
This is what SkankHunt got tested months ago...

That is severely under-dosed and yet you stand by your products?!?!?

You trying to hold onto the Abdi Ibrahim name when you aren't even selling their genuine product. I know for a fact you aren't buying from them directly based on how you shipped the product to me with the 30 flat boxes together, the pieces of paper together, and all the blisters together...

Oh and you fucked up because not all the box batch numbers match the batch numbers on the blisters. For example... I have two batch numbers in my order... yet the amount of each differs if I count the blisters vs the collapsed boxes...

Let me guess... you have some excuse for this too?

Look at this seller. He expects us... THE BUYER... to get involved in shipping illegal substances across state lines?!?!?!

Absolutely not! No amount of money would make it worth my while to ship 30 boxes of this stuff.

Oh you mean the test where @SkankHunt listed showed that your Abdi Ibrahim was nearly half under-dosed?

Tell me, how is the product coming back as underdosed?!?!?

Hell, tell me why I took 175mcg of your crap and don't feel a thing, but take 75mcg of US pharmacy grade and am sweeting and lethargic?

You clearly are buying from a sketching wholesaler and are selling fakes whether you like it or not.

Of course everyone! I'm the one not trustworthy... not the shitty seller that's selling under-dosed fake shit on here and then expecting the customers to risk shipping controlled substances. What about the fact that you completely ghosted me when I set it up with Jano?

How am I not trust worthy? I am not asking for a refund. I simply am staying in this thread to warn buyers from buying from a sketchy unproven seller as yourself.

We didn’t offer you to send them out of country and the address was going to be in your country. As I explain, It is useless to have fake of them because same price with original. If you don’t like your products you can send them right away and don’t worry about it. We have been selling them long time and never had a complain. We respect your all explanation and of course you are free to say whatever you want.

All the best

We didn’t offer you to send them out of country and the address was going to be in your country. As I explain, It is useless to have fake of them because same price with original. If you don’t like your products you can send them right away and don’t worry about it. We have been selling them long time and never had a complain. We respect your all explanation and of course you are free to say whatever you want.

All the best
You are a complete joke and is why your old thread died and you made this one. Soon you'll just make another thread, but I'll continue to check my email and make sure members don't get screwed over by you.


That is the stupidest thing I've heard on here from a seller. You want me to ship illegal substances... 30 boxes of it... in the mail?

The reason other sellers don't do this is because THEY DON'T SELL FAKE UNDER-DOSED PRODUCTS.

I'll pass and literally everyone on here with a decent life will pass too.

Just because you have nothing to lose doesn't mean us members are in the same boat.

So far, SkankHunt has a test from Jano showing that your T3 is underdosed... plus I am literally on here saying I have taken 7 of your pills and don't feel anything.

You are a joke and I will continue to stay on the last page of your thread to warn members.

Please stop saying it's useless to fake T3... I thought the same thing... BUT LOOK AT THE TEST SHOWING THAT YOUR T3 IS LITERALLY FAKE!
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Watch... I bet this seller is in the process of making a fake burner account...

Next thing we know someone is going to pop up in here with limited prior posts and start trying to act like this seller is the best thing since sliced bread.
They look like scammers, when you are trying to ask them about the legitimacy of their pharma products they never answer. Codes doesn't mean shit, and you always send the product outside the box, we can't verify the product itself.

We respect your all explanations and of course you have right to text whatever you want. We have been on the market long time and will be here as well. You can not find fake of that product. If you order from other sources same product and compare with boxes, prospectus, QR codes you will understand what we mean. We can not convince each other like this. What do you want us to do ?

All the best

We respect your all explanations and of course you have right to text whatever you want. We have been on the market long time and will be here as well. You can not find fake of that product. If you order from other sources same product and compare with boxes, prospectus, QR codes you will understand what we mean. We can not convince each other like this. What do you want us to do ?

All the best
Get the fuck out of here. Now that you are outed as a scammer selling fakes you want to ask what you can do better?



No member should purchase anything from you. I will make sure anyone with a brain doesn't either.

You have been on the market long time? LMFAO Your previous thread on here died because of the same shit... yet for some reason you started another thread???

Other sources have customer service. You are a joke and literally offered to refund one box because that's the only thing that I've tried so far. Then you wanted me to ship the whole order back to you? Yeah that's not happening either...

You lost your chance to be a reputable seller when you pulled that bullshit. I'll make sure I'm on the front of your thread to warn members of you.

You want to do better? How about you take ownership for the shitty products you sell? I know you are sourcing from some sketchy wholesaler and that's why even other products are coming back as under-dosed. Imagine if Steroidify just told people to return their products or pulled the stupid shit you do by setting up for the products to be tested and then flaking?

We respect your all explanations and of course you have right to text whatever you want. We have been on the market long time and will be here as well. You can not find fake of that product. If you order from other sources same product and compare with boxes, prospectus, QR codes you will understand what we mean. We can not convince each other like this. What do you want us to do ?

All the best
How could you explain all the bad reviews from your source in other forums?

And why don't you send closed boxes with HGH inside? It could be manipulated easily then. Maybe are just verified boxes with fake product if you send them separately.
How could you explain all the bad reviews from your source in other forums?

And why don't you send closed boxes with HGH inside? It could be manipulated easily then. Maybe are just verified boxes with fake product if you send them separately.
He is a joke.. he told me he did it to my order to get it thru customs....

Complete bullshit. No other source does this
Dear All

We had some issue with our email therefore we was not able to enter our meso account. We are right here and you can contact with us here. We are really sorry about it.

All the best

Hey, Rufus, RFS, close enough, i have a question for you. There's a thread on the Anabolex scammer forum created by a 1 post nobody that complained about your service and said you refused to take care of it.

Did such a thing actually happen or is it like i've been saying all along that an order was never placed and one of the bottom feeding mods made that thread strictly so they could push their trash sources for unsuspecting new readers to see?


No member should purchase anything from you. I will make sure anyone with a brain doesn't either.

You have been on the market long time? LMFAO Your previous thread on here died because of the same shit... yet for some reason you started another thread???

Other sources have customer service. You are a joke and literally offered to refund one box because that's the only thing that I've tried so far. Then you wanted me to ship the whole order back to you? Yeah that's not happening either...

You lost your chance to be a reputable seller when you pulled that bullshit. I'll make sure I'm on the front of your thread to warn members of you.

You want to do better? How about you take ownership for the shitty products you sell? I know you are sourcing from some sketchy wholesaler and that's why even other products are coming back as under-dosed. Imagine if Steroidify just told people to return their products or pulled the stupid shit you do by setting up for the products to be tested and then flaking?

Get the fuck out of here. Now that you are outed as a scammer selling fakes you want to ask what you can do better?



No member should purchase anything from you. I will make sure anyone with a brain doesn't either.

You have been on the market long time? LMFAO Your previous thread on here died because of the same shit... yet for some reason you started another thread???

Other sources have customer service. You are a joke and literally offered to refund one box because that's the only thing that I've tried so far. Then you wanted me to ship the whole order back to you? Yeah that's not happening either...

You lost your chance to be a reputable seller when you pulled that bullshit. I'll make sure I'm on the front of your thread to warn members of you.

You want to do better? How about you take ownership for the shitty products you sell? I know you are sourcing from some sketchy wholesaler and that's why even other products are coming back as under-dosed. Imagine if Steroidify just told people to return their products or pulled the stupid shit you do by setting up for the products to be tested and then flaking?

You have right to text and do whatever you desire. We never scam anyone and will never do it. We approved ourselves that we are not scammer in everywhere. What we can do for you is refund your money. Just sent a pm.

All the best
How could you explain all the bad reviews from your source in other forums?

And why don't you send closed boxes with HGH inside? It could be manipulated easily then. Maybe are just verified boxes with fake product if you send them separately.

It is really hard to make everyone happy becase there is a lot of users who are toxic therefore we are trying to do our best to answer every request and review. We send HGH closed boxes but as you know packages has limitation therefore if our costumers order oversize we open boxes and fold them. We do this method if our costumer accept.

All the best
Hey, Rufus, RFS, close enough, i have a question for you. There's a thread on the Anabolex scammer forum created by a 1 post nobody that complained about your service and said you refused to take care of it.

Did such a thing actually happen or is it like i've been saying all along that an order was never placed and one of the bottom feeding mods made that thread strictly so they could push their trash sources for unsuspecting new readers to see?

We never seen and heard about it but we are sure that it is totally wrong. We can accept our mistakes or wrong things but nobody can call us as a scammer. If you don't mind can you guide me abut it. Just sent a pm.

All the best

We never seen and heard about it but we are sure that it is totally wrong. We can accept our mistakes or wrong things but nobody can call us as a scammer. If you don't mind can you guide me abut it. Just sent a pm.

All the best
I can call you a scammer as you literally have tests proving that you are selling fake products.

Scam doesn't just mean taking money and not sending anything.

A scam is also what you're doing by sourcing cheap products that are fakes. Steroidify doesn't have problem with their T3 coming back as under-dosed... that's only you!
You are a complete joke and is why your old thread died and you made this one. Soon you'll just make another thread, but I'll continue to check my email and make sure members don't get screwed over by you.


That is the stupidest thing I've heard on here from a seller. You want me to ship illegal substances... 30 boxes of it... in the mail?

The reason other sellers don't do this is because THEY DON'T SELL FAKE UNDER-DOSED PRODUCTS.

I'll pass and literally everyone on here with a decent life will pass too.

Just because you have nothing to lose doesn't mean us members are in the same boat.

So far, SkankHunt has a test from Jano showing that your T3 is underdosed... plus I am literally on here saying I have taken 7 of your pills and don't feel anything.

You are a joke and I will continue to stay on the last page of your thread to warn members.

Please stop saying it's useless to fake T3... I thought the same thing... BUT LOOK AT THE TEST SHOWING THAT YOUR T3 IS LITERALLY FAKE!
Underdosed is not fake, idk probably degration or pharmacy error, this stuff is usually very cheap in the pharmacy, theres no point in faking those products,
If its domestic just send it back anonymous there are multiple ways of sending them back… dont make a big deal out of it

Underdosed is not fake, idk probably degration or pharmacy error, this stuff is usually very cheap in the pharmacy, theres no point in faking those products,
If its domestic just send it back anonymous there are multiple ways of sending them back… dont make a big deal out of it

Come on, customers doesn't have to do those types of things, most of us don't even know how to do it. If you are sending fake or super underdosed products the source must take care of it. That's all
Come on, customers doesn't have to do those types of things, most of us don't even know how to do it. If you are sending fake or super underdosed products the source must take care of it. That's all

It is original product and impossible to be fake and also you can not even find fake of them even you request. We are not the one who produce them and if costumer say that did not like it is okay we do understand. We offer send back, refund or send more products as well. What do you want us to do more ?

It is not logical to call us a scammer or guilty with these conditions.

All the best
Underdosed is not fake, idk probably degration or pharmacy error, this stuff is usually very cheap in the pharmacy, theres no point in faking those products,
If its domestic just send it back anonymous there are multiple ways of sending them back… dont make a big deal out of it
You clearly haven’t been around these scene very long.

Under-dosed is absolutely a call for a fake… ESPECIALLY when you’re talking about an ACTUAL PHARMACY like Abdi Ibrahim and not these random underground labs that are trying to be passed off as credible.

This is exactly why you commonly see people trying to fake established brands (ex. Pfizers) to latch onto their brand and marketing without paying for it.

I can’t believe you just said the customer should be expected to send back illegal substances in the mail. Do you really have nothing to lose and think people want to take this risk?

There is no way to anonymously send things in the mail unless you want to pay for a underground courier service… which is still insane that you think members should be expected to do so.

And quit this stupid narrative that “why would someone fake it if it’s so cheap?”

Why do people fake hgh pins when you can buy the raw powder for dirt cheap?

Why do people fake and under-dose test when the raw compound costs a dollar?

The reason people fake things is because it’s expensive to have the quality control that legit pharmacies have… it’s also expensive to accurately dose MCG (NOT MG... BUT MCG... FOR DOSING COMPOUNDS FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION)… and people don’t want to have to create their own brand and standby it when they can just latch onto one that’s already established like Pfizer or Abdi Ibrahim.
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It is original product and impossible to be fake and also you can not even find fake of them even you request. We are not the one who produce them and if costumer say that did not like it is okay we do understand. We offer send back, refund or send more products as well. What do you want us to do more ?

It is not logical to call us a scammer or guilty with these conditions.

All the best
It absolutely is logical to call you a scammer considering this is your second thread because your first thread died for this exact reason.

These are the reason you are being called a scammer:

- Your products consistently come back under-dosed… rarely over-dosed… but UNDER-DOSED. This rules out manufacturing error or testing error as this error would likely result in tests coming back both under-dosed and over-dosed.

- The way you ship products screams that you are selling fakes. You ship the products not in the original package despite no other source doing this.

- Similarly, in my order the batch number is on both the box and the blister packets (sent disassembled and with the boxes collapsed)... YET THE AMOUNT FOR EACH BATCH NUMBERS DIFFERS DEPENDING ON IF I COUNT THE BLISTERS OR THE BOXES! EXPLAIN THIS!

- There is absolutely no way you are sourcing these products at the prices you sell for directly from the manufacturer. Sure you might have some legit underground labs like Deus, Odin, and Pharmaqo as they are relatively easy for a small retailer to become a vendor for... but your pharma-grade products scream fake. You are not able to obtain these pharma-grade products directly from the established companies like Pfizer... instead you get them from a reseller like every other source does... THE PROBLEM IS THAT YOURS ARE CLEARLY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE AND YOUR SOURCE IS GIVING YOU FAKE KNOCKOFFS WHICH YOU ARE THEN RELAYING TO US CUSTOMERS. THIS IS PROVEN BY THE COUNTLESS LAB TESTS OF YOUR PRODUCTS COMING BACK UNDER-DOSED... NOT OVER-DOSED... BUT ROUTINELY UNDER-DOSED. These brands are large because they have quality control and definitely aren't going to allow as many under-dosed products as you seem to be selling.

- You have horrible customer service and are willing to screw over a customer just to save a couple hundred bucks. When I initially came to you, you said you'd only send me $10 out of my $200 order because you claim THAT IT'S ONLY LOGICAL SINCE I ONLY TRIED 1 OF THE 30 BOXES IN MY ORDER!

- Then you pull some sketchy shit requesting that I send back 30 boxes of illegal substance thru the mail? That is insane and no reputable source on here has ever asked that the customer ship back the products. YOU get paid by us to take that risk... WE do not decide to take that risk when we buy products from you. If a customer gets a fake under-dosed product... THAT IS COMPLETELY ONE YOU! Why should a customer have to bare that risk considering the customer has done nothing wrong, but instead tried to give a small retailer a chance... only to get scammed.

- Now that I've called you out you want to claim that all is well and you weren't pulling some sketchy bullshit. The proof is in this thread and even on other forums... you are scamming your customers because you're selling under-dosed products and consistently don't stand behind the products you sell.
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