Qingdao Sigma HPLC testing

Most pharma is +-10% and yes they absolutely use this wide range as Janoshik has tested a dozen ibuprofen or Paracetamol or whatever it was and it came back with doses between 360mg to 440mg for 400mg tablets.

Edit: yea I agree. Last post by me.
I know I’ve talked a lot of shit on this source, which was absolutely warranted, but I’m glad to see this and more testing is always a good thing.
hi why never test some sarms, or the most sold powder like mk677 and cardarine, stenabolic.... it would be nice to have an idea about purity
i noticed a strange price on anavar and winstrol powders 10 and 50gr. anavar is 57 winstrol 60 but on 50gr anavar 190 winstrol 100.
seems strange or not? it anavar is pricier to create why cheaper on less quantity?