Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co. Toremifene Raws - Janoshik Test

First thank you for sharing that our Clomiphene citrate is +98% ^^
Toremiphene was a mistake as explained and the proof is that we came to you with a feedback of outgoing items that day, and it was Clomiphene citrate that was sent, and you have already ordered many items, and all matches what is advertised.
We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.
Thinking now you will convince members that we are scammers because of 1 mistake? good luck ^^
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You have been one of the most annoying customers/labs that I have dealed with until now, so I am pleased that you choosed to bash us in forum because of a non intentionally mistake, end of the business with you.
We already have about 30 blind lab tests done here by members, and always match what is advertised.
I will also take advantage of the counter-advertising you want to do for us to advertise our HGH that you tested.
For members who are curious about a recent lab test of our HGH with dimer testing.
If you want to share other raws tested by you feel free ^^
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i like the communication with QSC and i like their products cuz every Order i habe done with them was superb don't understand why you need to hate someone soo much in a forum...
If you think the scamming people and you dont like that, just dont order from him and get your hands on a source you like.
This has got to be a shill
First thank you for sharing that our Clomiphene citrate is +98% ^^

Toremiphene was a mistake as explained and the proof is that we came to you with a feedback of outgoing items that day, and it was Clomiphene citrate that was sent, and you have already ordered many items, and all matches what is advertised.

We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.

Thinking now you will convince members that we are scammers because of 1 mistake? good luck ^^

View attachment 165015

You have been one of the most annoying customers/labs that I have dealed with until now, so I am pleased that you choosed to bash us in forum because of a non intentionally mistake, end of the business with you.

We already have about 30 blind lab tests done here by members, and always match what is advertised.

I will also take advantage of the counter-advertising you want to do for us to advertise our HGH that you tested.

For members who are curious about a recent lab test of our HGH with dimer testing.

If you want to share other raws tested by you feel free ^^

View attachment 165016

Dude u are hella childish this forum is for safety mostly iv kept my mouth shut on alot of what's been going on. So somome calls u out on ur mistake to show pther members they need to be careful when ordering from you cause u seem to be all over the place with ur fucked up raws, to sending the wrong raws, to multiple instances of underdosing finished product. The way u handle ur fuck ups and mistakes is like a female who's just got dumped and finale relaized she's fucked up and ain't getting back what she had..... All u have to do is clean up ur act test ur raws and finished products and nail shit down.

You act like people are routing for u to fail when in reality all members here want is for u to do good and do right by the customer q like you have to understand this could turn into a serious issue if this wasn't caught, same shit with liskas finding members shouldn't have to bring these things to ur attention. And if they are it's cause they want u to do right but if it not gunna take the criticism as a positive and nail things down and crush the game and have long lasting customers and bussiness with them. 90 percent ur on but that other 10 percent is bad and needs to be addressed and cleaned up just be mature about it.... If this was the old mesos ud be gone by now. Look at what GoodLyfe for an example did and has accomplished.
^^^ I agree I told them through email that I thought I was sent the wrong raws, and ask is it possible somebody made a mistake . and they responded , if you don’t trust us , go get it tested . What kind of customer service is that shit … and fuck NO I don’t trust you . Give me a reason to trust you . I still think my raws are not what they say they are . I think it could be a accident or there extremely low purity . Either way I think they should pay for the test and I’ll send in the shit , if it tests good , it’s just good advertisement for them . I can send in raw test cyp and raw deca and I’ll even send in how many cc of there finished I made and post the recipes used to brew the shit . I’ll send in 5 grams of there raws of each and 5 cc of each brewed . What ever is needed I don’t care . I just think they should be testing there product before selling it . Which I thought they were . But found out there not . What are we putting in our bodies ? Is QSC even sure ? Sense they don’t test each batch ? I thought they were like millionaires

Do you really think I need you to trust me or I care about your opinions?

Did anyone force you to order from us? if you have better options, then go buy there.

Why do you feel the necessity to tell someone how to conduct his business ?

Why don't you do your own raw business with your own rules or order somewhere else where every batch is tested and they reimburse your tests to get your stupid trust?

Greedy fucks who gonna order 10g of test and 10g of deca for 1/3 of the price of the lab tests and want me to pay for it? for what? so you can trust me lol
What do I gain by paying 240 USD so that you order 100 USD?

While you already have 5 blind tests of Test C in the lab testing forum done by members and another of deca raws?

Either you never studied math and do not know how business work, but from your comments I am more likely believe you have 2 brain cells to write this kind of comments
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^^^ I agree I told them through email that I thought I was sent the wrong raws, and ask is it possible somebody made a mistake . and they responded , if you don’t trust us , go get it tested . What kind of customer service is that shit … and fuck NO I don’t trust you . Give me a reason to trust you . I still think my raws are not what they say they are . I think it could be a accident or there extremely low purity . Either way I think they should pay for the test and I’ll send in the shit , if it tests good , it’s just good advertisement for them . I can send in raw test cyp and raw deca and I’ll even send in how many cc of there finished I made and post the recipes used to brew the shit . I’ll send in 5 grams of there raws of each and 5 cc of each brewed . What ever is needed I don’t care . I just think they should be testing there product before selling it . Which I thought they were . But found out there not . What are we putting in our bodies ? Is QSC even sure ? Sense they don’t test each batch ? I thought they were like millionaires

If you don’t trust them go get it tested, they said nothing wrong.

If you don’t trust them and you don’t want to pay for testing go order somewhere else

You cannot have it both cheap and safe.
If you don’t trust them go get it tested, they said nothing wrong.

If you don’t trust them and you don’t want to pay for testing go order somewhere else

You cannot have it both cheap and safe.
"You cannot have it both cheap and safe." This forum was about being safe and making sources accountable but I guess its not anymore unfortunately.
"You cannot have it both cheap and safe." This forum was about being safe and making sources accountable but I guess its not anymore unfortunately.
It still is. Nobody is holding you back to send in cheap stuff for a lab test. Bloodwork doesn't mean anything.
Well there's ur answer and ur customer service and how much the src cares weither u inject heavy metals into ya. Get ur shit elsewhere plenty of very good and very liable raw srcs out there. Even if u order and test all ur raws u get if u do catch something u'll be called a scammer bullshiter it's fake untrue. As this is the answer you will get cause he could give two fucks about ur health.


Do you really think I need you to trust me or I care about your opinions?

Did anyone force you to order from us? if you have better options, then go buy there.

Why do you feel the necessity to tell someone how to conduct his business ?"

Do you really think I need you to trust me or I care about your opinions?

Did anyone force you to order from us? if you have better options, then go buy there.

Why do you feel the necessity to tell someone how to conduct his business ?

Why don't you do your own raw business with your own rules or order somewhere else where every batch is tested and they reimburse your tests to get your stupid trust?

Greedy fucks who gonna order 10g of test and 10g of deca for 1/3 of the price of the lab tests and want me to pay for it? for what? so you can trust me lol
What do I gain by paying 240 USD so that you order 100 USD?

While you already have 5 blind tests of Test C in the lab testing forum done by members and another of deca raws?

Either you never studied math and do not know how business work, but from your comments I am more likely believe you have 2 brain cells to write this kind of comments
Look at him coming out of the closet and showing his true Chinese colors..

Ooooo weeeee… if you buy from this scammer, you’re a clown
You’re angry cause they’re exposing you. Hidin behind a screen insulting a guy that can kill you in person.

Keep talkin shit, pussy, you still a scammer
scamming who?
the only one who is angry here is you, bumping old solved issues, desesperately to get some drama, maybe you should buy some AI, your nipples are suffering and gonna milk soon
^^^ I agree I told them through email that I thought I was sent the wrong raws, and ask is it possible somebody made a mistake . and they responded , if you don’t trust us , go get it tested . What kind of customer service is that shit … and fuck NO I don’t trust you . Give me a reason to trust you . I still think my raws are not what they say they are . I think it could be a accident or there extremely low purity . Either way I think they should pay for the test and I’ll send in the shit , if it tests good , it’s just good advertisement for them . I can send in raw test cyp and raw deca and I’ll even send in how many cc of there finished I made and post the recipes used to brew the shit . I’ll send in 5 grams of there raws of each and 5 cc of each brewed . What ever is needed I don’t care . I just think they should be testing there product before selling it . Which I thought they were . But found out there not . What are we putting in our bodies ? Is QSC even sure ? Sense they don’t test each batch ? I thought they were like millionaires
You don't test your raws and simply go off looks? Thats a whole other level of trust...
You don't test your raws and simply go off looks? Thats a whole other level of trust...
What? You can't check the powder and check the purity by simple taste?

It's cause you are a peasant and not a sommelier like him.