Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So, what kind of drugs you guys want to tak about then. Let’s get it rolling.
I have another cycle starting up in 2 weeks, round 2 with Hex. I’m pretty stoked about it. I’m debating going up in dosage slightly this time too.

I believe that @Grey Spartan will be starting up Hex around this same time also. So I will have a cycle teammate to compare notes with.
I have another cycle starting up in 2 weeks, round 2 with Hex. I’m pretty stoked about it. I’m debating going up in dosage slightly this time too.

I believe that @Grey Spartan will be starting up Hex around this same time also. So I will have a cycle teammate to compare notes with.
Why hex and not just tren E? Especially except the cost difference and the slightly longer halflife I believe, the molecule is still the same old nice trenbolonaaaaaa
So, what kind of drugs you guys want to tak about then. Let’s get it rolling.
How about superdrol? Thinking of kicking off my bulk with it. Test deca superdrol.

I've done 20mg for 4 weeks. I get big and strong fast. But strangely I bloat. Some say superdrol doesn't bloat but I definitely bloat on it.

I'm thinking of doing 10mg and maybe push it to 5 (dare I 6?) weeks.
Why hex and not just tren E? Especially except the cost difference and the slightly longer halflife I believe, the molecule is still the same old nice trenbolonaaaaaa
Longer acting Tren ester with a less pronounced side effect profile from what I have read on the subject. Yes, a more expensive option, but I got a kit from Tracy’s last promo for 150 bucks, so still pretty cost effective
How about superdrol? Thinking of kicking off my bulk with it. Test deca superdrol.

I've done 20mg for 4 weeks. I get big and strong fast. But strangely I bloat. Some say superdrol doesn't bloat but I definitely bloat on it.

I'm thinking of doing 10mg and maybe push it to 5 (dare I 6?) weeks.
I do love the hell out of Superdrol. Got some of that ready to go also.

Just received domestic Test P and Mast P. Box and label were taped together and label was not clear which is which like other times I’ve ordered. Anybody know what color each one is ?
I know, I know, you can't 100% rely on oil color. Different carrier oils, different recipes, etc. But! I can tell you after seeing many batches of QSC mast and test over the years. The mast is always clear, with the smallest amount of lime green, but almost clear. Like a florescent clear if that makes sense. His test is always a mild yellow tint. Nothing like tren. Like a clearer version of the color of fresh lime juice (not concentrate).