Sema/Thriz/Reta choices


New Member
Currently I’m on Sema, up to 1.25mg/week and have been losing an average of 1lb/week or less. I started at a medspa, just shifted to Skye and now researching China direct. My inflammation can vary widely so the scale jumps all over the place. Sema has helped with inflammation and I’m looking into running BPC/TB for. 6-8 week protocol to see if it helps more and than a series of Thymosin Alpha 1 after that.

My question is with the lower pricing of China direct Tirz/Reta is more affordable so it has become and option. Sema makes me SO tired and I feel like some weeks it works really well and other weeks not as much. If you were to change what would you choose? I’ve researched all of them pretty extensively so I know the pro/cons but looking for people who have switched and what they liked or don’t like.
TIRZ is popular for a reason.

also dont take BPC for inflammation. also dont take THYMOSIN peptides for inflammation as actually can make things worse(as theory behind using it is INCREASING inflammatory response to help heal). its like taking a vaccine adjuvant all the time and really can mess with ur immune system which seems unwise...

get some quality fish oil with high EPA and take baby asprin if have a flair up.

your weight can vary due to how much food in your gut as sema slows down, take a probiotic.. also keep an eye on sodium intake as likely alot of the 'inflammation weight" is simply sodium.
@clearheaded I’ve read up on the water retention from both but I’m trying to heal some different issues. Both, from the literature I’ve read, are anti inflammatory which is different than water retention. I am here to learn so will definitely research what you are talking about though.

My weight can vary 5lbs in a day, not a slow gut kind of thing. My calf can swell 2” as an example. Doctors have been stumped but I think I’ve started to dial in on what is going on.
I'm switching back to Sema from Tirz. While Tirz is virtually side effect free for me I'm just not losing enough as the food cravings are still there. But like you sema lethargy was definitely an issue if I dose too high. Frustrating!

The exhaustion is so frustrating, I become almost non functional. I’m hoping Tirz might work a little better for me but have looked at Reta also. Even debating stacking a bit of Reta for an energy boost. I’m wanting to add anything different slowly and one at a time so trying to plan out how I want to go about this.

The exhaustion is so frustrating, I become almost non functional. I’m hoping Tirz might work a little better for me but have looked at Reta also. Even debating stacking a bit of Reta for an energy boost. I’m wanting to add anything different slowly and one at a time so trying to plan out how I want to go about this.
Tirzepatide seems to be a lot more effective at 10-15 mgs. I’m on 15mg tirz and have 0 hunger 0 side effects. Reta was horrible for me. Max dose 12mg had my heart rate through the sky 24/7 and very little hunger suppression. It felt like maybe 5mg tirz, and 5mg tirz does almost nothing for me.

Sema worked well at max dose for me but I was also shitting blood constantly and farting like crazy.

Tirz is more effective than sema for me at the max dose.

Reta was a horrible experience, high heart rate, high fasted bg, minimal hunger suppression at max dose. (My experience does not mean it’s the same for everyone)
I like Sem for appetite suppression. Works very well. The first time I felt nothing but then again I think I bent the pin and didn't even inject.

A year later I tried again. I felt it in my brain creeping up. Hunger suppression was stronger than M2. Digestion stopped, fat loss was great. Hunger almost zero. Satiated feeling was long lasting.

I've stacked Sem with Tirz.

Tirz has far less appetite suppression. I can eat on Tirz. Fuller feeling after meals once I hit 5mg.

About to pull the trigger on Ret, the way Lilly is acting in the courts it's probably going to launch soon and be the New King.

I like Sem but hate the gastro paralysis.

Going to stick with Tirz until Ret order.

I found this today on YT
