RT's long way to the top

Current dosages:
100 mg PRIMO
100 mg TEST-E (techincally I will measure out 96 mg a week if the label is 100% perfectly accurate)
250 iu HCG E3D
100 mcg modGRF(1-29) and 100 mcg Ipam ED (one pin before bed)

Temporarily on the following to fix some specific issues:
1mg TB4 E2D (to help heal strained neck/trap)
500 mcg BPC157 ED (to help heal strained neck/trap)
25 mg DHEA ED (to raise E2)
AND I will soon be adding the iron supplement listed below to address the iron deficiency discuses in this post.

Follow-up Lab Results are in:

Looks like a textbook case of iron deficiency.

( https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/tibc/tab/test/ )

I have already ordered Enzymatic Therapy - Ultimate Iron
( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013OUHUA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_ZHRVxbW4TXY67 )

and hoping it gets here this week.

Live and learn. I donated frequently to control a high RBC and HTC in the past but I also changed my diet which lead to no iron.
I ate zero red meat and consumed a lot of things that may hinder iron absorption.

What appears to have happened is that I became iron deficient; however, I still produce too much RBC -- the RBC just happen to lack Heme.
So in other words, avoiding iron did NOT appear solve any RBC issue but added a new problem.

The plan is to first get my iron / ferritin up into a healthy range.
After that, I shall donate to lower the RBC.
Long-term., my hopes are to continue to use the iron supplement and moderate red meat consumption to maintain a healthy level so that I may donate to keep the RBC and HTC under control.

Additionally, I will continue to look into way to improve my lipids. I think that fixing my E2 will help with the lipids.

I also appreciate all the other advice and suggestions.

Cruise Week-9 Update

still very limited because of the neck/trap injury.

I am most likely going to schedule an appt with a sports PT and get some help healing.
The TB4 and BPC157 let me tolerate it with their reduction in inflammation but it is not anywhere near the point which would allow me to go all-out in the gym.
I still put in hard work, but can't hit deadlifts or any really heavy sets. So I been doing big volume and some drop-sets and other techniques to try to put in work.

body-weight holding steady in the high 190s.

must be working because I am eating more cals and lots more carbs than I was on cruise but by weight is holding and body comp has only declined a bit (still way better than before the blast, so keeping most of the the recomp gains so far).
However, I am having some concerns with PIP and some crashing of the carnitine, and I will be contacting the source to see if anyone else has ever reported what I have been feeling. It does help my energy/endurance (or maybe just the added carbs are doing that, I dunno). Overall, I like it and if I can get the PIP to stop I will be on it long-term!

9 weeks into cruise and still keeping most of the blast gains!


I have been taking a serving of each of the iron supps each day (one of them I do in the morning with breakfast, and the other I use a night with my last meal).

I plan to get the anemia profile testing done again in the next few weeks (feritin levels etc) and see if I am ok to donate.

TUDCA I added just because I needed more items to get free shipping -- I have read good things about it for liver health.
Are you running a true TB4? Shoulders look great, big and rounded...

Yes, assuming it is what the source says it is -- label says TB4 full seq.
Got it from AV (formerly Toms).

And, thanks for the kind words brother -- I been getting a lot of compliments and good feedback all summer about my shoulders looking bigger.

I just wish this trap would heal; I am just itching to hit it hard and go all out.
I think I can make some good gains on cruise if I can get 100% healthy
UPDATE: 2nd Follow-up bloods

2 weeks into "treatment" using the iron supplements and I am feeling a difference.
These labs show they are effectively helping the iron deficiency.
I am feeling more refreshed and well rested--much more of an alert and awake feeling now; whereas before I was feeling vert fatigued all of the time.

RBC and HCT creepy up slowly but I still have room on my hemoglobin before I must donate to avoid being turned down.
MCH showing a slight improvement and RDW is HIGH.
I interpret this optimistically as a positive responce to the iron supplement; I may be making new RBC with proper Heme content now that iron is available and this would account for the rise is these values.
My hope is to let them all come up a bit more and then donate in a couple more weeks to lower the RBC. HCT, and Hemoglobin while continuing the iron supplements so the new cells that are made will be healthier and make progress towards correcting the iron deficient anemia.

E2 is still crashed. Maybe not enough time for the added DHEA and increased Testosterone to make a difference or maybe just not enough to make a difference.
Nonetheless, I am simply going to drop the primo and up the Testosterone to 120mg/week.
I had originally started doing mixed cruises to prevent issues I had with very high E2 (I had 70 E2 on 120mg Test and 500 iu HCG a week in the past). Also, I desired time off of AI.
Well it seems I am not having any issue with E2 staying low now; therefore, I will go with strait Test to simplify things and I shall increase the dosage again if I do not see any improvements.
I will continue to use HCG at 250iu E3D as well.

BUN, Creatinine, and eGFR are starting to have me worry.
I dropped creatine after the first bloodwork--no improvement.
I now dropped pre/intra BCAA and other aminos -- no improvement.
I am down to about 200 - 225g protien a day and I am 200 lb 5'8" so this is not an excessive amount for my lean mass.
I drink tons of water and piss clear every 30 mins...


Dosages Adjustment Starting Today:
120 mg TEST-E /week
25 mg DHEA ED
250 iu HCG E3D
100 mcg modGRF(1-29) + 100mcg Ipam ED (pre-bed)
that's all folks...

Ferritin serum high and iron saturation low?

I haven't done the iron test yet, but your other numbers look almost just like mine. I'm all but certain we have the same problem.
Ferritin serum high and iron saturation low?

I haven't done the iron test yet, but your other numbers look almost just like mine. I'm all but certain we have the same problem.

Ferritin and Iron Saturation are both flagged LOW.
You might have looked that the HIGH B12 number/flag above the ferritin value.

They are indeed both low but not as low as the bloods from a few weeks ago -- so I made some progress with these new supplements.
Also, overall I feel better--less fatigue.

Sadly, my neck/trap is still very injured or else I would be killing it in the gym right now.
I am not really able to train upper back or shoulders.
I have to take it easy on others stuff too but at least I can still get in some work with 315 squats and just rep out 225 on bench. Just cruising trying not to lose all my gains while I heal. Everyone in the iron game knows how that goes...frustrating.
Just about out of peps and, Well it looks like my peptide source has closed shop.

Anyone know if Bluesky is any good?
Or any other recommendations?
@RThoads not to hi-jack their thread, but how much longer on the knee?

It was a neck/trap pull -- been 3 week already :( but at least now I can finally turn my head to check blinds spots while driving. Sleeping is still hindered by the pain. That first week was bad and had me worried but it has been improving over time.

Today will be my first day in the gym to attempt back and shoulder moves (will go lighter of course and take it easy).
BAck and shoulders where always my favorites too and its killing me to miss hitting them (II am losing hard earned gains).

Wish me luck -- kinds nervous to do an overhead press or Row haha
It was a neck/trap pull -- been 3 week already :( but at least now I can finally turn my head to check blinds spots while driving. Sleeping is still hindered by the pain. That first week was bad and had me worried but it has been improving over time.

Today will be my first day in the gym to attempt back and shoulder moves (will go lighter of course and take it easy).
BAck and shoulders where always my favorites too and its killing me to miss hitting them (II am losing hard earned gains).

Wish me luck -- kinds nervous to do an overhead press or Row haha
not sure why I thought it was your knee lol Just take it slow buddy, you know your body. it will tell you to slow down...
I just wanted a place to post some of my contributions so I can have a post to reference (saves me time and is easier to link to one post than search out things each time I get a PM or someone doubting me).

[Log] Long-term log from recomp to cruise (with progress pics and PR video): RT's long way to the top

[HPLC] independent SIMEC testing results for Pharmacom NPP:
[HPLC] Pharmacom "Pharmanan P100" NPP

[HPLC] independent SIMEC testing results for Pharmacom Dianabol:
[HPLC] Pharmacom "Dianabolos 10" Dianabol 10mg Tabs (methandrostenolone/methandienone) 17-NOV-2015

[Bloodwork] Female friend’s test prop cycle:
[Bloodwork] **Female** Testosterone Prop 5mg ED (pre-cycle/4th week/5th week)

[Bloodwork) Pharmacom GH bloodwork
(poor serum GH results):
[Bloodwork] Pharmacom GH

[Bloodwork] Mid-cycle Bloodwork:
[Bloodwork] Pharmacom Test-P, NPP, Test-C

[LabMax] Pharmacom NPP:
[Labmax] Pharmacom NPP 08-SEP-2015

[LabMax] Pharmacom test prop:
[Labmax] Pharmacom Testosterone Propionate 08-SEP-2015

[LabMax] Pharmacom test cyp:
[Labmax] Pharmacom Testosterone Cypionate 30-AUG-2015

[LabMax] Pharmacom Var:
[Labmax] Pharmacom Oxandrolonos (Oxandrolone) 26-AUG-2015

[LabMax] real WATSON cyp:
[Labmax] Watson Testosterone Cypionate 29-AUG-2015

[Log] 8-week mild short ester blast:
RT's blast and cruise log

[Log] mixed compound cruise experiment:
RT's mixed compound cruising experiments
Cruise week-18 Update

BW = 194 lb.

Just wanted to stop by and check in with an update incase it may serve to help anyone learn how my adjustments either worked or did not work.

I have been on the iron supplements up until about 2 weeks ago.
It appears that my iron levels have risen as seen on the previous bloodwork, and on this current bloodwork you can see the MCH is no longer flagged "low."

I did donate once approx 5 weeks ago. However, it looks like I should donate again soon and if I do I will resume using the iron supplements for a few weeks following the donation.

RDW is HIGH and I believe this is because of the change in my red blood cells -- I am now making good cells with decent heme content and those will be a different shape than the old deficient anemic cells. After another round of donating and iron supplementation I hope that I will have mostly newer improved cells and the RDW will start to fall within range. After donating I also take methylfolate and sublingual methylcobalamin to give my body what it needs to create good blood cells.

I switched to test-cyp (ran out of E).

For the past 6 weeks I have been on:
125mg Test-Cyp /week
250iu HCG E3D
400mg injectable Carnitine on lifting days

That is it! nice and simple and I finally dialed in a balance of TT and E2 I am happy with!

Here are my current lab results:

Those that follow me know I was injured for a while during this cruise.
I finally just had to stay out of the gym for a few weeks to let it heal -- as much as that sucked, I needed to let it heal. Thankfully, it helped! I can lift again now.

The past 2 weeks I have been back in the gym using a fullbody MWF routine to get back into things. I Will switch to an upper/lower as soon as my lifts are too heavy to keep up with 3x a week. Then, onto a hypertrophy split for a bulk cycle early next year.

I ramp up to one top set for each lift and hit all major muscle groups 3x a week -- I add +5 to +10lb a session to try to rapidly recover my strength with high frequency and big basic lifts.
So far so good.

Today I hit:
Squats: 335x5
Bench: 275x5
Deficit Deadlift (off a plate): 355x5
Pendlay Row: 235x5
Standing Overhead Press: 135x8
Pullups: +15lb x8
Lying Tri Ext: 110x8
Seated Incline DB curls: 45s x8
Abs: 3 sets
Standing calf machine: 260x10
Seated calf: +100x10
chest supported DB reverse fly: 35s x8
DB side lateral raises: 35s x8

Its a brutal 3 hour workout, but I have rest days in between every session and it allows basic linear progress until I get to wear I feel I need to be before splitting things up again.

Hope everyone has been well and enjoying some good gains!
UPDATE: 2nd Follow-up bloods

2 weeks into "treatment" using the iron supplements and I am feeling a difference.
These labs show they are effectively helping the iron deficiency.
I am feeling more refreshed and well rested--much more of an alert and awake feeling now; whereas before I was feeling vert fatigued all of the time.

RBC and HCT creepy up slowly but I still have room on my hemoglobin before I must donate to avoid being turned down.
MCH showing a slight improvement and RDW is HIGH.
I interpret this optimistically as a positive responce to the iron supplement; I may be making new RBC with proper Heme content now that iron is available and this would account for the rise is these values.
My hope is to let them all come up a bit more and then donate in a couple more weeks to lower the RBC. HCT, and Hemoglobin while continuing the iron supplements so the new cells that are made will be healthier and make progress towards correcting the iron deficient anemia.

E2 is still crashed. Maybe not enough time for the added DHEA and increased Testosterone to make a difference or maybe just not enough to make a difference.
Nonetheless, I am simply going to drop the primo and up the Testosterone to 120mg/week.
I had originally started doing mixed cruises to prevent issues I had with very high E2 (I had 70 E2 on 120mg Test and 500 iu HCG a week in the past). Also, I desired time off of AI.
Well it seems I am not having any issue with E2 staying low now; therefore, I will go with strait Test to simplify things and I shall increase the dosage again if I do not see any improvements.
I will continue to use HCG at 250iu E3D as well.

BUN, Creatinine, and eGFR are starting to have me worry.
I dropped creatine after the first bloodwork--no improvement.
I now dropped pre/intra BCAA and other aminos -- no improvement.
I am down to about 200 - 225g protien a day and I am 200 lb 5'8" so this is not an excessive amount for my lean mass.
I drink tons of water and piss clear every 30 mins...


Dosages Adjustment Starting Today:
120 mg TEST-E /week
25 mg DHEA ED
250 iu HCG E3D
100 mcg modGRF(1-29) + 100mcg Ipam ED (pre-bed)
that's all folks...

Do you run orals? Was wondering about the bun.
Do you run orals? Was wondering about the bun.

Nope, no orals during cruise. Just simple TRT dosage test-cyp and HCG.

I stopped taking creatine and did get a slight improvement on the eGFR.
But the BUN is always HIGH -- it bothers me that I can not correct it but I have read many people that lift have high BUN. High protein diets also may elevate BUN.

If you know any way to lower BUN but still be lifting hard and eating enough protein for gains let me know. I am at a loss to solve that issue.
Nope, no orals during cruise. Just simple TRT dosage test-cyp and HCG.

I stopped taking creatine and did get a slight improvement on the eGFR.
But the BUN is always HIGH -- it bothers me that I can not correct it but I have read many people that lift have high BUN. High protein diets also may elevate BUN.

If you know any way to lower BUN but still be lifting hard and eating enough protein for gains let me know. I am at a loss to solve that issue.

Im kind of in the same boat. They have told me to cut back on protein, sodium, and supplements. I just did bloods and have tweaked my "intake" leading up to my test. If I see any improvement Ill definitely let you know.
Dropping creatine put mine back in range, even my last bloods on a blast. Are you lifting hard the day of or day before the bloods? That might have some impact.
Dropping creatine put mine back in range, even my last bloods on a blast. Are you lifting hard the day of or day before the bloods? That might have some impact.

Dropped creatine and my creatinine went down which helped my eGFR.
but the eGFR is still not good.

As for lifting, I did my bloods the day after a rest day this time to try to see if that would help. So to be clear, I had at least 36 hours of full good rest; I did not lift the day before the sample was taken.