Rigeu’s offseason bodybuilding log

Workouts from last week:

Back & Arms - 22/05/23

Single arm HS iso lateral row ✅
75kg x 10
75kg x 10

Single arm HS front pulldown ✅
55kg x 10
55kg x 10
55kg x 10

Lat prayers ✅
75kg x 12
75kg x 12
75kg x 12

Incline db rows ✅
38kg x 10
38kg x 10
38kg x 10 ds 28kg x 8 ds 20kg x 10

Rack pulls

Straight bar cable curls ✅
60kg x 15
60kg x 13
60kg x 10


Straight bar cable pushdowns✅
75kg x 15
75kg x 12
75kg x 11

SA Cable hammer curls ✅
12,5kg x 15
12,5kg x 13
12,5kg x 12

Samurai triceps overhead ext ✅
20kg x 13
20kg x 12
20kg x 12

Leg raises into machine crunches
4 sets to failure

Legs - 26/05/23

Seated leg curls ✅
95kg x 15
95kg x 12
95kg x 10 + 6 partials + 10 sec iso hold
65kg x 20

Safety bar squats ✅
160kg x 10
160kg x 8

Pendulum squat ✅
45kg x 20
45kg x 20

Bulgarian split squat ✅
40kg x 17
40kg x 16 ds BW x 12

Leg extensions ✅
72,5kg x 15
72,5kg x 13 ds 42,5kg x 8 + 10 partials

Single leg HS standing leg curl ✅
22,5kg x 16
22,5kg x 15

Stiff legged db deadlift ✅ target 12 reps
70kg x 10
70kg x 10
70kg x 10

71,25kg x 15
56,25kg x 20 + 5 assisted

Chest, Shoulders & Calves - 27/05/23

Decline db press ✅
60kg x 8 (- 1 rep)
50kg x 13 ds 36kg x 7 (+ 1 rep)

Flat HS press ✅
135kg x 8
135kg x 8
135kg x 8

BW dips ✅

Incline cable fly ✅
Set 1: 15kg x 15
Set 2: 15kg x 14
Set 3: 15kg x 12 RP x 6 RP x 5

Reverse pec deck fly ✅
84,5kg x 25
84,5kg x 20 + 5 partials
84,5kg x 18 + 7 partials

Single arm cable side lateral raises

Cable front raises ✅
25kg x 15
25kg x 15
25kg x 15

Toe press ✅
78,75kg x 12 + 8 partials
78,75kg x 12 + 8 partials
78,75kg x 12 + 8 partials
78,75kg x 12 + 8 partials

Pull - 28/05/23

Single arm HS iso lateral row ✅
75kg x 12
75kg x 12

Single arm HS front pulldown ✅
60kg x 8
60kg x 8
60kg x 8

Lat prayers ✅
80kg x 12
80kg x 12
80kg x 12

Incline db rows ✅
38kg x 12
38kg x 12
38kg x 12 ds 28kg x 8 ds 20kg x 12

Rack pulls ✅

Wide grip cable row
80kg x 15
80kg x 15 RP x 7 RP x 6

Leg raises into ab crunch machine
4 sets to failure
A french bulldog, normally this bread is lazy AF lol but he’s used to the walking routine since we got him as a puppy so no problems over here :p
Yeah if you keep them active you can generally train out their genetic disposition to lay on the couch and get fat lol/
What a great idea for cardio (walking the dog). Dogs are just the best! What kind of dog do you have? I have an Australian Shepherd.
Just did this starting now, its amazing. Walk to the sunset especially, with dog always
Hello guys!

Since this is a busy forum, I thought it would be nice to start a logbook here and share my bodybuilding journey and interact with you!

i have been sponsored by PSL for a little over a year now and can only speak highly of them. last May I did my last npc competition in the -102kg class. I placed second at the regionals. My goal ofcourse is to do better and become pro in the near future.

After May 2022 i did a 3 month health phase followed by a push phase which i ended in the end of 2022 at 114-115kg / 251-253 lbs with decent BF levels. After that i’ve been in a holding / maintainance phase until March and followed it with a minicut since 3 weeks ago. Well it turned out a little crazier the. expected :p got in pretty good conditioning, almost in comp shape. Right now i’m holding 101kg steady at around 4200 kcals on TD and 3500 NTD.

I thought it would be nice to share my progress and giving honest reviews about the PEDS i’m using.

Current Stats:
28 years
1,85 m
Bodyfat 5-6%

Workout split (following a program from John Meadows called “The high Evolutionary”):

Current food intake
TD 4230 kcals
300 P
600 C
70 F

NTD 3500 kcals
300 P
350 C
100 F

Current cycle
Test e 500mg / wk
Mast p 400mg / wk
Tren a 300mg / wk
4 iu HGH ED

Current shape pics attacht

Feel free to ask me questions
The moment i realised i don’t need crazy amount of gear to get a great physique

Just nowaday its common to see lot of videos of guy taking 7g test 20ui gh
So I thought that was necessary to get on top
Workouts of the last week of the program!

Arms & Calves - 29/05/23

Straight bar cable pushdowns
75kg x 12
75kg x 12
75kg x 12
75kg x


Standing db curls
18kg x 10
20kg x 8
20kg x 8
20kg x 8

Bent over cable extensions
75kg x 12
75kg x 12
75kg x 12


Life fitness preacher curls
67,5kg x 10
67,5kg x 9
67,5kg x 9
67,5kg x 9

Machine dips

SA cable hammer curls
12,5kg x 15
12,5kg x 13
12,5kg x 12

DB side laterals into upright rows
20kg x 15 <> 30kg x 12 (3 rounds)

Toe presses
82,5kg x 12
82,5kg x 12
82,5kg x 11
82,5kg x 10

Seated calf raises
50kg x 13
50kg x 11
50kg x 10

Legs - 30/05/23

Adductor machine
71,25kg x 22 + 3 forced reps
71,25kg x 19 + 6 forced reps

Lying leg curls ✅
35kg x 12
35kg x 12
35kg x 12

Safety bar squats ✅
165kg x 8
130kg x 14

Leg press ✅
300kg x 8
300kg x 8 ds 240kg x 8 ds 200kg x 10

Bulgarian split squats ✅
42kg x 17
42kg x 16 ds BW x 12 + 10 sec iso hold in te stretch

Leg extensions ✅
72,5kg x 17
72,5kg x 15 ds 42,5kg x 10

Single leg standing HS leg curl ✅
25kg x 15
25kg x 15
25kg x 15

Glute bridge ✅
50kg x 20
50kg x 17
50kg x 12

Chest, Shoulders & Calves - 01/06/23

Incline db press (full rom)
50kg x 8 (deadstop)
40kg x 12 (deadstop)
40kg x 9 (deadstop)

Incline HS press ✅
130kg x 8
130kg x 8
110kg x 9

HS pectoral fly (5) ✅
103kg x 14
103kg x 11
103kg x 9

BW dips

Incline prone lateral raise ✅
14kg x 12 x 4

Reverse pec deck ✅
87kg x 20
87kg x 18 + 3 partials
87kg x 15 + 5 partials

Neutral grip life fitness shoulder press ✅
50kg x 8
50kg x 8
50kg x 8

Toe presses ✅
82,5kg x 15
82,5kg x 13
82,5kg x 11
82,5kg x 10

Back & Abs - 02/06/23

Single arm HS iso lateral row ✅
80kg x 9
80kg x 8

Single arm HS front pulldown ✅
50kg x 15
50kg x 15
50kg x 15

Lat prayers ✅
85kg x 10
85kg x 10
85kg x 10

Incline db rows ✅
40kg x 10
40kg x 10
40kg x 10 ds 28kg x 10 ds 20kg x 12

T-bar rows
60kg x 15
70kg x 12

Banded hyperextensions

Leg raises into ab crunch machine
4 sets to failure

Arms & Calves - 03/06/23

Long rope cable pushdowns
31,5kg x 14
31,5kg x 12
31,5kg x 12
32,5kg x 12


Standing db curls
20kg x 10
20kg x 10
20kg x 10
20kg x 10

Incline db lying extensions
18kg x 15
18kg x 13
18kg x 12
18kg x 11


Life fitness preacher curls
67,5kg x 12
67,5kg x 12
67,5kg x 10
67,5kg x 10

Machine dips
120kg x 12
120kg x 12
120kg x 12

SA cable hammer curls
13,75kg x 15
13,75kg x 13
13,75kg x 12

Toe presses
86,25kg x 12
86,25kg x 11
86,25kg x 10

Seated calf raises
50kg x 15
50kg x 13
50kg x 12

WEEK 1 - grandmaster

Legs 04/06/23

Lying leg curls ✅
37,5kg x 10
37,5kg x 10
37,5kg x 10 ds 25kg x 8 + 8 partials + 10 sec iso hold

Heel elevated Safety bar squats ✅
150kg x 8 (2-3 rir)
160kg x 8 (1 rir)

Leg press ✅
300kg x 10
300kg x 10 ds 240kg x 8 ds 200kg x 10

Bulgarian split squats ✅
44kg x 17
44kg x 16 ds BW x 12 + 10 sec iso hold in te stretch

Leg extensions ✅
72,5kg x 19
72,5kg x 16 ds 42,5kg x 15

Stiff legged bb deadlift
140kg x 10
140kg x 10
140kg x 10

Single leg standing HS leg curl ✅
27,5kg x 15
27,5kg x 13
27,5kg x 12

I’ll be running a new 6 weeks program from John Meadows called Grandmaster. Fits perfectly after this program. Almost the same movements but new high intensity techniques.

Current food intake:
4275 calories TD
3700 calories NTD

Current Ped stack (switched since this week):
450mg test e / week
400mg Primo / week
200mg NPP / week
4 iu hgh ED

Bodyweight got to103-104kg (226-229 lbs) fasted. Still in a really good shape, low bodyfat, extremely good pumps & progress in the gym.
time for an update again!

Workouts been really good lately, pumps have been on another level! Might be the insulin i’ve added in since monday. Recovery & digestion is on its best it’ve ever been.

Bodyweight up to 104-105kg (230-232 lbs) fasted. Bodyfat still very low.

Food intake increased since monday to the following:
4520 kcals TD (300 P, 650 C, 80 F)
3900 kcals NTD (300 P, 450 C, 100 F)

30 min fasted on the bike / 6 days week
10k steps daily

Peds (added in insulin since monday):
450mg test e / week
400mg Primo / week
200mg NPP / week
4 iu hgh ED
15 iu lantus / day
5 iu novorapid pre / 8 iu post workout


PUSH - 05/06/23

Decline db press
56kg x 8
48kg x 11

Incline HS press
135kg x 9
100kg x 12

Cable chest press
24,5kg x 12
24,5kg x 10 RP x 7 RP x 6

HS pectoral fly
105,5kg x 11 + 10 sec hold in the stretch
105,5kg x 10 + 10 sec hold in the stretch

HS rear delt fly
82kg x 25
82kg x 20 + 5 partials
82kg x 18 + 7 partials

Life fitness shoulder press
50kg x 12
50kg x 12
50kg x 10 RP x 5 RP (32,5kg) x 8

DB Y-raises
14kg x 15
14kg x 15
14kg x 15 ds 8kg x 15

Straight bar cable pushdowns
80kg x 12
80kg x 10
80kg x 10 ds 60kg x 10 ds 45kg x 10

Rope crunches
4 sets to failure

Pull - 06/06/23

Single arm underhand LF row
75kg x 10
77,5kg x 8

Single arm HS front pulldown
65kg x 10
65kg x 10
65kg x 10

Lat prayers
85kg x 12
85kg x 11
85kg x 10

HS High row
55kg x 15
55kg x 14

Neutral grip life fitness row
110kg x 10
89kg x 15

Barbell hypers
80kg x 10
80kg x 10
80kg x 10

Straight bar cable curls
75kg x 13
75kg x 11
75kg x 10 ds 55kg x 10 ds 35kg x 10

High single arm cable curl
22kg x 10
22kg x 9

Life fitness Calf extensions
115kg x 15
115kg x 13
115kg x 12
115kg x 11

Arms & Calves - 08/06/23

Dumbell hammer curls
22kg x 10
22kg x 10
22kg x 10


Long rope pushdowns
33kg x 12
33kg x 11
33kg x 10

Straight bar cable curls
70kg x 10
70kg x 10
70kg x 10


Lying db extensions
22kg x 10
22kg x 10
22kg x 10

Life fitness preacher curl
67,5kg x 10
67,5kg x 10
67,5kg x 10


Overhead rope extensions
24,5kg x 12 + 15 sec hold in the stretch
24,5kg x 11 + 15 sec hold in the stretch
24,5kg x 10 + 15 sec hold in the stretch

Dips machine
140kg x 8
120kg x 12
120kg x 12


Life fitness seated biceps machine
57,5kg x 12
57,5kg x 10
57,5kg x 10

Gymleco forearm machine (forearm press)
70kg x 20
70kg x 20
70kg x 20

Standing calf raises (1 sec hold at the top and bottom)
50kg x 13
50kg x 11
50kg x 10

Seated calf raises
55kg x 13
55kg x 12
55kg x 11

Leg raises into machine crunches
3 sets to failure on both

Legs - 09/06/23

Adductor machine ✅
73,25kg x 16
73,25kg x 14
73,25kg x 12

Lying leg curls ✅
40kg x 9
40kg x 8
40kg x 8 RP x 4 RP x 3

Heel elevated Safety bar squats ✅
152,5kg x 8 (2 rir)
162,5kg x 8 (0 rir)

Pendulum squat
60kg x 10
60kg x 10 RP x 5 RP x 3

Bulgarian split squats ✅
46kg x 17
46kg x 16 ds BW x 12 + 10 sec iso hold in the stretch

Leg extensions ✅
75kg x 15
75kg x 12 ds 45kg x 12

Stiff legged bb deadlift ✅
150kg x 10
150kg x 10
150kg x 10

Glute bridge ✅
55kg x 20
55kg x 17
55kg x 14

PUSH - 11/06/24

Flat HS press
150kg x 8
120kg x 11

Incline HS press ✅
135kg x 9
100kg x 14

Bodyweight dips ✅

Incline cable fly ✅
15kg x 12
15kg x 12
15kg x 10 RP x 7 RP x 6

Set 2: rest pause

Life fitness shoulder press
55kg x 8
55kg x 8
55kg x 8

Cable rear laterals


Standing db side laterals

Cross body triceps cable extensions
7,5kg x 12
7,5kg x 12
7,5kg x 12


Back & Calves - 12/06/23

Single arm iso lateral HS row ✅
80kg x 12
82,5kg x 10

Single arm HS front pulldown ✅
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

HS low row

Lat prayers ✅

Wide grip incline db rows
30kg x 15 (2 rir)
30kg x 15 (1 rir)

Single leg standing leg curl
30kg x 12 (2 rir)
30kg x 12 (1 rir)
30kg x 12 (0 rir)

Rack pulls (1 all out set)
180kg x 6
190kg x 6
200kg x 6

Toe presses
90kg x 12
90kg x 11
90kg x 10

Arms & Abs - 13/06/23

Long rope pushdowns
33kg x 15
33kg x 13
33kg x 10


Straight bar cable curls
75kg x 12
75kg x 10
75kg x 10


Life fitness preacher curl
71,25kg x 10
71,25kg x 10
71,25kg x 10


Lying db extensions
20kg x 15
20kg x 13
20kg x 12

Long rope overhead extensions
27kg x 12
27kg x 12
27kg x 12


Single arm cable hammer curls
13,5kg x 15
13,5kg x 13
13,5kg x 12

Dips machine
130kg x 12
130kg x 12
130kg x 11


Alternating db curls
18kg x 10
18kg x 10
18kg x 10

Life fitness seated side lateral machine
40kg x 14
40kg x 12
40kg x 11

Leg raises superset into machine crunches
4 sets to failure

Legs - 14/06/23

Adductor machine ✅
73,25kg x 19
73,25kg x 17
73,25kg x 14

Lying leg curls ✅
40kg x 10
40kg x 9
40kg x 9

Heel elevated Safety bar squats ✅
162,5kg x 8 (1 rir)
162,5kg x 8 (0 rir)

Leg press
200kg x 30 RP x 8 RP x 8
200kg x 30 RP x 8 RP x 6

Leg extensions ✅
75kg x 20
75kg x 15 ds 45kg x 12

V-bar squats
140kg x8
140kg x 8 ds 100kg x 8 ds 80kg x 8

Stiff legged bb deadlift ✅
155kg x 10
155kg x 10
155kg x 10

Glute bridge ✅
60kg x 20
60kg x 17
60kg x 15

Recent pic from tuesday :)


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Update of the week!

Another solid week of progression accros all the workouts. Really enjoying the program so far.

Cycle stayed the same

Food will increase upcoming monday to:
4720 kcals TD
4100 kcals NTD

5-6 x 30 min fasted on the bike a week
8-9k steps daily

105kg didn’t go up, but lifts increased, slight increase in carbohydrates next week +50gr on training and rest days.

Arms & Calves - 19/06/23

Alternating db curls ✅
22kg x 12
22kg x 10
22kg x 10


Long rope cable pushdowns ✅
34kg x 15
34kg x 13
34kg x 12

Life fitness preacher curls ✅
67,5kg x 12
67,5kg x 12
67,5kg x 12


Lying db extensions ✅
22kg x 12
22kg x 11
22kg x 10

Single arm hammer cable curls ✅
13,75kg x 15
13,75kg x 13
13,75kg x 12

Dips machine ✅
130kg x 12
130kg x 11
130kg x 10

Barbell curls dropset of death
30kg x 12 ds 25kg x 12 ds 20kg x 12 ds 15kg x 12

Overhead rope extensions dropset of death
28kg x 12 ds 17,5kg x 10 ds 12,5kg x 10

Dumbell side lateral raises into BB upright row
20kg x 15 > 30kg x 15
20kg x 15 > 30kg x 15
20kg x 15 > 30kg x 15

Toe presses ✅
Cluster 1: 93,75kg x 10 RP x 7 RP x 5
Cluster 2: 75kg x 15 RP x 9 RP x 6

Seated calf raises ✅
55kg x 14
55kg x 12
55kg x

Legs - 20/06/23

Adductor machine ✅
75kg x 22
75kg x 17
75kg x 15

Lying leg curls ✅ sets van 10 (laatste set ds + 10 partials + 10 sec iso hold
40kg x 10
40kg x 10
40kg x 10 ds

Pendulum squat ✅
80kg x 8
80kg x 8
50kg x 16

Watson leg press (in between sets keep legs on the legpress - 3 sec eccentrics)
240kg x 15
240kg x 15
240kg x 15

Bulgarian split squat ✅
48kg x 16
48kg x 15 ds BW x 10 + 10 sec iso hold

Leg extensions ✅
77,5kg x 15
77,5kg x 12

Stiff legged bb deadlift ✅
160kg x 8
160kg x 8
160kg x 8

HS Iso-lateral kneeling leg curl ✅
30kg x 12
30kg x 12
30kg x 10

PUSH - 21/06/23

Toe press ✅
95kg x 10
95kg x 10
95kg x 10
95kg x 10

Decline db press ✅
56kg x 11
48kg x 13

Incline HS press ✅
140kg x 8
100kg x 14,5~

HS pin loaded chest press ✅
84,5kg x 12
84,5kg x 10 RP x 6 RP x 4

HS pectoral fly ✅
105,5kg x 15
105,5kg x 13
105,5kg x 11
105,5kg x 9

HS rear delt fly ✅
91,5kg x 15
91,5kg x 13
91,5kg x 12

Seated life fitness machine side laterals ✅
42,5kg x 15
42,5kg x 13
42,5kg x 10

SA Cable side lateral raise

Straight bar cable pushdowns ✅
80kg x 13
80kg x 11
80kg x 10

SA overhead rope extensions
20kg x 15
20kg x 12
20kg x 10

Back, Biceps & Abs - 23/06/23

Single arm iso lateral HS row ✅
85kg x 11
87,5kg x 8

Single arm HS front pulldown ✅
60kg x 11
60kg x 10
45kg x 15

HS low row ✅
125kg x 12
125kg x 10
125kg x 10

Lat pulldowns
89kg x 15
89kg x 13
89kg x 12

Lat Prayers ✅
90kg x 10
90kg x 10
90kg x 10

Bent over db rows
36kg x 12
36kg x 12
36kg x 12

Life fitness preacher curls ✅
67,5kg x 15
67,5kg x 13
67,5kg x 11

SA BDB cable curls ✅
13,75kg x 15
13,75kg x 13
13,75kg x 11

Leg raises into machine crunches
4 sets to failure

Legs - 24/03/23

Life fitness adductor machine ✅
76,25kg x 23
76,25kg x 18
76,25kg x 16

Seated leg curl ✅
90kg x 15
100kg x 11
102,5kg x 8 ds 72,5kg x 8 + 10 partials

Pendulum squat ✅
80kg x 10
82,5kg x 8
52,5kg x 16

Leg press ✅
260kg x 15
260kg x 10 myo rep x 5
260kg x 10 myro rep x 3 myo rep x 2

Bulgarian split squat in the smith ✅
50kg x 16
50kg x 15 ds x BW x 12 + 10 sec iso hold

Leg extensions ✅
77,5kg x 15
77,5kg x 10 + 25 partials

Stiff legged barbell deadlift ✅
165kg x 8
165kg x 8
165kg x 8

Glute bridge ✅
65kg x 20
65kg x 18
65kg x 15

Current shape see pics !


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time for an update again!

Workouts been really good lately, pumps have been on another level! Might be the insulin i’ve added in since monday. Recovery & digestion is on its best it’ve ever been.

Bodyweight up to 104-105kg (230-232 lbs) fasted. Bodyfat still very low.

Food intake increased since monday to the following:
4520 kcals TD (300 P, 650 C, 80 F)
3900 kcals NTD (300 P, 450 C, 100 F)

30 min fasted on the bike / 6 days week
10k steps daily

Peds (added in insulin since monday):
450mg test e / week
400mg Primo / week
200mg NPP / week
4 iu hgh ED
15 iu lantus / day
5 iu novorapid pre / 8 iu post workout


PUSH - 05/06/23

Decline db press
56kg x 8
48kg x 11

Incline HS press
135kg x 9
100kg x 12

Cable chest press
24,5kg x 12
24,5kg x 10 RP x 7 RP x 6

HS pectoral fly
105,5kg x 11 + 10 sec hold in the stretch
105,5kg x 10 + 10 sec hold in the stretch

HS rear delt fly
82kg x 25
82kg x 20 + 5 partials
82kg x 18 + 7 partials

Life fitness shoulder press
50kg x 12
50kg x 12
50kg x 10 RP x 5 RP (32,5kg) x 8

DB Y-raises
14kg x 15
14kg x 15
14kg x 15 ds 8kg x 15

Straight bar cable pushdowns
80kg x 12
80kg x 10
80kg x 10 ds 60kg x 10 ds 45kg x 10

Rope crunches
4 sets to failure

Pull - 06/06/23

Single arm underhand LF row
75kg x 10
77,5kg x 8

Single arm HS front pulldown
65kg x 10
65kg x 10
65kg x 10

Lat prayers
85kg x 12
85kg x 11
85kg x 10

HS High row
55kg x 15
55kg x 14

Neutral grip life fitness row
110kg x 10
89kg x 15

Barbell hypers
80kg x 10
80kg x 10
80kg x 10

Straight bar cable curls
75kg x 13
75kg x 11
75kg x 10 ds 55kg x 10 ds 35kg x 10

High single arm cable curl
22kg x 10
22kg x 9

Life fitness Calf extensions
115kg x 15
115kg x 13
115kg x 12
115kg x 11

Arms & Calves - 08/06/23

Dumbell hammer curls
22kg x 10
22kg x 10
22kg x 10


Long rope pushdowns
33kg x 12
33kg x 11
33kg x 10

Straight bar cable curls
70kg x 10
70kg x 10
70kg x 10


Lying db extensions
22kg x 10
22kg x 10
22kg x 10

Life fitness preacher curl
67,5kg x 10
67,5kg x 10
67,5kg x 10


Overhead rope extensions
24,5kg x 12 + 15 sec hold in the stretch
24,5kg x 11 + 15 sec hold in the stretch
24,5kg x 10 + 15 sec hold in the stretch

Dips machine
140kg x 8
120kg x 12
120kg x 12


Life fitness seated biceps machine
57,5kg x 12
57,5kg x 10
57,5kg x 10

Gymleco forearm machine (forearm press)
70kg x 20
70kg x 20
70kg x 20

Standing calf raises (1 sec hold at the top and bottom)
50kg x 13
50kg x 11
50kg x 10

Seated calf raises
55kg x 13
55kg x 12
55kg x 11

Leg raises into machine crunches
3 sets to failure on both

Legs - 09/06/23

Adductor machine ✅
73,25kg x 16
73,25kg x 14
73,25kg x 12

Lying leg curls ✅
40kg x 9
40kg x 8
40kg x 8 RP x 4 RP x 3

Heel elevated Safety bar squats ✅
152,5kg x 8 (2 rir)
162,5kg x 8 (0 rir)

Pendulum squat
60kg x 10
60kg x 10 RP x 5 RP x 3

Bulgarian split squats ✅
46kg x 17
46kg x 16 ds BW x 12 + 10 sec iso hold in the stretch

Leg extensions ✅
75kg x 15
75kg x 12 ds 45kg x 12

Stiff legged bb deadlift ✅
150kg x 10
150kg x 10
150kg x 10

Glute bridge ✅
55kg x 20
55kg x 17
55kg x 14

PUSH - 11/06/24

Flat HS press
150kg x 8
120kg x 11

Incline HS press ✅
135kg x 9
100kg x 14

Bodyweight dips ✅

Incline cable fly ✅
15kg x 12
15kg x 12
15kg x 10 RP x 7 RP x 6

Set 2: rest pause

Life fitness shoulder press
55kg x 8
55kg x 8
55kg x 8

Cable rear laterals


Standing db side laterals

Cross body triceps cable extensions
7,5kg x 12
7,5kg x 12
7,5kg x 12


Back & Calves - 12/06/23

Single arm iso lateral HS row ✅
80kg x 12
82,5kg x 10

Single arm HS front pulldown ✅
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

HS low row

Lat prayers ✅

Wide grip incline db rows
30kg x 15 (2 rir)
30kg x 15 (1 rir)

Single leg standing leg curl
30kg x 12 (2 rir)
30kg x 12 (1 rir)
30kg x 12 (0 rir)

Rack pulls (1 all out set)
180kg x 6
190kg x 6
200kg x 6

Toe presses
90kg x 12
90kg x 11
90kg x 10

Arms & Abs - 13/06/23

Long rope pushdowns
33kg x 15
33kg x 13
33kg x 10


Straight bar cable curls
75kg x 12
75kg x 10
75kg x 10


Life fitness preacher curl
71,25kg x 10
71,25kg x 10
71,25kg x 10


Lying db extensions
20kg x 15
20kg x 13
20kg x 12

Long rope overhead extensions
27kg x 12
27kg x 12
27kg x 12


Single arm cable hammer curls
13,5kg x 15
13,5kg x 13
13,5kg x 12

Dips machine
130kg x 12
130kg x 12
130kg x 11


Alternating db curls
18kg x 10
18kg x 10
18kg x 10

Life fitness seated side lateral machine
40kg x 14
40kg x 12
40kg x 11

Leg raises superset into machine crunches
4 sets to failure

Legs - 14/06/23

Adductor machine ✅
73,25kg x 19
73,25kg x 17
73,25kg x 14

Lying leg curls ✅
40kg x 10
40kg x 9
40kg x 9

Heel elevated Safety bar squats ✅
162,5kg x 8 (1 rir)
162,5kg x 8 (0 rir)

Leg press
200kg x 30 RP x 8 RP x 8
200kg x 30 RP x 8 RP x 6

Leg extensions ✅
75kg x 20
75kg x 15 ds 45kg x 12

V-bar squats
140kg x8
140kg x 8 ds 100kg x 8 ds 80kg x 8

Stiff legged bb deadlift ✅
155kg x 10
155kg x 10
155kg x 10

Glute bridge ✅
60kg x 20
60kg x 17
60kg x 15

Recent pic from tuesday :)
Dam dude good stuff!!!