700 to 1400mg per week i would say.
Yes it's a lot, more than necesserary, but reduce the dosage did nothing.
The only thing that correct se was stop test and let HPTA axis come again.
I got this weird moon shaped face yes
I agree
I didn't want to take exemestane, estradiol actually participates a lot in virilization and anabolism.
A SERM is also yet another supplemental medication, humm.
I had testicular pain for several weeks or even months and they have regained a little volume, the hair is also back.
But they are still a little smaller and hang more, so ejaculations and libido are not great despite a fairly high testosterone level and decent energy.
What I suspect is that spermatogenesis is much more fragile and takes a long time to recover, especially with poor health (lack of sleep, stress...)
I tried HCG out of paranoia, but it didn't change anything, maybe it was even harmful because HCG suppresses FSH, and I don't have the money to put into HMG.
I also tried clomid and it was bad, I had major mood issues.