Secret Sources, the SCOC and the Steroid Underground

I had no idea members had asked women for vag shots. I think Meso is a higher caliber than other boards and stuff like that shouldnt take place. This site is predominantly male and there will be some Neanderthalic comments, but asking for vag shots is wrong. I know a few members such as ]@Oregongearhead[/COLOR] and @pumpingiron22 would call people out in a heartbeat for that type of behavior. Meso does need serious women in bodybuilding and aas. Establish yourself and dont put up with that shit. People will flame and hate because youre a woman, but once youre here long enough Im sure it will die down.

Meso might not be the best place for women to come to , or even beginner males . Theres far better places online for both . Meso is for seasoned AAS veterans , always has been ....(this my opinion only)~Ogh
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Meso might not be the best place for women to come to , or even beginner males . Theres far better places online for both . Meso is for seasoned AAS veterans , always has been ....~Ogh

That being said I believe we should show respect to both women and beginner males . But when they start disrespecting and challenging the veterans here .....(its fair game)
I'm as guilty as anyone for taking threads off topic but this thread, and the one Brutus started, were intended to encourage a discussion about Meso, sources and how we should proceed. Unfortunately, the last 5 or 6 pages have been nothing but nonsense.

If you want to argue with KnowNothing and Hardbodygirl, start another thread rather than ruining this one. Thanks.
@CensoredBoardsSuck well said, good that you admit you sometimes play a part too- we all get caught up sometimes. just gotta step out and look what use the conversation has. this is going to be my last comment before i drop it as well - i wasn't trying to argue with anyone, i tried to tell @hardbodygirl to drop it and stop responding to attacks...looks like that didnt happen >_>
That being said I believe we should show respect to both women and beginner males . But when they start disrespecting and challenging the veterans here .....(its fair game)

Yes I didnt see all the stuff that was happening until today, Im going to have to do some reading to see what exactly is going on.
I'm as guilty as anyone for taking threads off topic but this thread, and the one Brutus started, were intended to encourage a discussion about Meso, sources and how we should proceed. Unfortunately, the last 5 or 6 pages have been nothing but nonsense.

If you want to argue with KnowNothing and Hardbodygirl, start another thread rather than ruining this one. Thanks.

Excuse me Mr.CBS sir , but it looks like your thread evolved into something else 10 pages back....whats the topic again ???

I don't think we should be brining up past feuds or events. CBS just admitted he has faults. This constant barrage of members attacking members is why we have 500 page threads in which half is bullshit
It was a shot calm down. Not even a shot a poke at best. You must of been lurking for a while you got about a months worth of post in less then two days.
Wait a minute , we are getting off topic again from CBS"s original vision . We need to talk some more about the neglected and disfunctional SCOC ....:rolleyes:
About the SCOC. After all this discussion I don't see why it should be changed, modified, etc.

I understand that it provides "direction" for a source and in some ways implies that they can source here under specific guidelines. And this is not a "Source" forum.

But.... If you don't provide some form of guidelines for the sources then they will just do whatever they want!

So my question is what exactly is everyone purposing be done? The tone of the underground forum has changed in the last few weeks and is a lot less hostile IMO.
i think the more towards less hostility is a good one. does that mean we're being "nicer" or more lenient towards sources? fuck no. but if we're less about attacking and more about questioning i think sources will be more open to discussion. those who dont provide what the members ask for should be able to give good reasons. in the end, we all hope that shitty sources will be revealed ASAP.

the SCOC is a good place for sources to start, i honestly feel like there should be even more criteria added. but like others have said, because this is an un-moderated board, sources are gonna source regardless. i think it's still unclear "what exactly everyone purposing to be done" but i think with time it will become clearer- let's see how sources react to less hostility. perhaps they will be more open and willing for discussion, maybe not.
i think the more towards less hostility is a good one. does that mean we're being "nicer" or more lenient towards sources? fuck no. but if we're less about attacking and more about questioning i think sources will be more open to discussion. those who dont provide what the members ask for should be able to give good reasons. in the end, we all hope that shitty sources will be revealed ASAP.

the SCOC is a good place for sources to start, i honestly feel like there should be even more criteria added. but like others have said, because this is an un-moderated board, sources are gonna source regardless. i think it's still unclear "what exactly everyone purposing to be done" but i think with time it will become clearer- let's see how sources react to less hostility. perhaps they will be more open and willing for discussion, maybe not.
It sounds like you've been thinking about this... Tell us what you think needs to be added, amended, and/or removed. In all seriousness
It sounds like you've been thinking about this... Tell us what you think needs to be added, amended, and/or removed. In all seriousness

will do brother, let me cook up some dinner, read over the SCOC once more and gather my thoughts- will get back to you soon
I thought we kind of moved past the.scoc. I has shown we know what to do with sources that show up here but go ahead rile up the new.guy it should take him about 100 posts to tell us.
We need to make the scoc for us not them, what I mean is what questions to ask what would be acceptable answers. It would be a great place for newbs to start so they can see the whys and why nots laid out in front of them. When I say questions I mean what to ask the new source. I know I just regurgitated some ideas but thats how I feel. Let us not lose or edge!
@Marcus @Mr.Bravo @brutus79 @Voltrader

here are my thoughts on the SCOC- as a disclaimer if i repeat anything that's already been said the past, sorry that i didnt have time to read through hundreds of pages posts. also, i know i advocate educating new members as the #1 priority but until our culture changes where the majority of new members or lurkers are just looking for a source- we need to do the grunt work. we need to filter out the good from the bad sources. as we do this, hopefully new members see will what they should be doing and slowly we will see a culture change- just my hope.

anyways ill try my best to keep it short and go section by section:

1. pics and description
a. pictures of finished vials and powders, a substantial quantity as well so we know you're not just trying to sell 20-30 vials. but that you actually have a decent amount and you have invested
b. pictures of lab equipment IN ACTION. show us the filter working, show us pics of autoclave working, show us actual vials being made under a flow hood. it's all to easy to get pics from a uni and throw up a time stamp. show us the equipment working with a time stamp "i am fucking brewing steroids to sell"
c. descriptioon of your full process for test E. take us through the entire fucking process. there is no trade secret or secret way to do it, we all fucking know the methods. tell us exactly how you are doing it

2. communciation
a. secure email + provide public PGP key. needs to be verified by a member that you actually know how to fucking use PGP

3. full disclosure- simple question: where have you sourced before and where you are sourcing now. the board focuses too much on this sometimes with accusing sources of being previous sources. if we're asking the right questions this will become obvious in time. maybe not ASAP but immediately accusing sources of having previous handles is bullshit and not effective. shitty sources will be outed, as they always have.

4. testing
a. minimum sources MUST labmax all products, oils and powders
b. a proven attempt at acquiring shit like MS/HPLC/NMR. this board makes it seem like i can walk down the street and get all my shit tested at the local uni. that's not how it works at all. we need to be more realistic. what does this mean? sources that come here with zero attempt at further testing can fuck off, they obvi dont care about their product and just wanna sell. sources that a proven attempt- who have you tried to contact, what avenues have you attempted, what friends have you asked about testing? we need to be reasonable brothers- to ask these sources for these tests + the knowledge to interpret them is too much. instead what we want to know is "are these sources willing and actively trying and caring about their product". if so we can be more assured that when/if they get access to MS/HPLC/NMR they will act upon it.

5. references
a. stop this bullshit with not accepting reviews from other boards, esp reddit. all these boards we have the same goal, i mean who the fuck wants to get scammed? who the hell actually wants underdosed shit. we need to be more open to other boards, but be skeptic. what does that mean? it means if everyone from a certain board is sucking the dick of one source, we need to be skeptic. here is was astro, reddit it is topgear and rage, evo is domestic express. let's accept their reviews at face value but also always be wary!
b. no fucking grandfathering. all sources need to go through the SCOC. no one gets a free pass, if you're a good source you can easily answer the questions and get through the SCOC. any source who is avoiding the SCOC is to be questioned even more. anyone selling over PM or privately who reach out to others HAVE to go through the SCOC. what does that mean? if you're a private source who sells by word of mouth that's fine. bt if you're actively recruiting other buyers through PM, come out of the fucking shadows and go through this SCOC
c. only one thread of sources to push product- if at first attempt a source doesn't make it through the SCOC- needs to be requested to be deleted. come back and try again when your shit is up to date. we can't have these threads where the 1st 50 pages the source doesnt pass and then on page 52, 67,83, and 98 the source provides the information needed to pass. this all needs to be condensed on the first fucking post. new members arent going to be searching through hundreds of pages for the legitmacy of a source.

in the end it's all about the details as @Dr JIM says "devil is in the details". good sources arent afraid of our questions. why? because they know they got nothing to fucking hide. answer all our questions and dont hide shit. on the flip side, let's approach sources with questioning but not aggression. aggression puts everyone on edge. we want he edge but we dont want to be know as a forum where everyone is shitting on everyone. brothers, we all want the same goal- good fucking gear. let's work together to find that- there may be sources out there that actually do have decent gear but we're running their asses off. as a result we are just gonna get all the shitty sources who backtalk and fight back and scam the shit outa us. these are just a few things off the top of my head
will do brother, let me cook up some dinner, read over the SCOC once more and gather my thoughts- will get back to you soon

@Marcus @Mr.Bravo @brutus79 @Voltrader

here are my thoughts on the SCOC- as a disclaimer if i repeat anything that's already been said the past, sorry that i didnt have time to read through hundreds of pages posts. also, i know i advocate educating new members as the #1 priority but until our culture changes where the majority of new members or lurkers are just looking for a source- we need to do the grunt work. we need to filter out the good from the bad sources. as we do this, hopefully new members see will what they should be doing and slowly we will see a culture change- just my hope.

anyways ill try my best to keep it short and go section by section:

1. pics and description
a. pictures of finished vials and powders, a substantial quantity as well so we know you're not just trying to sell 20-30 vials. but that you actually have a decent amount and you have invested
b. pictures of lab equipment IN ACTION. show us the filter working, show us pics of autoclave working, show us actual vials being made under a flow hood. it's all to easy to get pics from a uni and throw up a time stamp. show us the equipment working with a time stamp "i am fucking brewing steroids to sell"
c. descriptioon of your full process for test E. take us through the entire fucking process. there is no trade secret or secret way to do it, we all fucking know the methods. tell us exactly how you are doing it

2. communciation
a. secure email + provide public PGP key. needs to be verified by a member that you actually know how to fucking use PGP

3. full disclosure- simple question: where have you sourced before and where you are sourcing now. the board focuses too much on this sometimes with accusing sources of being previous sources. if we're asking the right questions this will become obvious in time. maybe not ASAP but immediately accusing sources of having previous handles is bullshit and not effective. shitty sources will be outed, as they always have.

4. testing
a. minimum sources MUST labmax all products, oils and powders
b. a proven attempt at acquiring shit like MS/HPLC/NMR. this board makes it seem like i can walk down the street and get all my shit tested at the local uni. that's not how it works at all. we need to be more realistic. what does this mean? sources that come here with zero attempt at further testing can fuck off, they obvi dont care about their product and just wanna sell. sources that a proven attempt- who have you tried to contact, what avenues have you attempted, what friends have you asked about testing? we need to be reasonable brothers- to ask these sources for these tests + the knowledge to interpret them is too much. instead what we want to know is "are these sources willing and actively trying and caring about their product". if so we can be more assured that when/if they get access to MS/HPLC/NMR they will act upon it.

5. references
a. stop this bullshit with not accepting reviews from other boards, esp reddit. all these boards we have the same goal, i mean who the fuck wants to get scammed? who the hell actually wants underdosed shit. we need to be more open to other boards, but be skeptic. what does that mean? it means if everyone from a certain board is sucking the dick of one source, we need to be skeptic. here is was astro, reddit it is topgear and rage, evo is domestic express. let's accept their reviews at face value but also always be wary!
b. no fucking grandfathering. all sources need to go through the SCOC. no one gets a free pass, if you're a good source you can easily answer the questions and get through the SCOC. any source who is avoiding the SCOC is to be questioned even more. anyone selling over PM or privately who reach out to others HAVE to go through the SCOC. what does that mean? if you're a private source who sells by word of mouth that's fine. bt if you're actively recruiting other buyers through PM, come out of the fucking shadows and go through this SCOC
c. only one thread of sources to push product- if at first attempt a source doesn't make it through the SCOC- needs to be requested to be deleted. come back and try again when your shit is up to date. we can't have these threads where the 1st 50 pages the source doesnt pass and then on page 52, 67,83, and 98 the source provides the information needed to pass. this all needs to be condensed on the first fucking post. new members arent going to be searching through hundreds of pages for the legitmacy of a source.

in the end it's all about the details as @Dr JIM says "devil is in the details". good sources arent afraid of our questions. why? because they know they got nothing to fucking hide. answer all our questions and dont hide shit. on the flip side, let's approach sources with questioning but not aggression. aggression puts everyone on edge. we want he edge but we dont want to be know as a forum where everyone is shitting on everyone. brothers, we all want the same goal- good fucking gear. let's work together to find that- there may be sources out there that actually do have decent gear but we're running their asses off. as a result we are just gonna get all the shitty sources who backtalk and fight back and scam the shit outa us. these are just a few things off the top of my head

Only took you an hour to come up with all that while you were busy cooking "up some dinner," huh? You work fast. :rolleyes:

No, you already had the post ready to go and just needed an opening to post it. You are definitely here because of an agenda, I have no longer have any doubts about that. I could ask you to disclose your other handle but we both know you're not going to do that. I will figure out who you are, though. Just give me a little more time.
Only took you an hour to come up with all that while you were busy cooking "up some dinner," huh? You work fast. :rolleyes:

No, you already had the post ready to go and just needed an opening to post it. You are definitely here because of an agenda, I have no longer have any doubts about that. I could ask you to disclose your other handle but we both know you're not going to do that. I will figure out who you are, though. Just give me a little more time.
Exactly, that's why I asked... Doesn't sound like there is anything at all catered to the members here, sounds like it's been tailor made for sources. We have been talking about changing the SCOC for the benefit of members, not the sources