Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Semaglutide has a half life of 7 days. You should not need to inject it daily. Have you considered 0.875mg twice per week?
more stable levels is always better.
same with Testosterone etc.
you should not need is maybe correct, but it is the optimal thing you can do for your body
Guys, I need some advice on MK677. I eat like a little girl and hear this stuff is nuts for appetite boosting. I train hard and cram food but I still need help. Anyone ever try this sources and I noticed they have oral and an injectable. The powder is a much better price per gram. Is one better than the other?
Guys, I need some advice on MK677. I eat like a little girl and hear this stuff is nuts for appetite boosting. I train hard and cram food but I still need help. Anyone ever try this sources and I noticed they have oral and an injectable. The powder is a much better price per gram. Is one better than the other?
I used mk raw, it works
I think someone asked me a few pages back but I'm taking HCG and HMG, ordered from QSC. I've taken a few doses and it seems to be getting my balls back to fat & happy. I have 5 iu of the domestic HGH left before I switch to the internationally ordered HGH so I'll update on that when the time comes. For what its worth 5 iu EOD (taking it on days where I'm fasted all day) seems to help fat loss a good bit and no real sides. Did 5 iU ED for a week and lethargy was pretty unreal, not gonna do that again. at least it's legit.

Also have their 250mg/mL Test E and pinned it subQ because of some fucked up pins that landed me with bad pip (other source). for what its worth I pin a full mL (adding up to 500mg/week) subQ, breaking it up into .25mL in different spots. This test is the only test I've had that doesn't leave huge red bumps under my skin for days after injecting subQ. not sure if it's the oil type or what but I'm so far very happy with it. also their metformin and more importantly their Telmisartan is working well, honestly cannot say anything negative about my experience thus far. Trestolone will be used in maybe a month or two, I'll review that too.

TLDR: good shit from QSC

in before I get called a shill and some other derogatory terms for saying something positive about a source. sigh.
I think someone asked me a few pages back but I'm taking HCG and HMG, ordered from QSC. I've taken a few doses and it seems to be getting my balls back to fat & happy. I have 5 iu of the domestic HGH left before I switch to the internationally ordered HGH so I'll update on that when the time comes. For what its worth 5 iu EOD (taking it on days where I'm fasted all day) seems to help fat loss a good bit and no real sides. Did 5 iU ED for a week and lethargy was pretty unreal, not gonna do that again. at least it's legit.

Also have their 250mg/mL Test E and pinned it subQ because of some fucked up pins that landed me with bad pip (other source). for what its worth I pin a full mL (adding up to 500mg/week) subQ, breaking it up into .25mL in different spots. This test is the only test I've had that doesn't leave huge red bumps under my skin for days after injecting subQ. not sure if it's the oil type or what but I'm so far very happy with it. also their metformin and more importantly their Telmisartan is working well, honestly cannot say anything negative about my experience thus far. Trestolone will be used in maybe a month or two, I'll review that too.

TLDR: good shit from QSC

in before I get called a shill and some other derogatory terms for saying something positive about a source. sigh.

I think we are hopefully past the point of the shill thing in this thread. If it's accurately dosed shit, it doesn't matter what lab it comes from, for me. I use whatever I think is going to work....from several suppliers here.

