RT's long way to the top

(Cruise week-3)

This is the start of my 3rd week on cruise.
Dropping AI ; last Friday was the last day I took a dose of Aromasin.
Now I will try to just cruise on the Primo/Test with the hopes of NOT needing anything else.

I plan on getting detailed full male panel blood work around week-6.

So far my workouts are going well and I do not feel any drop-off.
1) legs/lower
2) chest/arms
3) rest
4) back/shoulders
5) rest

I have not been testing my strength; instead, I have been pushing the volume and adding sets and new lifts to work on a different form of progression while keeping the intensity about the same.
I am staying lean but slowly upping the cals a little bit to try to keep making gains while on cruise dosages. Muscular imbalances have been improving by working as much unilateral lifts as possible.

Acne started up a little bit unfortunately.
I was very clear on cycle, but this week I started to see some break outs on my shoulders and upper arms. I am hoping it is just a matter or the hot humid weather having y sweat all day, and NOT an issue from the hormonal changes transitioning into cruise.
However, last time I came off a Blast and went down to cruise dosage I experienced a lot of acne. I do not understand what makes this happen or how to combat it. There is ZERO chance my E2 went up because I stayed on AI this time (learn from past experiences) for the first couple weeks of cruise; if anything my E2 is too low.

Gyno is totally shrunk down to baseline pea sized (what is always there from puberty gyno). No issues at all this time going into cruise. As mentioned, I kept the E2 low by staying on AI. I also now have my Ralox on hand if any issues occur.
(Cruise week-3)

This is the start of my 3rd week on cruise.
Dropping AI ; last Friday was the last day I took a dose of Aromasin.
Now I will try to just cruise on the Primo/Test with the hopes of NOT needing anything else.

I plan on getting detailed full male panel blood work around week-6.

So far my workouts are going well and I do not feel any drop-off.
1) legs/lower
2) chest/arms
3) rest
4) back/shoulders
5) rest

I have not been testing my strength; instead, I have been pushing the volume and adding sets and new lifts to work on a different form of progression while keeping the intensity about the same.
I am staying lean but slowly upping the cals a little bit to try to keep making gains while on cruise dosages. Muscular imbalances have been improving by working as much unilateral lifts as possible.

Acne started up a little bit unfortunately.
I was very clear on cycle, but this week I started to see some break outs on my shoulders and upper arms. I am hoping it is just a matter or the hot humid weather having y sweat all day, and NOT an issue from the hormonal changes transitioning into cruise.
However, last time I came off a Blast and went down to cruise dosage I experienced a lot of acne. I do not understand what makes this happen or how to combat it. There is ZERO chance my E2 went up because I stayed on AI this time (learn from past experiences) for the first couple weeks of cruise; if anything my E2 is too low.

Gyno is totally shrunk down to baseline pea sized (what is always there from puberty gyno). No issues at all this time going into cruise. As mentioned, I kept the E2 low by staying on AI. I also now have my Ralox on hand if any issues occur.

I know youve heard this, but you have the most detailed logs on here. People are going to be using your logs as references for years (at least they should. But no one wants to hit the search button.)
I know youve heard this, but you have the most detailed logs on here. People are going to be using your logs as references for years (at least they should. But no one wants to hit the search button.)

thanks brother. I appreciate the kind words.

End of 4th week on cruise.
100 mg Primo
60 mg Test-E
No AI, No SERMs, No peptides at the moment
(but will add Ipam/ModGRF back in soon, I just need to pick some up) -- nothing right now but simple mild HRT/cruise.

I will be updating soon with some examples of my workouts -- I am starting to enjoy these volume sessions and am finally able to implement some planned progression.

Also, some more OTC supplement ideas I will be adding such as oral Carnitine with leucine, pink salt (sodium facilitate the cellular transport) and simple carbs to get an insulin spike (also to shuttle the carnitine into the cells). I want to try injectable but not sure of the best source at the moment.

So far I am holding at 197 Bodyweight with a slightly softer look but most all the gains are holding.

I think I can really make some good progress and gains while on this mild cruise based upon slow progressive increase in calories and proper OTC supplementation.
Liking the sound of the Primo/test cruise. Primo is a lot more affordable that way. Keep killing it RT.

yes, I agree.
I can afford it for cruise and the small dosage is easy to manage; so far I am feeling great.
Even my little acne flare from coming off Blast has already gone down significantly.
Seem like ZERO sides. I will get bloods in approx two more weeks with lipids and sensitive E2.

I am already tempted to want to run a big high dose Primo cycle next summer, like a 800mg to gram with maybe a little test just to have some E2, but the cost and injection volume will most likely prevent that. For those that can handle the cost and injections, I can see why it is such a desired compound for some people.
yes, I agree.
I can afford it for cruise and the small dosage is easy to manage; so far I am feeling great.
Even my little acne flare from coming off Blast has already gone down significantly.
Seem like ZERO sides. I will get bloods in approx two more weeks with lipids and sensitive E2.

I am already tempted to want to run a big high dose Primo cycle next summer, like a 800mg to gram with maybe a little test just to have some E2, but the cost and injection volume will most likely prevent that. For those that can handle the cost and injections, I can see why it is such a desired compound for some people.

Zero noticeable sides alone is a great start! No or low dose AI for a blast (low test high Primo) is another pro. If your labs come back good, I'd say it's worth the cost for a blast.
What I have been doing in the gym while on cruise.

Some example workout sessions from the past week.
The bold work sets will either get added weight or reps from session to session.
Also, those lifts with less than 3 total work sets will eventually get another set as I progress. Currently, my focus is pushing the pace and keep the time between sets low (as opposed to my strength phase where it was common for me to take 3 to 5 mins).

The Split:

1) Legs
2) Chest/Arms
3) rest
4) Back/Shoulders
5) rest


Ramp: 135, 225, 315,
320 x5
320 x5
320 x5

Romanian Deadlifts
Ramp: 135, 225,
235 x8
235 x8

DB Reverse Lunge
45’s x8
45’s x8
45’s x6

Hack Squat Sled
(Sled and body + added weight)
+90 x8
+90 x8
+90 x8

Unilateral Leg Press
(Sled + weight)
+90 x warmup
+140 x8
+140 x8

Unilateral Standing Leg Curl
25 x warmup
35 x8
35 x8
30 x8 F*

Standing Calf Raise
(TUT deep stretch, 3 sec rep, 2 sec hold on peak)
240 x8
240 x8
240 x8 F*

Seated Calf Raise
(TUT deep stretch, 3 sec rep, 2 sec hold on peak)
BW+45 x8
BW+70 x10
BW+70 x10


Chest / Arms

Bench Press
Ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
225 x10
225 x10
225 x7 F
(the first set of 225 is in the ramping sets because I want to be used to the volume it adds as I load the last 3 sets into higher weights over time – only the last three sets in bold will see a progression in reps or weight).

Machine Flys
Ramp: 70, 90,
100 x8
100 x8

DB Incline Press
Ramp: 50’s, 70’s,
85’s x8
85’s x6

Barbell Drag Curls
Ramp: 45, 55,
65 x12
75 x12
75 x9

DB Preacher Curls
(TUT sow reps with hold at peak and slow negative)
25’s x8
25’s x8
25’s x8 F

DB Hammer Curls
40’s x8
40’s x8
40’s x8

EZ-Bar Lying Tri Extension
Ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 x6
110 x5
110 x5 F

Rope Cable Overhead Tri Extension

Ramp: 70, 90,
100 x10 NF
100 x10 F

DB Tate Press
20’s x8
20’s x8
20’s x8 NF


Back / Shoulders

Pullups (wide-grip)
BW x8
BW x8
BW x8
BW x6 F
BW x5 F

Strict Standing Overhead Press
Ramp: 95, 115, 135x3,
135 x10 NF rep-PR!
135 x5
135 x5 F

Pendlay Rows (sloppy)
Ramp: 135, 185, 225,
230 x5
230 x5
230 x5
230 x9
F (w/straps last set)

DB Seated Overhead Press
55’s x10
55’s x10

Ramp: 135, 225, 315,
320 x10
320 x10

Seated Cable Row
100 x12
100 x12
110 x11

DB Reverse Fly (chest supported)
30’s x10 F
30’s x8
30’s x8

Unilateral Hammer Strength Pulldown
45 x12
70 x12
70 x10

DB Side Laterals
30’s x8 NF
30’s x8 F
30’s x8 F

*NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
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Things are going great.
I started really fine-tuning OTC supplements and timing on this cruise to maximize my positive results and retain as much of the gains as possible; actually, no, correct that—it’s not good enough just to retain, I wanted to continue making new additional gains while on cruise.

Firstly, as many say all over the internet: REAL FOOD COMES FIRST!

As such, I have upped my calories to let the food push the gains while on such a low dosage cruise.

I have to say, I think caloric surplus rivals juice! I am pushing new volume and rep PRs and feel like I am still progressing.


Ok, on to the PWO shake I have been using:
27g complex carbs (from ~40g powdered oats)
30g simple carbs (from 30g dextrose)
24g whey mix (Optimum Gold standard Natural Chocolate)
25g whey Iso (NOW Foods whey isolate, plain)
5g Leucine (AllMax free-form leucine)
2g Beta-Alanine (PureBulk)
1.5g TMG “Betain” (PureBulk)
500mg ALCAR (PureBulk)
5g Creatine Monohydrate (AllMax)
½ tsp Knox gelatin (Knox from Walmart)
Pinch of ground pink salt (for electrolytes and minerals)

This shake is slammed immediately after my last set or sometimes with a set or two left to go (workouts are ~2 hr long).

6g Citruline Malate (PureBulk)
1.5g TMG (PureBulk)
2g Beta-Alanine (PureBulk)
500mg ALCAR (PureBulk)
100mg DMAE (PureBulk)
Pinch of ground pink salt (for electrolytes and minerals)

l-Carnitine and Creatine depend upon insulin to enter cells:
I have been doing a lot of reading on Carnitine.
Most importantly, I have learned that you must have a threshold level of insulin present to drive the carnitine into muscle cells or else it simple elevates the plasma levels but eventually is excreted without any positive effects (most people are NOT deficient).

Therefore, in order to get the elevated levels needed for desired effects, insulin spike must be timed with the peak plasma carnitine levels. Also, it appears that the sodium/potassium ATPase pump is involved (it also appears this is the case with creatine). This is why I now take carnitine on its own about 3 hours before my post-workout shake which will spike insulin.

9:00 am Meal #1 (of 5)
10:00 am 2g l-Carnitine (oral)
10:45 am Pre Workout Shake
11am-1pm Workout
1:00 pm Post Workout Shake
2:00 pm Meal #2 (of 5)

Only meals #1, #2, and PWO shake have carbs (I don’t count fibrous veggies such as broccoli and kale as carbs).

On non-workout days only one meal (either #1 or #2) will have carbs.

On non-workout days I will time Carnitine dosage approximately 3 hours before the high carb meal, creatine about 30 mins before the high carb meal, and will add grape juice to further spike insulin for that meal.

Sources of information:
“Six blood samples were taken during the 24 h following the ingestion. Their blood carnitine levels increased (the free form by 81%, and the total by 57%) to a maximum at about 3.5 h and then slowly decreased.“

Free and total carnitine in human serum after oral ingestion of L-carnitine. - PubMed - NCBI
Creatine plasma levels appear to peak at approximately one hour after oral ingestion as can be interpreted from the figure linked here: Comparison of new forms of creatine in raising plasma creatine levels
From the paper: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

For now I am assuming that my insulin spike would peak at about 30 mins after the PWO shake with whey and dextrose.
Various google results estimated peak glucose levels to occur around 30 mins to 1 hour after a meal; however, this is vary dependent upon meal composition and the individual. I still need a good reference to determine when an insulin spike is most likely to occur as a result of a dextrose/whey mix and/or a meal containing carbs such as steel cut oats. IF you know a good source for this info it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Too late to edit and add this to the previous post.

I want to add, I am strongly considering injectable l-carnitine for its superior bioavailability. I will likely order some very soon and am trying to learn all I can about various protocols.
Bodyweight holding steady at 197 lb in the morning and low 200s in the evenings -- very consistently. Body comp seems to be holding where it was at the end of the blast -- so far the cruise is going well.

Cruise Dosage Update:

Added HCG back into the mix (I want to keep things in tact and the GF made a comment that had me think maybe its time to make some gains downstairs).
500 iu HCG /week (split 250 sunday morning and 250 weds evening).
100 mg PRIMO (split evenly 4x across the week so I may use small slin pins)
60 mg TEST-E (split evenly 4x across the week so I may use small slin pins)

I've been curious about that for awhile. I'm interested to see how it works for you.

Order is now in for injectable Carnitine.

I will update with a protocol very soon, and track any progress and/or any changes I observe.
Bad news -- strained my trap pretty bad today. Its hard to even sit still without discomfort and if I attempt to move me head I get pretty severe pain down my necks and trap. I think I released a heavy shrug with one hand before the other and it pulled down all the weight on one side. Was not bad at the gym so I finished the workout but I did feel pain building with every movement; by the time I got home it feels bad.

Ok, going to turn this into something useful and use my extra rest days to go get week-6 bloods.
I will likely take a few days off just to play it smart, determine how serious this is, and let things recover.
I will plan to go get bloods taken tomorrow morning with my down time.
Then come home and just have a rest.

Adding BPC157
spot injections 2 or 3 times a day into the traps because I don't have time to bleed and want to recover asap. I enjoyed good results in previous injuries using this peptide and have a vial left over that is getting old in the freezer.
I did a 500 mcg pin already today.
Damn hope u recover without issue.

thank you.
I am just now finally starting to feel some relief. Yesterday was tough; the neck pain is stimulating headaches.
But today has been better. I am hoping to return to the gym by Monday of I can get another good rest day in tomorrow.
Always exciting to get a new toy ;)
Carnitine arrived (large bottle in pic) and here it is next to my current BPC157 vial and a USA $0.25 just to give those interested an idea of the size of this product.


I will let you know how it goes after tomorrow morning's pin.

Carnitine Protocol:
  • 400 mg Carnitine (2cc synthetine) split into multiple pins using 1cc slin pins (4 pins if SQ, 2 if able to hit shallow IM -- it just depends upon the day and my site rotation availability).
  • 15 to 30 mins after pin: breakfast (meal #1), then eat a meal with high protein (eggs) and carbs (oats, banana, and berries) and a glass of grape juice to further increase the glycemic load. Insulin must be present to drive carnitine into the muscle cells; the goal here is to time the carnitine peak plasma levels with a natural insulin spike.
  • 45 mins after food: slam preWO shake and head to the gym.
  • Workout for 1.5 to 2 hours:
  • intra: DTB "Cell Swell" drink with electrolytes (nutirfoce balanced hydration).
  • post: PWO shake details noted earlier in the log.
  • 1 hours after PWO-shake: eat a complete meal (meal #2).
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thank you.
I am just now finally starting to feel some relief. Yesterday was tough; the neck pain is stimulating headaches.
But today has been better. I am hoping to return to the gym by Monday of I can get another good rest day in tomorrow.

Just the other day after u discussed how that it may have happend, I lost my grip on bb shrugs due to a bleeding callous, kinked my trap.

It is slowly relieving but damn, sure don't need to add any fuel to the flame. Rest indeed!


The Green Machine
Carnitine Protocol:
  • 400 mg Carnitine (2cc synthetine) split into multiple pins using 1cc slin pins (4 pins if SQ, 2 if able to hit shallow IM -- it just depends upon the day and my site rotation availability).
  • 15 to 30 mins after pin: breakfast (meal #1), then eat a meal with high protein (eggs) and carbs (oats, banana, and berries) and a glass of grape juice to further increase the glycemic load. Insulin must be present to drive carnitine into the muscle cells; the goal here is to time the carnitine peak plasma levels with a natural insulin spike.
  • 45 mins after food: slam preWO shake and head to the gym.
  • Workout for 1.5 to 2 hours:
  • intra: DTB "Cell Swell" drink with electrolytes (nutirfoce balanced hydration).
  • post: PWO shake details noted earlier in the log.
  • 1 hours after PWO-shake: eat a complete meal (meal #2).

Oh I forgot to mention, this is just for the Loading phase.
I will load for about two weeks doing this 6 days a week.
Then after loading I will most likely do EOD or maybe even E3D.
Cruise Week-7 Update:

BW = 195 lb.

Back in the gym. Still some neck pain and limit to my range of motion turning my head. Nonetheless, I am able to lift! Trained legs yesterday and Chest/Arms today.
Lost a little strength on the opening compound on each day, but KILLEd the rest of the sessions. Did the same volume and intensity as I left off with the last time I trained but I felt much more refreshed and did not get fatigue through the 2 hours sessions (extra rest days, higher carbs, BPC157, other new supplements -- who knows what combo helped but I was significantly less fatigued).

5th day on the Synthetine protocol.
Its hit or miss regarding PIP -- likely just my own error will cause some soreness.
I even pinned calves just to give more spots--they got sore as fuck the next day (most likely just because I have never pinned anything there).
I have tried SQ and IM -- both are totally smooth and 4/5 times I would not even know I was pinned if I had not been there to witness it :D

I did notice I seemed to sweat faster and more these past two workouts -- something just felt different. However, as mentioned earlier, I did get extra rest and increased carbs so I have no way to attribute it to the carnitine specifically. I did experience significantly more muscular endurance and no mental fatigue.

Creatine has been moved up to the morning before the pre-workout (breakfast) meal.
This is to take advantage of the insulin spike I am creating for the carnitine protocol. I rather not spike my insulin multiple times a day (for general health my goal is to have decent insulin sensitivity) as by moving the creatine here I hope to get better cellular transport as well allow me to use less carbs PWO.

100 mg PRIMO
60 mg TEST-E
250 iu HCG E3D
BPC157 500 mcg ED (temporary for a few weeks to help heal)

ZERO side effects currently.
Acne has returned to baseline (NOT zero, but minimal, not a problem at all).
Gyno is hardly noticeable (just small pea sized baseline from pubescent gyno).

Still waiting on week 6 cruise bloods.
I got the sample taken last week but still no results email; I check for it every day.

Picked up a new supplement:
since I have been studying up on insulin and carbs, I learned all about GDAs (glucose disposal agents). These are compounds that either mimic or enhance insulin's effect and facilitate the transport of glucose into the the cells. So in a way the help increase insulin sensitivity is my interpretation on it (correct me if I am mistaken).
I plan to use this with my highest carb meals.
I went with Partition MD because I respect and appreciate John Meadows knowledge, opinions, and information.
At your convenience please have a look at my blood lab results and I welcome any opinions/advice/suggestion to improve. I tried to give as much detail as I could think of, but I am sure I missed something so please feel free to ask anything.

The dilemma I am thinking about:
Taking something for iron (or eating red meat again since dropping it has not helped my lipids).
But concerned about the RBC.
Donating to lower RBC, but the MCH is already too low.

My primary concern is that my RBC is rising (just above range currently but I already donate every 10 weeks – it has been 11 weeks and would be time now to donate again).
However, my MCH is low (this is a first for me).

BUN also looks bad to me as this was done after a few days of rest (I was injured and took a week off from the gym) fully hydrated (I get up throughout the night and had water each time, as well as lots of water on the way to the testing facility), and fasted (no supplements, protein, or creatine that morning or the evening prior).

These labs were taken at the end of 6-weeks of the following cruise:
100 mg PRIMO /week
60 mg TEST-E /week
250 iu HCG E3D
ZERO AI or other ancillaries.

I divide the dosage across 4 small slin pins of 25mg PRIMO and 15 mg TEST-E per shot (Sun-morning, Tues-morning, Weds-night, Friday-night).

Bloods were taken early on a Friday morning after a 12-hour overnight fast.

I am disappointed with these results.
In an attempt to improve lipids, rising RBC, and overall health, I stopped eating any red-meat over the past 6 months. My diet was very strict and clean consisting of spinach/kale salads daily, lean meats (turkey and chicken breast), eggs, steal cut oats, lots of veggies (a serving at every meal of things such as broccoli or asparagus) etc.

Prior to this cruise, I ran am EQ-based recomp blast for 18 weeks which had me eating a nearly keto diet for the latter half of the cycle as I dropped into caloric a deficit; the only carbs I was eating were 20g oats in the morning and 20g oat in PWO shake. During this blast I did use Aromasin at about 12.5 mg EOD.

A few things to consider: my LDL and Testosterone values are likely not accurate.
My lipids do need improvement and I ask for advice in this area as well please.
However, please keep in mind that my LDL is most likely NOT as bad as listed; A study has shown that the traditionally used Friedewald formula is not accurate for individuals with low (<100) triglycerides (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18426324). Instead, another method called the “Iranian formula” should be used.

Plugging my numbers into the Iranian formula (http://homepages.slingshot.co.nz/~geoff36/LDL_mg.htm) yields a LDL of 143 mg/dL.

As for the testosterone numbers: I am taking 60mg a week of TEST-E from an UGL – no way I get 900+ TT. One may think that the “Primo” is actually TEST, but if that were the case then my E2 would be correspondingly high (from my experience I aromatize easily and previous 900+ cruises have yields 70 E2 when no AI was used). I lab-maxed the PRIMO and it looked good. AL via Simec tested the brand and showed excellent results.

I have found during my EQ cruise and my EQ blast that when getting bloods through LabCorp the EQ influenced the Testosterone numbers. I don’t know if it just showed up 100% as test or if it contributed in some other erroneous ratio, but it has been established that some compounds will have an effect upon the TT score.

Finally, my E2 needs to come up – I am thinking to try DHEA, or just raising the amount of TEST-E being used (I am undecided how to approach this as I have always battled with too much E2, never too little).

Thank you for any ideas and your help.

I got follow-up bloods taken to determine more specifically if I have iron/ferritin issues, any cortisol issues, or vitamin D etc.

I will order specific supplements and implement a recovery protocol to improve some of these values that are out of range once I get the results back and determine what it is that I need.

I have also added TB500 to try to help the neck/trap heal since it is still giving me problems.
I increased the TEST-E to ~100mg /week to help bring up the E2.
additionally, I added 25 mg ED DHEA to help bring up the E2.

Follow-up bloods update coming in the next few days.