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A woman is a female human. Pretty simple.

Female pedophiles? Really? Talk about imagined scenarios. Female pedophiles raping young girls? We aren't talking Female teachers having sex with 13 to 16 year old boys? You my friend have a ridiculous way of defending your absurd politics.

But I have no daughter, just sons. But I can only imagine how a father feels when the law tells him his daughter has to share the ymca locker room with a 40 year old delusional man. As if she would have to be raped to be uncomfortable with that. As if a child stumbling into a man with a wig air drying his nuts isn't bad enough.

As if a woman or a girl, in their most vulnerable position, squatting, pants down to their ankles, are supposed to just be okay with a man accidentally walking into the bathroom they're using.

No let's wait for it become a rape epidemic and even then they'll pretend it's not happening. Like your counterparts in europe.

Till then I guess women and girls have bigger fish to fry, the female pedophile. Give me a break buddy.
So what is a female? Like I'm just trying to call.out the illusory superiority many folk, especially conservative analysts try to pull when they say a supreme court justice doesn't know what a woman or a man is. At the end of the day you will need to pick a specific point in what is considered female or male and exclude a small minority of the population that doesn't fit into said categories.
I'm saying purely from a point of science. What to you use to classify sex? If you go by chromosomes there are at least 6 variation of that. How do you expect someone to unilaterally rule on which is the most acceptable in a "Gotcha" question?
Lol the actual threat of the female pedophile raping young girls in public bathrooms.
Your scenario is just as imagined. Before people were comfortable enough to openly 'come out', which bathrooms did you think secret trans and cross dressers were using before?
Was anyone going to female bathrooms to check for nuts?
So what is a female? Like I'm just trying to call.out the illusory superiority many folk, especially conservative analysts try to pull when they say a supreme court justice doesn't know what a woman or a man is. At the end of the day you will need to pick a specific point in what is considered female or male and exclude a small minority of the population that doesn't fit into said categories.
I'm saying purely from a point of science. What to you use to classify sex? If you go by chromosomes there are at least 6 variation of that. How do you expect someone to unilaterally rule on which is the most acceptable in a "Gotcha" question?
Gotcha question? It's as simple a question you can ask. You can use genetic anomalies or hermaphrodite or whayever is you're going on about to defend your politics. They're probably less likely then the female pedophile you want us to be concerned with?
Anyway. Had my fill of this for today.
People love getting worked up over overblown threats while ignoring more clear and present danger cos they assume they are somewhat immune or far removed.
Your scenario is just as imagined. Before people were comfortable enough to openly 'come out', which bathrooms did you think secret trans and cross dressers were using before?
Was anyone going to female bathrooms to check for nuts?
Men who dress as woman aren't the same thing as men who believe they are women. Those have been around forever. A weirdo man who dresses like a woman performatively or even if they like it, isn't the same thing as delusional men thinking they are in fact a women. Take that and couple it with a few more diagnosis from the dsm and what do you get? Someone u would let your daughter share a bathroom with?

And no, no one was doing a ridiculous thing as checking for nuts. Because ridiculous people didn't come to power only till recently to make it law. None of this was even a conversation 20 years ago.
A lot of comments I've seen on women's pics would say otherwise.
Way too many of them can't tell the difference between a labia and a dick.
Lol I don't know how to take this comment. There's no rules. Theyre making dicks out of forearms. I had a similar conversation with a woman the other day. She says you would never be able to tell the difference. I was like I think eventually you'll get to a point where u can tell the difference. She said not if it's snipped, would you like to see a picture?

I said no!!! Of all the deviant shit I've seen on the internet and in life. Thats one thing I hope to never see. For many reasons. If it looks real and I cant tell the difference then wtf thank God I'm not single. And if it looks like Dr frankenstein fashioned it I'd hate to see that too.

Anyway, long story short I fucked that tranny.

I'm kidding. But she had me thinking this whole time I've been treating her like she's a woman. Who the hell just has makeshift vagina pictures readily accessible on their phone? Is she a tranny?

It wasn't important. She presents like a woman, I'll treat her like it. It's the bald bearded psycho ones who you're not extending that ridiculous courtesy to.

But if I was on the market. I guess I'd have to do my due diligence.
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Anyway. Had my fill of this for today.
People love getting worked up over overblown threats while ignoring more clear and present danger cos they assume they are somewhat immune or far removed.
I've had my fill too. This thread can get back on track. What that track is I don't know.

I enjoy debating these topics. But I know neither side will ever convince the other. It's futile.
Because you think engineers are leftists yeah right lol

Don’t presume to know what I think nor attempt to engage in any kind of debate with me. You are not sufficiently well equipped to do so.

That having been said, my statement was predicated on the statistics from the last election that show that Democratic voters on average had achieved a higher level of education over Republican voters. One could argue that this doesn’t inherently imply that one is better at math than the other, but I suspect there’s a strong correlation.

Also, please don't presume that I subscribe to some sort of particular ideology that is vulnerable to commonplace anti-leftist talking points. It would shit up this thread and cause you to appear more foolish than you already do. In simple terms that you can understand, I am neither blue team nor red team.