There should be no slack in your arms. Before you actually begin the pull you should be taking the slack out of your body and your arms. By that I mean if the bar is loaded with 405lbs you should be pulling up on it so you really only have to lift 404lbs. It's like you pull up enough to lift 1lb and that's enough to get the slack out.
Which would explain why I thought you went forward on your toes mid lift but couldn't see it bc the plates blocked the view. It looked choppy right in the transition between the bar passing knee area. If the bar is too close, you'll have to open your knee angle all the way and lockout knees too early to get the bar up.
You're not far from a 500lb pull at 205lbs with almost no PL training. That doesn't classify as "clueless"
I always keep mine short. Trim it every week. Right now though it's been feeding for over 2wks so I look like a cross between a caveman and manbearpig. I'd have a full on braidable beard in a few weeks of growth lol.
You could start with 10-14in apart or shoulder width or just a but narrower. I like using my vertical jump stance. Just imagine like you wanted to do the highest vertical you could. How close do you place your feet? That's how i do mine for pulls but even with our very similar leverages and structure you may prefer something different.