Anthony Rodriguez
New Member
Yes that would be ideal but my major concern is if in somehow you can damage your HPTA and then have less natural test even though you cicle on/off with pct and allowing good time between cycles. What do you think?
What ive always thought as well was always worried about cruising and blasting and trying to come off to have kids or health reasons and my hpta being in the garbage. All my cycles ive bounced back to the high range of normal test, had blood work done before my first cycle a few years ago and test was relatively good. But after cycle/ pct i wait 10-12 weeks to get bloods done and after my first cycle my fsh/lh were perfect as well as my test and free test were above normal. Have always used hcg during cycles, and believe thats helped a lot with bouncing back as well. Rule of thumb for me is time on/ time off