Qingdao sigma chemical

Anyone talk to Alisa lately? I asked for availability on a few things that weren't peptides/gh, one of them pretty out of the ordinary. She said everything I was looking for was available and wanted to know quantities. I told her how much I was looking for and she said she'd work up a quote. That was like 3 days ago, and I haven't heard from her since.
Anyone talk to Alisa lately? I asked for availability on a few things that weren't peptides/gh, one of them pretty out of the ordinary. She said everything I was looking for was available and wanted to know quantities. I told her how much I was looking for and she said she'd work up a quote. That was like 3 days ago, and I haven't heard from her since.

She answered me today and yesterday just resend a message
FYI I’ve gone through two boxes of HGH (2iu 5days a week) from Alisa and Quingdao. I just noticed you can no longer find HGH on alibaba.

FYI I did do some testing early after my order last year and a GH blood test result gave a 20 post 3.5 hour draw from a 10iu injection.
3 boxes just arrived. Did a pregnancy test and it was negative. When reconstituted, it takes some time to fully dissolve. There are particles that stick to the bottom of the vial but it's gone after about 10 minutes. I've injected 15 IU and feel absolutely nothing.
3 boxes just arrived. Did a pregnancy test and it was negative. When reconstituted, it takes some time to fully dissolve. There are particles that stick to the bottom of the vial but it's gone after about 10 minutes. I've injected 15 IU and feel absolutely nothing.
Is gh supposed to give a feel at that dose?
What is a pregnancy test going to do? HCG causes pregnancy tests to be positive, not HGH.
The pregnancy test is just to make sure that it isn't HCG, which is commonly sold as HGH because it's cheaper and looks similar. Negative = good, but doesn't mean its HGH.

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Bit late to the party but here is 8 weeks on 6ui ed, with 3h 10ui shot. Both tests are from same blood test.

gh serum good.
igf not up at all. Chinese rubbish.
3h gh serum tests are rubbish and everyone should stop parroting this is the way to test for genuine gh.


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3 boxes just arrived. Did a pregnancy test and it was negative. When reconstituted, it takes some time to fully dissolve. There are particles that stick to the bottom of the vial but it's gone after about 10 minutes. I've injected 15 IU and feel absolutely nothing.

You don’t feel Hgh the same day you inject it. I’ve done up to 10iu a day and didn’t feel it until 2 weeks later. Try 15iu daily for 2 weeks than come back here and say you don’t feel anything. If you truly don’t feel something after 2 weeks than I would start questioning if it’s even Hgh. But as of now, you can’t go off of just feels especially on day 1...
You don’t feel Hgh the same day you inject it. I’ve done up to 10iu a day and didn’t feel it until 2 weeks later. Try 15iu daily for 2 weeks than come back here and say you don’t feel anything. If you truly don’t feel something after 2 weeks than I would start questioning if it’s even Hgh. But as of now, you can’t go off of just feels especially on day 1...
I'm not questioning it, just saying how it is. Some have said they have carpal tunnel on the first day with pharma.

Bit late to the party but here is 8 weeks on 6ui ed, with 3h 10ui shot. Both tests are from same blood test.

gh serum good.
igf not up at all. Chinese rubbish.
3h gh serum tests are rubbish and everyone should stop parroting this is the way to test for genuine gh.
Did you order from Qingdao Sigma or Qingdao Ocean?
The pregnancy test is just to make sure that it isn't HCG, which is commonly sold as HGH because it's cheaper and looks similar. Negative = good, but doesn't mean its HGH.

I'm not sure that's a particularly good diagnostic tool. A shitty vendor could add so many substances to a vial that aren't hgh. Ruling just one out isn't very useful in my opinion.
Mines going in the bin then lol
Why? Its still hgh but for sure underdosaged but the price is ok
Bit late to the party but here is 8 weeks on 6ui ed, with 3h 10ui shot. Both tests are from same blood test.

gh serum good.
igf not up at all. Chinese rubbish.
3h gh serum tests are rubbish and everyone should stop parroting this is the way to test for genuine gh.
Thanks for testing, so their stuff is hgh but not as good as other hgh. Did you do igf test in the past running an other hgh brand?

What was your scoring?
It is absolutely important to state what else you are taking if you are talking about IGF1 score.
Tons of drugs lower it immensly. If you really wanne get a "true sight" of the IGF1 increase through HGH i would take nothing else but low test and hgh, no AI, no tren, etc etc.
The pregnancy test is just to make sure that it isn't HCG, which is commonly sold as HGH because it's cheaper and looks similar. Negative = good, but doesn't mean its HGH.

Blood glucose test also tells something after hgh injection.
I think that if this company's reviews are real in Alibaba the quality of their hgh should be quite ok cause people from countries where they can easily buy hgh have bought these too.
Got my hgh today and it was a sticker on it - Goods is not fulfilling the articles 28 and 29 of the European union.

Should i be worried?
Nothing happens, I poke it in all the packages that enter through Netherland Post and without problems, I already have a few
3 boxes just arrived. Did a pregnancy test and it was negative. When reconstituted, it takes some time to fully dissolve. There are particles that stick to the bottom of the vial but it's gone after about 10 minutes. I've injected 15 IU and feel absolutely nothing.
If it takes time to dissolve, that is a sign it is real hgh. If it dissolves quickly, it’s not hgh.