Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

First of all, not one of these clowns has "called me out" on any substantive factual basis.
I’ve “called you out” about half a dozen times now by asking you for evidence to support your claims about US customs & you’ve ignored my request every single time.

Instead of providing evidence, you made a lengthy post throwing petty insults at me in a thread on a totally different topic in the Politics subforum.

So yeah, you’ve just proven your naysayers right in that regard.
The brush with which you stereotype people never fails to be a glaring weakness in your perspective of the world around you. It belies a weak intellect with a capacity to deal with the details that are extant rather than the patterns to which you have become accustomed.

It transforms you into one of those lower class losers that you loathe so much and compromises your credibility. I’ve asked you repeatedly not to do that.
I can't "react" in the underground so NEED to provide a comment (though useless). THIS is the spot on accurate description.

I have nothing against Ghoul. But he destroys all credibility and chance of thoughtful discussion with exactly what you describe. (And maybe that just doesn't matter to him and that's ok...I just can't relate to the broad brush with which he paints).

I am actually curious about some of his ideas. I also understand the frustration with them being presented in source threads and seldom going anywhere tangible (to be fair, he could shoot back with "do the research yourself....do you want your hand held?".... though the ideas he presents are too new to easily apply to day to day harm reduction without at least a little more group-think and troubleshooting).

Ghoul - you don't need to take anyone's advice (I may just be a knuckle dragger....wish I was but I'm too out of shape to even be considered in that group ...lol) but maybe start a thread on some of your thoughts (e g. Filtration of peptides or many other ideas you have presented) and see where it goes. You may just be surprised how it takes on a life of it's own (or maybe not...and that's still ok....most will still at least glance and move on). You see some threads active for years...just a thought.
LOL, here we go with the amateur analysis again.

First of all, not one of these clowns has "called me out" on any substantive factual basis.

The attacks are based on their annoyance.

I tell them to ignore me, because that's the sensible thing to do if I truly irritate them so fucking much, and provide nothing of value. But they can't. Loath the admit it, they won't deny themselves access to what I write.

Just like the firestorm over GLPs, it's purely ad hominem insults from, let's be honest here, the intellectual trash bin of MESO. Not one of those jerkoffs can put together a coherent idea, let alone bring anything novel to the discussion.

Outside of this thread, they're universally out of their depth. Look at their post histories. At best they can repeat common knowledge they heard elsewhere, or some mundane account of personal experience from their boring lives.

You won't see any of their names on a MESO front page article in this lifetime. It's unlikely any of them have ever read even one.

Not a spark of intellect. No wit. These guys are on par with the regular occupants you'd find in a dive bar.

I refrained from responding for a little while to watch those morons spin their wheels, expend their best efforts, so dismantling their idiocy will be that much more enjoyable.

Have you ever noticed the people who claim someone was "bullied" are, without fail, lower class losers? You never hear a white collar professional using that as a dig. There's a common diagnosis behind that behavior any psychologist could easily dig their teeth into.

Every one of these guys occupies a low rung in society, guaranteed, and someone "acting smart" draws their fury.

And it's the same dynamic every time. A low value, but regular user with the slightest name recognition comes out swinging like he's tough, and a bunch of twerps who've been here a few weeks, or who post a single sentence with poor grammar and no punctuation every three months clings to his dick and follows his lead.

It gives them a sense of belonging. Probably daddy issues, coming from single mother welfare households, or beta fathers, and find Narta's tough talk makes them tingle inside.
Brother I'm not part of the drama I'm interested in what you have to say but engaging continuously in this discourse is taking from your objective. Please start a thread and share your knowledge and some sources so we can further educate ourselves or those who are skeptical can check your sources aswell and expand upon the research and education.
And you’re a genius? Because of what you post? Think again boy.

Anyone who can’t get lean even when using glps for more than seven years and claim to be trained by an ex ifbb pro, is rich and has access to pharma drugs is either dumb or lazy.

If us dumb knuckle draggers have the brain and competence to follow a diet and training program to be in healthy weight range then what makes a self proclaimed genius like you still obese and unhealthy then?

Stop with all your bullshit and be real, come back when you’re at least below 25% bf.
I know right? I would add that there is just something fundamentally odd about coming to a bodybuilding and steroids forum and being lectured by some fat guy on perpetual Tirzepatide about how wrong I am.

If dude is such an expert on these topics as he claims, then perhaps it might be prudent to point some of that genius level intellect inward towards self improvement. It's not exactly quantum physics to devise a workable training and nutrition regimen. I might not be a Mensa candidate but even I have managed to pull this off.
I know right? I would add that there is just something fundamentally odd about coming to a bodybuilding and steroids forum and being lectured by some fat guy on perpetual Tirzepatide about how wrong I am.

If dude is such an expert on these topics as he claims, then perhaps it might be prudent to point some of that genius level intellect inward towards self improvement. It's not exactly quantum physics to devise a workable training and nutrition regimen. I might not be a Mensa candidate but even I have managed to pull this off.
First step to being a genius is acknowledging that you probably aren’t one.

I think…I’m not a genius lol
I’ve “called you out” about half a dozen times now by asking you for evidence to support your claims about US customs & you’ve ignored my request every single time.

Instead of providing evidence, you made a lengthy post throwing petty insults at me in a thread on a totally different topic in the Politics subforum.

So yeah, you’ve just proven your naysayers right in that regard.
That’s also the problem, he will just vanish or throw insults when called out to prove his claims.

I have seen people like this time in time again, start spouting revolutionary nonsense like they are the solution to some imaginary problems but cannot provide any concrete evidence to support their statements.

Classic internet know it all behavior. Watch how he will ignore us again for a few days without answering the real questions, then comeback to tell his naysayers how dumb they are compared to himself.
Ghoul is literally spamming every thread.
Never leaves mom's basement.
200 steps a day.
No.wonder he needs every fat loss peptide known to humans.

Make sure you buy lab grade fridge for shit that isn't kept cold till you get it over seas.

Should be blocked by qsc cause it takes 10pgs of his bs to find anything relevant.

I wrote Dunning Kruger backwards and he didn't even get that
It’s finally happened, I’ve got a full bottle of HGH and a full bottle of 15,000IU HCG mixed up, not a clue which is which and I’m currently using a full bottle of growth a day, so if I end up spunking out a lung later I’ll mention Tracy on my tombstone

randy marsh moving GIF by South Park

"First of all, not one of these clowns has "called me out" on any substantive factual basis.
The attacks are based on their annoyance".

Yes, they may be annoyed, but they have also put forward their arguments, which you have ignored.
So this:

"I refrained from responding for a little while to watch those morons spin their wheels, expend their best efforts, so dismantling their idiocy will be that much more enjoyable"

.. is not really correct.
When they asked why you disappeared and not commented back, saying it's because you are in the shadows, watching them unravel like a sadistic whack-a-mole, in reality it's more like you are waiting for the waves to subside.
And what, exactly, you say you have dismantled, idk, but I am sure you will clarify.

I have quoted and example, below, right at the end of this.
Following their comments, there was silence from you.
I mean, fair enough if you were wrong on the matter.
But at least admit it, instead of calling them clowns and low life.

"it's purely ad hominem insults from, let's be honest here, the intellectual trash bin of MESO. Not one of those jerkoffs can put together a coherent idea."

This is bullshit and you know it.
The members that actually take time to look at what you post and comment on it are the exact opposite of what you write and they bring a wealth of knowledge and first hand experience.

Also, you know I have all the time in the world for you, but I have to say that you have often been the first, to throw "purely ad hominem insults" around, when challenged.

."At best they can repeat common knowledge they heard elsewhere, or some mundane account of personal experience from their boring lives."

Fair enough.
Most of us don't have multiple holiday homes around the world, a 23 year old girlfriend and a 9 inch penis. If that = boring, then you are right.
Bringing this back to Meso, though, many people here engage safely with AAS in real life, without feeling the need to scream about it from the rooftops.
And they have been doing this successfully, for a long time.
However, I also believe that they are willing to be informed and are curious about new knowledge.
They may question it, in light of their own experience, but that is the clever thing to do. I am sure you agree because you are cultured and curious, too.

"Have you ever noticed the people who claim someone was "bullied" are, without fail, lower class losers?"

Yeah, people trying to find excuses for your intransigence or whatever must be grating. However, like Dirthand and I always say, fuck em.
I don't want to find excuses for you because I am too much of a retard.
But I accept you are high class and acting smart.
Personally, it's not the kind of thing that I resent.
I dig posh people, even though I am not one.

As you cannot call him illiterate, you point at "Narta's tough talk", when he is just trying to be rational and talking sense.
With regards to you accusing members to cling "to his dick", it is simply for dramatic purposes: the forum etiquette clearly states that is a forbidden activity and you know it.

Also, the Mexican is as high class as you are, so you attempting to down-caste him is a ridiculous basic b**** endeavour.

I am not going to tag him so he hopefully misses this bit and continues to live in blissful ignorance about the fact I know he is well posh.

As previously mentioned, here are some bits and bobs of yours that were answered to, but not by you:

Ok, if you're going to step up, explain yourself. Every nurse and doctor is trained that when administering meds reconstituted from a powder, like peptides, they must be filtered. Same with an ampule, because of the risk of microscopic glass shards.

How is following this same basic practice, filtering out particulates a "problem"?

Do you really think it's utterly pointless and medical professionals are just practicing theater when they use filters?

View attachment 296204

A non filter spike is $1, and a .10um luer/luer filter is $1. They can both be used for multiple vials (of the same compound), so let's not make up straw man arguments and stick to reality.

Do what you want, don't sterilize stoppers with an alcohol swab, reuse needles for a month. Share them with your buddy. I don't care, but don't paint perfectly logical, demonstrably effective safety practices as utterly useless and bordering on madness, when they're just beyond what you choose to do.

When preparing CERTAIN powdered medication.
Can you read even what you are quoting?

Buddy I have been injected by nurses quite a few times and saw them drawing from vials and NOT ONCE they have used a filter needle to draw the solution. NOT ONCE.

Come on be real. Yeah the filter can be reused? Sure please tell me how you gonna store it for consequent use in a sterile environment after having used it the first time.

You missed the "recommended" and "certain". It's neither mandatory nor all powdered medications.

Plus you missed an important parameter in that google Fu screenshot
View attachment 296206

glass ampule.

Now go spin that to suit your narrative boi

There is no MANDATORY procedure that requires filtering medication prior to administration. It's recommend.

Common sense is not common at all it seems

Endotoxins didn't work out
Doomsday ai powered customs control didn't work out.
Now it's coring and glass shards.
Next it will be <5μm microturds from flying aliens or something along those lines.
And then he will find a different board and something else to exercise his brain freeze and we will.go back to floaters, underfilled vials and tren Tracy
@Ghoul are you recommending filtering all QSC's oils AND peptides? Is this specific to QSC or do you do this for every seller?

I need cliffs on how this whole thing started.