Restoring HPTA after 10 years on

Triptorelin is bunk. Don't bother. I can't believe it is still on these boards years and years later, all due to one random anecdotal report from Italy.

The dosage they used was from a fertility pen, which is a much lower dose than that used for chemical castration. Triptorelin is a moderately popular fertility drug in Europe, but not in the US.

First things first. You need to see if your balls work.
1) Stop taking all drugs and wait until you are 100% sure your system is clear. This should be quick for you.
2)Run something like 25,000 ius of HCG with 2,500 iu injections EOD.
3) Then get a blood test to determine your testosterone levels.

If they are in range, your balls work and the restart probably will too. Based on the Androxal research, I recommend 6 months of Clomid at 25mg per day. When it's done, wait another month and see how your levels are and get additional tests every 3 months thereafter. The effect of long-term clomid doesn't always last.

I also recommend you see a psychiatrist. The simple fact is that kind of abuse is indicative of real problems. Don't feel bad about it, but you don't want to fuck this up. You need to heal your body and your mind.
Triptorelin is bunk. Don't bother. I can't believe it is still on these boards years and years later, all due to one random anecdotal report from Italy.
There are people whom have first-hand experience with triptorelin such as myself. I take it as you have 0 experience and just want to point that out so that your comments can be taken in consideration to the experience you have with it.
There are people whom have first-hand experience with triptorelin such as myself. I take it as you have 0 experience and just want to point that out so that your comments can be taken in consideration to the experience you have with it.

I don't believe you. Most likely, you purchased some research garbage and just got better naturally. It's just a placebo effect.

And really, there are so many nutjobs on these steroid sites, you'd be a fool to make life decisions based on these anecdotes. The only legitimate reason to risk such an experiment is when you're out of options for whatever reason. Triptorelin should be the very LAST thing anyone tries and should not even be discussed in this thread in any other capacity but as a last ditch effort.
I don't believe you. Most likely, you purchased some research garbage and just got better naturally. It's just a placebo effect.
"Placebo effect" works on blood work now? Who would have known... I didn't use it myself, it was another person I know while under the care of a HRT company. The HRT didn't prescribe it, but he was being monitored by the HRT company for a longer period.
Triptorelin should be the very LAST thing anyone tries and should not even be discussed in this thread in any other capacity but as a last ditch effort.
I agree with you on this point, it's when there is nothing else left to try IMO. However you calling something "bunk" with 0 experience either good or bad is something I wanted to point out.
"Placebo effect" works on blood work now? Who would have known... I didn't use it myself, it was another person I know while under the care of a HRT company. The HRT didn't prescribe it, but he was being monitored by the HRT company for a longer period.
I agree with you on this point, it's when there is nothing else left to try IMO. However you calling something "bunk" with 0 experience either good or bad is something I wanted to point out.

You're repeating hearsay as fact. It is not.

When ONE other medical journal publishes a story about besides the one from Italy, I'll consider it. Until that time, the truth is there has never been an experiment performed with this substance. Anyone who tries it is experimenting on himself.

I'm all fine and dandy with people throwing shit out there when it comes to AAS. There won't be any clinical trials anytime soon establishing a good cycle. Everyone knows going into the game, it is an experiment and a risk.

But, I've been reading these sites for years, and the struggle with recovery is real. Hell, I personally had a HORRIBLE time recovering about 4 years ago after a way too long tren cycle. People who come to these recovery forums need solid advice to get their lives back on track. That advice should be reasonably grounded in medical research.
Triptorelin ain't bunk
but it must be properly timed since you (literally) only have one shot
it DOES increase LH/FSH, but if your Estro or AAS levels are too high, it will quickly stop making LH/FSH.
No, I am sharing an experience that a patient had from a HRT company using triptorelin...

You are difficult to talk to...

The definition of hearsay is thus:

"information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor."

Bottom line: there is no medical evidence for triptorelin use in any kind of treatment for hypogonadism.
The definition of hearsay is thus:

"information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor."

Bottom line: there is no medical evidence for triptorelin use in any kind of treatment for hypogonadism.
Umm a lab report would be empirical evidence buddy...
Umm a lab report would be empirical evidence buddy...

The vast majority of posters on these forums can barely write a cogent sentence. I would not trust anyone on this site to properly run an experiment on themselves. And one anecdote, like the famous Triptorelin anecdote in Italy, is worth very little.

Again, if you want to run experiments on yourself all day long, be my guest. I don't care. But don't pretend this bullshit has any evidence supporting it, or that we should continue to recommend Triptorelin like 5 years after these stupid anecdotes appeared on bodybuilding sites.
The vast majority of posters on these forums can barely write a cogent sentence. I would not trust anyone on this site to properly run an experiment on themselves. And one anecdote, like the famous Triptorelin anecdote in Italy, is worth very little.

Again, if you want to run experiments on yourself all day long, be my guest. I don't care. But don't pretend this bullshit has any evidence supporting it, or that we should continue to recommend Triptorelin like 5 years after these stupid anecdotes appeared on bodybuilding sites.

I don't see how your post was relevant to my original statement. "A person I know, used triptorelin to restore his HPTA and I saw his blood work showing that it did indeed work." His blood work is obviously not an anecdotal but empirical evidence...

I don't know what experiments you are talking about and me sharing this information doesn't mean that triptorelin is the go-to for HPTA restoration. HCG and SERM treatment is preferred.