Relatively new guy. Gyno surgery done today and I'll soon be ready to rock

@Just Fish... wait, you got your insurance company to cover this, how did you manage that?!?!?!? Did you get lipo as well, or just gland removal? Local, or general? Thanks.
No liposuction it was gland excision only. It was under general anesthesia. You need to see a surgeon with experience in gyno and how to bill it. You are still a clown. Don't regurgitate everything your noob ass reads
It's been 33 days and I'm still wearing it 24/7. I think I'll wear it another week or 2. You need to wear it so everything heals right. It is very important
Thanks, bro. I was just reading up on it and everyone was saying the exact same thing. A couple of the docs recommended getting sleeveless Under Armour and then using a 6" ace bandage wrap with it. I think I'll go buy couple tomorrow so I don't look like I'm wearing a bullet proof vest at work next week. I think I may have it cranked too tight as well. I just don't want to fuck up the healing process in any way.
Thanks, bro. I was just reading up on it and everyone was saying the exact same thing. A couple of the docs recommended getting sleeveless Under Armour and then using a 6" ace bandage wrap with it. I think I'll go buy couple tomorrow so I don't look like I'm wearing a bullet proof vest at work next week. I think I may have it cranked too tight as well. I just don't want to fuck up the healing process in any way.
Make sure you wear what they gave you for at least 2 or 3 weeks. After that you can switch to something a little lighter. This is what I'm wearing now
It is way more comfortable and lighter but still has good compression. Get your size and 1 size smaller to see what works better.
You're right. I see the surgeon for a followup on the 9th and I'll get his permission for when I can go with something a little less cumbersome then. Thanks for all the great advise!
You're right. I see the surgeon for a followup on the 9th and I'll get his permission for when I can go with something a little less cumbersome then. Thanks for all the great advise!
No problem. Bring one of those I just showed you to your visit so your doc can check the fit. They have plenty of compression
Welcome to meso man! That looks like they removed quite a bit! Time to get back on the train and blast away!
Thanks! I've spent the last couple of decades trying to get my life back after fucking it up (not the gyno) and this surgery was that last lose end I needed to take care of. I'm chomping at the bit to get healed up and then I'm going to blast and cruise my way to into the sunset of life. I want to defy old age!
No problem. A general surgeon will be your best bet just make sure they are very experienced. I've seen some horror stories from general surgeons. I think that she billed it as a biopsy for cancer that's how it was covered.
@Just Fish I agree about the horror stories. I looked up all the before and after shots of all the surgeons in my area, and I think most of them look terrible. Is mine bad enough to warrant surgery... probably not, but I can't stop obsessing about it. I'm so close to the physique I've always wanted and this is the one area that no amount of diet, training, or gear will be able to fix.
@Just Fish I agree about the horror stories. I looked up all the before and after shots of all the surgeons in my area, and I think most of them look terrible. Is mine bad enough to warrant surgery... probably not, but I can't stop obsessing about it. I'm so close to the physique I've always wanted and this is the one area that no amount of diet, training, or gear will be able to fix.
Research rolaxifen there is a member here who is having great results using it to reduce his gyno.
@jJjburton want to help this dude with advise on dosage. I've heard it can help reduce it some but not completely
yea you need to run it for some time. 120 mg for 2 weeks and 60 mg from then on. I know another person just ran ralox for 6 months for mild gyno symptoms also. Mine is not gone but it is certainly better. I am going to run it for 60 mg for 4 more months. Also make sure you keep e2 under control with an AI.
@jJjburton @Just Fish thanks... I'll do some more research on it and give it a run. It actually happened long before my gear usage. Doc put me on zoloft and xanax, plus I was drinking like a fish, (been off all that for a few years now) that's when my chest changed for the worse... I didn't even know what gynecomastia was at the time.


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