gossipy chicks do, playing amateur psychologist, here's some help for you.

Either ignore me, so you don't see the posts you claim to find useless, like a man, which is the logical thing to do, consistant with your words, or don't, and understand I have more control over your eyes than you do.

I'm going to go out of my way to post more than usual. Just to stick it in your worthless, non-contributing ass. Remember, every time I irritate your Alabama incest bred smooth brain, it's a reminder of how powerless and impotent to exercise control over my posts as you are over your own life.
You go right on ahead and do so man child.
as it’s not as if your content bothers me, and it’s not as if I don’t know the type. You can go on with the same bloviating, self righteous word salad to your hearts content. To be inevitably followed up by more childish hyperbole when people call you on it.

It does have its charms as it’s mildly entertaining in a rather sad way.
You go right on ahead and do so man child.
as it’s not as if your content bothers me, and it’s not as if I don’t know the type. You can go on with the same bloviating, self righteous word salad to your hearts content. To be inevitably followed up by more childish hyperbole when people call you on it.

It does have its charms as it’s mildly entertaining in a rather sad way.

You've called me on nothing. You're incapable of challenging anything I've said, you're just bothered by it and demanding I stop.

-MESO exists primarily for harm reduction.

-This is the #1 peptide vendor on MESO.

-My posts are directly related to the emerging science around protein aggregation affecting the potency of peptides, risks they present to health, and actionable, simple methods of how to reduce those aggregates and their potential harms.

That sounds like pretty fucking appropriate content for this forum.

Yet here are you and the other turds that invariably get stirred up when the rock of a good idea gets tossed into this cesspit of a thread whining about how it hurts their brains and delicate feelings to see this content, but you won't hit that ignore button. As usual, it's the same dynamic every time. One low value regular, Narta this time, starts some shit, and gets clung to by a handful of pathetic non-contributors and new user followers looking for easy clout in a comfy little circle jerk.
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I'm still waiting on the scuba diving pictures with Tony Huge and the harem of Thai whores

For gods sake bro, pay attention to the details. My American gf wouldn't appreciate that pic. And scuba isn't really necessary around the islands of the Andaman sea, the coral reefs are all pretty shallow so snorkeling off the boat's good enough :)
You've called me on nothing. You're incapable of challenging anything I've said, you're just bothered by it and demanding I stop.

-MESO exists primarily for harm reduction.

-This is the #1 peptide vendor on MESO.

-My posts are directly related to the emerging science around protein aggregation affecting the potency of peptides, risks they present to health, and actionable, simple methods of how to reduce those aggregates and their potential harms.

That sounds like pretty fucking appropriate content for this forum.

Yet here are you and the other turds that invariably get stirred up when the rock of a good idea gets tossed into this cesspit of a thread whining about how it hurts their brains and delicate feelings to see this content, but you won't hit that ignore button. As usual, it's the same dynamic every time. One low value regular, Narta this time, starts some shit, and gets clung to by a handful of pathetic non-contributors and new user followers looking for easy clout in a comfy little circle jerk.
Yes, because glorified ChatGPT cut and paste jobs are truly hard hitting content sure to shape the course of human history for generations to come. I am surprised the Nobel committee could have possibly overlooked your brilliance up to this point.
A true travesty to the betterment of human knowledge.

Or, alternatively, maybe take a step back from your grandiose delusion that only exists in your mind and instead seek help from a qualified mental health professional.