Retatrutide Updates


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Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.
QSC is a train wreck Rt now they say they’ve made changes but not so much ! We test them a lot an our data says differently!
Isnt this an old batch? I know there were issues and many were addressed. For example, in their latest GB 3 people tested the batch and the test came out pretty ok!

Do you hv some newer test results with the similarity bad results? If so, pls do share! It would be surprising and alarming!

Anyway, thanks for sharing
I've got two retratutide kits each from QSC, and Hebei Likes, and have another two coming from Look Biotech. I'm sending them all off for testing once received, and will report back here. FWIW, HB Likes was significantly cheaper than the other two.

I've been on a little Mounjaro, but mostly QSC tirzepatide since May, and am now at my goal weight, down 45# from where I started. I've been maxed out at 15mg since July.

My plan is to start retatrutide on this coming Wednesday at half the max dose, 6mg, as I'm not looking to drop any further weight, just maintain until I go on my next test cycle in 6 weeks or so. I'll report back once I've started the retratutide.

My expectation is that I won't notice any difference, but we'll see. I've never had any noticable/impactful sides from any tirzepatide; I'm not expecting any from the retratutide either, but again, we'll see.
If your maxed out on tirz isn’t the usual advise to stop for 4 weeks? Apparently you resensitize very quickly.
Beware there's a guy here who says if you stop GLP1s they'll never work again. Cites reddit and blog posts.
Never heard this before. Goes against the dozens, if not hundreds of users reviews I’ve read.

If the guy I was replying to is maxed out on tirz I think it’s worth it to take 4 weeks and see if you can resensitize. If for nothing else to save his wallet lmao.
Never heard this before. Goes against the dozens, if not hundreds of users reviews I’ve read.

If the guy I was replying to is maxed out on tirz I think it’s worth it to take 4 weeks and see if you can resensitize. If for nothing else to save his wallet lmao.

I tend to agree. Or consider switching to another GLP1 if that's an option. It's wild west territory; not many hard facts.
If your maxed out on tirz isn’t the usual advise to stop for 4 weeks? Apparently you resensitize very quickly.
I don't know. When I switched from tirz to reta, I'd hit the weight I wanted, actually needed to put some on.

I did as I said I would, went to 6mg reta, with no wash out, all's well. I'm sure I should have washed out, and though it did work out fine, that doesn't mean it was the best way to do it.
Yeah…. So I have a genetic predisposition to Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and In that past I was very over weight but now am at a perfectly normal weight. Due to being heavy for years and eating like shit, my liver enzymes climbed with each hot dog and lb I gained. I was diagnosed with Moderate NAFLD and told nothing I could do beside try to lose weight/lift weights. Well I did and I do and it didn’t help.

Then I started Reta about 2 months ago mostly for experimental purposes. Last week I just had a new ultrasound and bloodwork done as I do every 6 months. And y’all might just believe this shit. My liver has close to no excess fat on it and my liver values are what vegans wish theirs looked like. My cholesterol, and apob are that of a Greek gods! My Total test levels are 700ng/dl with 160pg/ml at a dosage of 80mg per week test C. Before starting Reta I had pretty skewed health market values no matter how I ate or how hard I worked out. My test levels always required 150/175mg test to convert to TT 600-800 and FT 90-150. So some how it’s made my bodies androgen receptors become much more efficient and dense.

Now My heart rate is slightly up averaging about 80 bpm@ rest but I also take adderall daily so it’s pretty good.

I feel good, energetic, I lost 12lbs and haven’t even been trying. The hunger suppression is weird, you kinda just don’t get that hungry or think about it. But if I wanna smash some food I can. Wayyy less overwhelming than Sema or Tirz or Lizzo.
I just tried it for a bit. I’ve never gone above 3.5 mg. Some appetite suppression but I noticed my hr is up pretty significantly. Went from ~60 to low 70’s for the first 2-3 day I injected (every 7 days). Hr kinda freaks me out. I’m titrating off. I’ve gotten quite lean off tirz last year but I was curious and doing a cut for summer. Dexa tomorrow
QSC is a train wreck Rt now they say they’ve made changes but not so much ! We test them a lot an our data says differently!
I have used Q for over a year and never had an issue. Even after testing. What issues are you referring to?
I get it. If you get burned by someone they become poison to you. Just curious what the issue is beyond testing. Their tests aren’t perfect but no ones are.
I’ve used QSC for Reta and Tirz, lost over 35 pounds since march. Till now no issues luckily. They did hit a rough patch a while back it seems but that was before I started using them. There seems to be a few other providers from China that are (also) good but I wasn’t able to find many.
I’ve also had only positive experiences with QSC. My first supplier was overcharging for bunk var. I purchased some from QSC for an amazing price (granted they were raws). Then I got tirz from them for hormone stability. Then reta for energy. No issues. All products came from China so it took 3-4 weeks to arrive. Everything I’ve ever gotten from QSC was legit and has worked great.
I've used 15mg reta from QSC and it was great, I got it tested by Jano and came back 14.5 mgs which is good for me.

I am loving the reta by the way.
Went 2 mgs for 4 weeks
4mgs for 4 weeks
6 mgs for 6 weeks
Just moved to 8 mgs.
I've been researching it also, what I've seen 1-2mg to start , be careful going higher
So I started at 2mg like everyone suggested. I'm currently at 6mg with little to no sides.

Appetite suppression is less than Tirz or Sema. My energy level is considerably better, that was the reason for the switch to begin with. I'm gonna try stacking I think which is what someone else here suggested.

So far this is my favorite I like it better than Tirz or Sema, however it will depend on where you are on your journey. If at the very beginning I would start with one of the other 2. Tirz being my recommendation. Use the appetite suppression to help you adjust eating habits. Once you get that food figured out maybe look at switching for the energy and better workouts it provides.
So I started at 2mg like everyone suggested. I'm currently at 6mg with little to no sides.

Appetite suppression is less than Tirz or Sema. My energy level is considerably better, that was the reason for the switch to begin with. I'm gonna try stacking I think which is what someone else here suggested.

So far this is my favorite I like it better than Tirz or Sema, however it will depend on where you are on your journey. If at the very beginning I would start with one of the other 2. Tirz being my recommendation. Use the appetite suppression to help you adjust eating habits. Once you get that food figured out maybe look at switching for the energy and better workouts it provides.
Agreed on all. Try taking 1-2mg of cagrilintide along with it.

For low iron caused by Tirz, I highly recommend Proferrin Forte from Colorado Biolabs. I don't give a damn about the specific brand - but it's the only product I'm aware of which contains only "heme iron" - iron that is already bound inside the component of hemoglobin called "heme". This makes it the same as the iron you get from eating meat: very high absorption, zero side effects / gut issues, and absorption is not affected by proton pump inhibitors. If anyone is aware of other equivalent brands, I'd be interested in lower-cost options (though this one isn't too expensive)

Myself and other have taken these pills even without food and haven't noticed any side effects.

For low iron caused by Tirz, I highly recommend Proferrin Forte from Colorado Biolabs. I don't give a damn about the specific brand - but it's the only product I'm aware of which contains only "heme iron" - iron that is already bound inside the component of hemoglobin called "heme". This makes it the same as the iron you get from eating meat: very high absorption, zero side effects / gut issues, and absorption is not affected by proton pump inhibitors. If anyone is aware of other equivalent brands, I'd be interested in lower-cost options (though this one isn't too expensive)

Myself and other have taken these pills even without food and haven't noticed any side effects.
Thanks for this, I'm currently trying a brand of "gentle iron" my friend recommended but might try this next.

For low iron caused by Tirz, I highly recommend Proferrin Forte from Colorado Biolabs. I don't give a damn about the specific brand - but it's the only product I'm aware of which contains only "heme iron" - iron that is already bound inside the component of hemoglobin called "heme". This makes it the same as the iron you get from eating meat: very high absorption, zero side effects / gut issues, and absorption is not affected by proton pump inhibitors. If anyone is aware of other equivalent brands, I'd be interested in lower-cost options (though this one isn't too expensive)

Myself and other have taken these pills even without food and haven't noticed any side effects.
I had a mad case of Restless Leg after my first cycle of Tirz. Turned out I had low iron. I thought it might be the TRT at the time, but I was also suspicious of the Tirz due to the prolonged deficit. Hadn't heard of others having similar issues back then.

Thankfully, nowadays, I only typically run it a few weeks at a time at smaller deficits, so no issues with iron/nutrition.


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