Rigeu’s offseason bodybuilding log

Honestly delts i have the least injections, i rotate between left right glute then left right lat then i spread my injection volume between left and right delts. So about 1 shot every 1,5 week and then half the injection volume in both heads.
You read my question wrong. I was talking about training. How many weekly sets do you do per body part?
You read my question wrong. I was talking about training. How many weekly sets do you do per body part?
Oh shit i see it haha!

Weekly i don’t actually now man. In the split i’m doing right now i’m hitting every muscle group every 4-6 days.

week 1:
legs, push, pull, rest, legs, push, rest
week 2:
Back, arms, legs, rest, push, pull, rest

Repeat week 1

The amount of sets depens on the phase i’m in. My recovery etc.

Sets per workout:
Chest is about 9-12 sets (every 5 days)
Shoulders about 6-8 sets (every 3-4 days)
Triceps 6-8 (every 3-4 days)
Back 10-15 (every 5 days)
Biceps 6-8 (every 3-4 days)
Quads 9-12 (every 5 days)
Hamstrings 6-8 (every 5 days)
Calves 4-6 (3 times per week)
Abs 4-6 (2 times per week)
Tuesday — 03/09/24 LEGS

Toe press ✅
168kg x 15
168kg x 13
168kg x 12
168kg x 11

Lying leg curls ✅
72,6kg x 13
72,6kg x 11
72,6kg x 10 + 5 partials + 10 sec iso hold

Leg extensions ✅
96,4kg x 18
96,4kg x 15
96,4kg x 1

Matrix Hacksquat
160kg x 12
160kg x 11
120kg x 14

Matrix 45 degree leg press
250kg x 20
250kg x 18
250kg x 16

Adductor machine
103,4kg x 15
103,4kg x 13
103,4kg x 11

Seated leg curl
75,3kg x 15
75,3kg x 15
75,3kg x 13

Legs were completely fried after this workout! Few hours later and i’m feeling the doms coming up already.
Wednesday - 04/09/24 PUSH

Incline db press
56kg x 10
50kg x 12

HS iso-lateral bench press
80kg x 11
80kg x 9
80kg x 8

Incline cable flys
25kg x 15
25kg x 13
25kg x 12

HS pec fly
110kg x 15
110kg x 11
110kg x 10 ds 82kg x 8 ds 61kg x 8

Standing side lateral raise machine 11,75kg x 15
11,75kg x 13
11,75kg x 11

Bent over rear lateral raise machine
8,5kg x 20
8,5kg x 16
8,5kg x 14

Dual rope pushdowns
70kg x 15
70kg x 13
70kg x 12

Overhead dual rope cable extensions 47,5kg x 14
47,5kg x 12
47,5kg x 11
Very solid backday! Shape is getting better with the weeks, body is using all the extra calories! Looking even leaner.

FRIDAY — 06/09/24 BACK + R. DELTS

Medium grip mag pulldowns
108kg x 13
107kg x 12

Single arm HS front pulldowns
40kg x 12
55kg x 11
65kg x 9

Dual handed HS front pulldowns
80kg x 13
80kg x 12

HS low row
80kg x 12
120kg x 12
130kg x 10

Single arm cable pulldown
75kg x 15
80kg x 13

Wide grip seated cable row
100kg x 15
100kg x 13
100kg x 12

Smith machine shrugs superset db shrugs
100kg x 15 <> 40kg x 15 ( 3 sets )

Reverse pec deck
80kg x 20
80kg x 17
80kg x 15

Shape post workout


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Changed it up on legday today, but really had a good one!

Sunday — 07/09/24 LEGS

Toe press
127,5kg x 15
127,5kg x 13
127,5kg x 12
127,5kg x 11 + 10 partials

Single leg HS kneeling leg curl
35kg x 15
40kg x 14

Single leg HS iso lateral leg press
140kg x 20
180kg x 14

Leg extensions
115kg x 14
125kg x 10

Watson leg press ascending set
Started with 2 plates a side all the way up to 7 plates per side, every set was 10 reps, the only rest break is when your trainings partner is putting on another plate!

Seated leg curls
95kg x 15
105kg x 13
105kg x 11

Reverse stance v-squat
120kg x 15
160kg x 12

Stiff legged DB deadlifts
70kg x 14
70kg x 12
70kg x 11
Thursday — 12/09/24 LEGS

Seated calf raise
95kg x 15
95kg x 13
95kg x 12
95kg x 10

Seated leg curl
110kg x 14
110kg x 12
110kg x 11

Pendulum squat
70kg x 10
60kg x 12
60kg x 10

Single leg HS horizontal leg press
160kg x 13
160kg x 11
160kg x 10

Leg extensions
125kg x 12
125kg x 11
125kg x 11
45kg x 14 (single leg)

Lying leg curls
37,5kg x 12
37,5kg x 9
30kg x 15

Adductor machine
76,25kg x 20
76,25kg x 18
Friday - 13/09/24 PUSH

Incline db press
58kg x 8
50kg x 13

HS iso-lateral bench press
90kg x 9
80kg x 10
80kg x 9

Incline cable flys
17,5kg x 12
17,5kg x 11
17,5kg x 10

HS pec fly
112,5kg x 12
112,5kg x 11
112,5kg x 10

Standing side lateral raise machine
11,75kg x 15
11,75kg x 13
11,75kg x 11

Bent over rear lateral raise machine
8,75kg x 18
8,75kg x 16
8,75kg x 14

Dual rope pushdowns
72,5kg x 13
72,5kg x
72,5kg x

Overhead dual rope cable extensions
47,5kg x 14
47,5kg x 12
47,5kg x 11

Weight is slowly creeping up. Around 104kg but still very lean, so a lot more room to increase calories. Gaining about 0,2kg - 0,5kg BW Weekly so that’s in a good spot. Workouts progressing every session. Small jumps, but better that nothing.

Peds stay the same, calories will increase after the weekend again! I’ll post a full day of eating with macro breakdown to give you guys an idea