Rigeu’s offseason bodybuilding log

Honestly delts i have the least injections, i rotate between left right glute then left right lat then i spread my injection volume between left and right delts. So about 1 shot every 1,5 week and then half the injection volume in both heads.
You read my question wrong. I was talking about training. How many weekly sets do you do per body part?
You read my question wrong. I was talking about training. How many weekly sets do you do per body part?
Oh shit i see it haha!

Weekly i don’t actually now man. In the split i’m doing right now i’m hitting every muscle group every 4-6 days.

week 1:
legs, push, pull, rest, legs, push, rest
week 2:
Back, arms, legs, rest, push, pull, rest

Repeat week 1

The amount of sets depens on the phase i’m in. My recovery etc.

Sets per workout:
Chest is about 9-12 sets (every 5 days)
Shoulders about 6-8 sets (every 3-4 days)
Triceps 6-8 (every 3-4 days)
Back 10-15 (every 5 days)
Biceps 6-8 (every 3-4 days)
Quads 9-12 (every 5 days)
Hamstrings 6-8 (every 5 days)
Calves 4-6 (3 times per week)
Abs 4-6 (2 times per week)
Tuesday — 03/09/24 LEGS

Toe press ✅
168kg x 15
168kg x 13
168kg x 12
168kg x 11

Lying leg curls ✅
72,6kg x 13
72,6kg x 11
72,6kg x 10 + 5 partials + 10 sec iso hold

Leg extensions ✅
96,4kg x 18
96,4kg x 15
96,4kg x 1

Matrix Hacksquat
160kg x 12
160kg x 11
120kg x 14

Matrix 45 degree leg press
250kg x 20
250kg x 18
250kg x 16

Adductor machine
103,4kg x 15
103,4kg x 13
103,4kg x 11

Seated leg curl
75,3kg x 15
75,3kg x 15
75,3kg x 13

Legs were completely fried after this workout! Few hours later and i’m feeling the doms coming up already.
Wednesday - 04/09/24 PUSH

Incline db press
56kg x 10
50kg x 12

HS iso-lateral bench press
80kg x 11
80kg x 9
80kg x 8

Incline cable flys
25kg x 15
25kg x 13
25kg x 12

HS pec fly
110kg x 15
110kg x 11
110kg x 10 ds 82kg x 8 ds 61kg x 8

Standing side lateral raise machine 11,75kg x 15
11,75kg x 13
11,75kg x 11

Bent over rear lateral raise machine
8,5kg x 20
8,5kg x 16
8,5kg x 14

Dual rope pushdowns
70kg x 15
70kg x 13
70kg x 12

Overhead dual rope cable extensions 47,5kg x 14
47,5kg x 12
47,5kg x 11
Very solid backday! Shape is getting better with the weeks, body is using all the extra calories! Looking even leaner.

FRIDAY — 06/09/24 BACK + R. DELTS

Medium grip mag pulldowns
108kg x 13
107kg x 12

Single arm HS front pulldowns
40kg x 12
55kg x 11
65kg x 9

Dual handed HS front pulldowns
80kg x 13
80kg x 12

HS low row
80kg x 12
120kg x 12
130kg x 10

Single arm cable pulldown
75kg x 15
80kg x 13

Wide grip seated cable row
100kg x 15
100kg x 13
100kg x 12

Smith machine shrugs superset db shrugs
100kg x 15 <> 40kg x 15 ( 3 sets )

Reverse pec deck
80kg x 20
80kg x 17
80kg x 15

Shape post workout


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Changed it up on legday today, but really had a good one!

Sunday — 07/09/24 LEGS

Toe press
127,5kg x 15
127,5kg x 13
127,5kg x 12
127,5kg x 11 + 10 partials

Single leg HS kneeling leg curl
35kg x 15
40kg x 14

Single leg HS iso lateral leg press
140kg x 20
180kg x 14

Leg extensions
115kg x 14
125kg x 10

Watson leg press ascending set
Started with 2 plates a side all the way up to 7 plates per side, every set was 10 reps, the only rest break is when your trainings partner is putting on another plate!

Seated leg curls
95kg x 15
105kg x 13
105kg x 11

Reverse stance v-squat
120kg x 15
160kg x 12

Stiff legged DB deadlifts
70kg x 14
70kg x 12
70kg x 11
Thursday — 12/09/24 LEGS

Seated calf raise
95kg x 15
95kg x 13
95kg x 12
95kg x 10

Seated leg curl
110kg x 14
110kg x 12
110kg x 11

Pendulum squat
70kg x 10
60kg x 12
60kg x 10

Single leg HS horizontal leg press
160kg x 13
160kg x 11
160kg x 10

Leg extensions
125kg x 12
125kg x 11
125kg x 11
45kg x 14 (single leg)

Lying leg curls
37,5kg x 12
37,5kg x 9
30kg x 15

Adductor machine
76,25kg x 20
76,25kg x 18
Friday - 13/09/24 PUSH

Incline db press
58kg x 8
50kg x 13

HS iso-lateral bench press
90kg x 9
80kg x 10
80kg x 9

Incline cable flys
17,5kg x 12
17,5kg x 11
17,5kg x 10

HS pec fly
112,5kg x 12
112,5kg x 11
112,5kg x 10

Standing side lateral raise machine
11,75kg x 15
11,75kg x 13
11,75kg x 11

Bent over rear lateral raise machine
8,75kg x 18
8,75kg x 16
8,75kg x 14

Dual rope pushdowns
72,5kg x 13
72,5kg x
72,5kg x

Overhead dual rope cable extensions
47,5kg x 14
47,5kg x 12
47,5kg x 11

Weight is slowly creeping up. Around 104kg but still very lean, so a lot more room to increase calories. Gaining about 0,2kg - 0,5kg BW Weekly so that’s in a good spot. Workouts progressing every session. Small jumps, but better that nothing.

Peds stay the same, calories will increase after the weekend again! I’ll post a full day of eating with macro breakdown to give you guys an idea
When to the opening of a gym of one of my close friends. Very good equipment, all old school panatta pieces. Did pull and man everything fellt great!

Saturday — 14/09/24 PULL

SA panatta pulldown
120kg x 15
130kg x 12
130kg x 11

Panatta wide grip high row
80kg x 15
80kg x 13
80kg x 12

Lat pulldowns
80kg x 15
80kg x 13
80kg x 12

V-bar seated cable rows
120kg x 12
120kg x 11

Bent over db rows
44kg x 15
44kg x 13
44kg x 12

Pannata preacher curl machine
40kg x 15
40kg x 12
40kg x 10

Cable rope hammer curls
50kg x 15
50kg x 14
50kg x 13 ds 40kg x 10 ds 30kg x 10

Leg raises
4 sets to failure
Yes worksets are all to technical failure, that’s why you see a regression in reps in excersises i stay on the same weight for multiple reps.
Yeah i was guessing that too.
Have you ever tried training with top sets, back off? Or you prefer this style because of simplicity?

In the end progressive overload is what counts.
Yeah i was guessing that too.
Have you ever tried training with top sets, back off? Or you prefer this style because of simplicity?

In the end progressive overload is what counts.
I do mix of both man! And like you’re saying it both works all what matters is progressive overload.

I like to top and back off sets for most of my compound work on push days. Before i did it on every single muscle groups but i got into tendon issues, especially my knees!

Since switching it up to a tidy higher rep range i really improved my back and legs. Got a better mind muscle connection and the best after all.. my patella tendons are fine and don’t hate me any longer lol.

Got to find out what works for you!
Very solid backday! Shape is getting better with the weeks, body is using all the extra calories! Looking even leaner.

FRIDAY — 06/09/24 BACK + R. DELTS

Medium grip mag pulldowns
108kg x 13
107kg x 12

Single arm HS front pulldowns
40kg x 12
55kg x 11
65kg x 9

Dual handed HS front pulldowns
80kg x 13
80kg x 12

HS low row
80kg x 12
120kg x 12
130kg x 10

Single arm cable pulldown
75kg x 15
80kg x 13

Wide grip seated cable row
100kg x 15
100kg x 13
100kg x 12

Smith machine shrugs superset db shrugs
100kg x 15 <> 40kg x 15 ( 3 sets )

Reverse pec deck
80kg x 20
80kg x 17
80kg x 15

Shape post workout

You are doing great.
I like this.
And you are figuring it all out by yourself, as you go, so well done.

Also, cannot see any tattoos on you (not a fan).
Keep it that way. It's brilliant and, nowadays, rare.

You are fire.

P.S. stop getting naked at the gym, in case there is someone there high on tren and then you are in trouble.
Unless you like that kind of trouble, that is.
Not judging.
You are doing great.
I like this.
And you are figuring it all out by yourself, as you go, so well done.

Also, cannot see any tattoos on you (not a fan).
Keep it that way. It's brilliant and, nowadays, rare.

You are fire.

P.S. stop getting naked at the gym, in case there is someone there high on tren and then you are in trouble.
Unless you like that kind of trouble, that is.
Not judging.
Zero tattoos over here! Lots of friends got tattoos but i’m also not a big fan also.. i’m thinking that i would waste muscle separations lol.

Haha no definitely not gay lol, i got you but in a hardcore gym it’s no problem to take of clothes. Everybody is sharing the same passion over there!
Zero tattoos over here! Lots of friends got tattoos but i’m also not a big fan

Brownie points to you from yours truly.

i got you but in a hardcore gym it’s no problem to take of clothes. Everybody is sharing the same passion over there!

OK, so you guys are all getting naked there.
Fair enough.
And practical. If the air con ain't working, you are on top of things.

However, my observation was because we always look out for one another at Meso.
Thanks to you guys, I am now well versed on the dangers posed by individuals trenned up to their eyeballs.
It's a thing.

Thanks for the reply.
Take care and have a good Sunday.
Look forward to your update, next week
Brownie points to you from yours truly.

OK, so you guys are all getting naked there.
Fair enough.
And practical. If the air con ain't working, you are on top of things.

However, my observation was because we always look out for one another at Meso.
Thanks to you guys, I am now well versed on the dangers posed by individuals trenned up to their eyeballs.
It's a thing.

Thanks for the reply.
Take care and have a good Sunday.
Look forward to your update, next week
Haha, thanks Iris! keep an eye on the logbook ;)