For those of you who play the 200mg test game and then add tons of anabolics on top, which do you use? I can't tolerate masteron at any dose.


I've tried to play this game of ToddleeMD twice now where I keep the test moderate and try to ramp up with masteron as he says (he calls it a neutral anabolic) but I cannot fooking take even a few mg of mast without being crippled by anxiety. I've tried it twice now and it destroys me even at low doses. No other drug does this for whatever reason. What is a good sub? EQ and especially primo both crash my E2... if I want to take 400 primo I need 600 test to stay in range... was thinking NPP but not sure how high is tolerable of a level on that or anadrol. Have used anavar and it's great. I can't even tell I'm on it from side effect perspective but it can't be run very long due to lipids. Perhaps it's best to just use more test like most guys do? Anyone run into this problem of what relatively neutral anabolic to stack on test that doesn't cause issues if it can't be masteron? As crazy as it sounds, I'm wondering I could tolerate 50-100mg of anadrol per day on top of 200mg of weekly test better than any other drug from a sides perspective. Anyone play test low and drop high for extended periods?
I've tried to play this game of ToddleeMD twice now where I keep the test moderate and try to ramp up with masteron as he says (he calls it a neutral anabolic) but I cannot fooking take even a few mg of mast without being crippled by anxiety. I've tried it twice now and it destroys me even at low doses. No other drug does this for whatever reason. What is a good sub? EQ and especially primo both crash my E2... if I want to take 400 primo I need 600 test to stay in range... was thinking NPP but not sure how high is tolerable of a level on that or anadrol. Have used anavar and it's great. I can't even tell I'm on it from side effect perspective but it can't be run very long due to lipids. Perhaps it's best to just use more test like most guys do? Anyone run into this problem of what relatively neutral anabolic to stack on test that doesn't cause issues if it can't be masteron? As crazy as it sounds, I'm wondering I could tolerate 50-100mg of anadrol per day on top of 200mg of weekly test better than any other drug from a sides perspective. Anyone play test low and drop high for extended periods?
With low test you can go for:
250 Test
700 Tren
700 Anadrol

This for sure will make you grow...... Personally had no sides on that cycle.

Low test high Masteron is for retards like ToddleeMD, he should just prescribe antibiotics instead of doing bodybuilding.

In general i prefer:
high test
high eq (1,5:1 Test:EQ)
all the HGH you can afford
10-20iu Humalog pre and postwo

You will feel great, sleep is great, bloods are great. What else? ;)
I've tried to play this game of ToddleeMD twice now where I keep the test moderate and try to ramp up with masteron as he says (he calls it a neutral anabolic) but I cannot fooking take even a few mg of mast without being crippled by anxiety. I've tried it twice now and it destroys me even at low doses. No other drug does this for whatever reason. What is a good sub? EQ and especially primo both crash my E2... if I want to take 400 primo I need 600 test to stay in range... was thinking NPP but not sure how high is tolerable of a level on that or anadrol. Have used anavar and it's great. I can't even tell I'm on it from side effect perspective but it can't be run very long due to lipids. Perhaps it's best to just use more test like most guys do? Anyone run into this problem of what relatively neutral anabolic to stack on test that doesn't cause issues if it can't be masteron? As crazy as it sounds, I'm wondering I could tolerate 50-100mg of anadrol per day on top of 200mg of weekly test better than any other drug from a sides perspective. Anyone play test low and drop high for extended periods?
I am also prone to anxiety, but find that a 2:1 Test/NPP ratio works like magic for insane strength/size gains with a calm mind...
Have you considered... more testosterone

I have and have done this in the past. The idea was to avoid the overwhelming DHT levels of extra test. I have a lot of experience using primo and adex to control estrogen but diving down the dutasteride or finasteride rabbit hole I've got little interest in.
Best bulking cycle I loved was trt test and HIGH npp (700mg/wk)
I grew so easily on it, zero sides with keep e2 down.

Alot of recent threads are saying high test as the base is king though, which I have never tried high test bulking so I will be trying that early next year.

Nandrolone has been the most effective steroid for me by a country mile in terms of muscle growth. Sometimes I just feel off on it. I've done it up to 400mg per week in the past. I'm thinking this may be for the win.
With low test you can go for:
250 Test
700 Tren
700 Anadrol

This for sure will make you grow...... Personally had no sides on that cycle.

Low test high Masteron is for retards like ToddleeMD, he should just prescribe antibiotics instead of doing bodybuilding.

In general i prefer:
high test
high eq (1,5:1 Test:EQ)
all the HGH you can afford
10-20iu Humalog pre and postwo

You will feel great, sleep is great, bloods are great. What else? ;)

What Todd says makes some much sense in my head and on paper and then he shows up onstage at 180 pounds on 3g of Masteron and I wonder like how does anyone listen to a word he says?
What Todd says makes some much sense in my head and on paper and then he shows up onstage at 180 pounds on 3g of Masteron and I wonder like how does anyone listen to a word he says?
He's a bad example lol he fucked his prep up. A better indicator is John Jewett.

For myself nandrolone is a nightmare. I'm unable to handle even low doses. The mental sides including anxiety and paranoia are off the charts. Generally feel like shit, lethargy, etc. masteron has no sides for me. I can run grams of it and nothing... I don't run "low testosterone" though. I can handle 500mg test fine then I'll add 500-2g's of Masteron. So far it's a recomping dream. I'm losing bf and adding muscle for months on end while eating right around maintenance maybe slightly at a deficit
He's a bad example lol he fucked his prep up. A better indicator is John Jewett.

For myself nandrolone is a nightmare. I'm unable to handle even low doses. The mental sides including anxiety and paranoia are off the charts. Generally feel like shit, lethargy, etc. masteron has no sides for me. I can run grams of it and nothing... I don't run "low testosterone" though. I can handle 500mg test fine then I'll add 500-2g's of Masteron. So far it's a recomping dream. I'm losing bf and adding muscle for months on end while eating right around maintenance maybe slightly at a deficit

john also ran 1200mg test during his offseason from what i remember, ontop of the mast and GH. Not this 200-300mg test and 4g masteron stuff some guys preach.
Why people listens to everyone that wants to reinvent the wheel?

Steroids are those since like.... 30years, and people grow on high test+ an anabolic + maybe an oral, since forever.

Just use as much test as you can tolerate.
Its no surprise guys get mental sides with foreign hormones multiple times the medically studied doses. All these compounds arent meant to be like just straight benefits. Whatever you take has an effect on your mind, even if you arent self aware enough to notice , still its happening

The human body makes like 35mg of test per week and thats the difference of low y sides and feeling normal, so taking 350mg of anything is 10x more. Im not trying to compare test to primo or mast of course but tren isnt the only compound with mental side effects
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He's a bad example lol he fucked his prep up. A better indicator is John Jewett.

For myself nandrolone is a nightmare. I'm unable to handle even low doses. The mental sides including anxiety and paranoia are off the charts. Generally feel like shit, lethargy, etc. masteron has no sides for me. I can run grams of it and nothing... I don't run "low testosterone" though. I can handle 500mg test fine then I'll add 500-2g's of Masteron. So far it's a recomping dream. I'm losing bf and adding muscle for months on end while eating right around maintenance maybe slightly at a deficit

I am going in this direction myself. I just spent the last year with EQ as my "Anchor" and test at a steady 750mg. I reached 292. Labs were great in respect to HCT and RBC, but BP spiked and I am shifting EQ out and bringing in Masteron in its place, with low dose Primo. Keeping test at 750mg, Tren in and out at 150-300mg.

I think HGH + Insulin is the bigger piece of this puzzle than which compounds you choose, when trying to push into freaky size.

All that said, take note I said 750mg Test, not 150mg... Big lists 500mg test, not 150mg. Test doesnt need to be "High" but with experience I think most of us have found (or will find) we grow far better when it's not "Low".
Moderate Test with a little bit of arimidex works wonders. I’m drier than I was on test and mast. Why the need for low test? Nandrolone makes me crazy… I always think my girl is cheating. And Masteron at high doses swells up my prostate. Currently on 750mg Test C and .5mg arimidex M/W/F. Loving it! Bought EQ to run at about 400-500mg a week but may not even end up running it.
Moderate Test with a little bit of arimidex works wonders. I’m drier than I was on test and mast. Why the need for low test? Nandrolone makes me crazy… I always think my girl is cheating. And Masteron at high doses swells up my prostate. Currently on 750mg Test C and .5mg arimidex M/W/F. Loving it! Bought EQ to run at about 400-500mg a week but may not even end up running it.

The idea behind low test is to avoid having extremely high DHT levels. I'm taking 30mg per day of test cyp/e and .25mg m/w/f adex. I feel great here and can be on this indefinitely.
john also ran 1200mg test during his offseason from what i remember, ontop of the mast and GH. Not this 200-300mg test and 4g masteron stuff some guys preach.
Ya I tend to sway towards the higher end of testosterone usage "as much as you can stand" which for me is about 500mg ATM. Todd usually says to "take enough testosterone to get your e2 where you want it" which is much different than saying "low testosterone" he himself runs 600-700mg testosterone to get his e2 where he wants it. For John Jewett it was 1200mg. He also espouses the thought process of not using an AI if you can help it. Not a lot of folks can run 1200mg testosterone without an AI unless coupled with primo or EQ to lower the aromatization, which takes time and serial blood work to dial in properly.
He also espouses the thought process of not using an AI if you can help it.
I thought this was the reasoning behind the whole "Low Test High Anabolic" trend. And what is a good e2? Example, my e2 on 350 Test is in the 50s but I feel fine. Some say it shouldn't get above 30 and some say you need high e2 to make the most gains. Then its, "as long as you don't get gyno symptoms its good to go", "high e2 burns subcutaneous fat", "high e2 makes you fat". To be honest, I'm here to learn from everyone who actually uses gear and their experiences, because on YouTube the knowledge does seem to be all over the place.
I thought this was the reasoning behind the whole "Low Test High Anabolic" trend. And what is a good e2? Example, my e2 on 350 Test is in the 50s but I feel fine. Some say it shouldn't get above 30 and some say you need high e2 to make the most gains. Then its, "as long as you don't get gyno symptoms its good to go", "high e2 burns subcutaneous fat", "high e2 makes you fat". To be honest, I'm here to learn from everyone who actually uses gear and their experiences, because on YouTube the knowledge does seem to be all over the place.
That number is different for everyone. Todd's idea is that you run your e2 at whatever # is most efficient for HGH conversion to igf1. That require blood work and titration/testing.

What one person says is not gonna translate to you. It requires you to do your own work and bloods to figure out what works in your body