Showdown 2021 Meet

I want to see what Shane Hunt does at this one... I think this might be his first meet since aging out of Jr division. He was pulling 900 for a double the other day.

Zac Meyers is another one to watch there.
Says Kansas City Missouri? That's like four hours from STL. Was excited for a minute because STL isn't far for me.
looks like you’re right. I thought they did the last Showdown in St Louis? Any how probably not a big powerlifting town so looks like it’ll be mostly people traveling to compete and spectate.
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You know, until just now I thought the bucked up supplement brand was a company local to me... I know a few people that are brand ambassadors and I just assumed they were friends with the owner because they don't really have much social media presence.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you want a nice discount on that supplement brand... The ambassador program is a handout, or at least it was.
Looks like head to head
Blake Lehew vs Jason Garrison
Sean Norieaga is supposed to be here as well but I can’t see him beating either of these 2 guys. especially after Lehew’s performance at Kern
198 : Chad Pension up against John Haack in a rematch from the Kern. This will be interesting as it’s Raw only. Remember Haack fucking took 3rd in sleeves at a wrapped meet.
Joe fuckin Sullivan vs Ashton Rouska ( this I really want to see) I think Rouska can walk away with a podium tbh. we will see. Kevin Oak also in the roster at 220 which with the injury status he’s dealing with the last year may be damn interesting.
242: Jamal will clean house

Not super Familiar with the 275’s and up here but the dots kinda hurts them unfortunately. To my understanding the placing will be dots here and at most money meets going forward

Definetly some talent miss from this meet. I think some of the other bug names like Dan Bell will be at the Pioneer Open


I think like @Eman sayid above zack Myers is one to watch. There also another guy in here Danny Grigsby who could possibly steal it.

Josh Spaeth has previously totaled over 2K at tested meets. There quite a few tested athletes competing in this meet. Ashton Rouska being the most known. Are they staying clean here? Or running a blast and going back to their respective feds afterwards?
Looks like head to head
Blake Lehew vs Jason Garrison
Sean Norieaga is supposed to be here as well but I can’t see him beating either of these 2 guys. especially after Lehew’s performance at Kern
198 : Chad Pension up against John Haack in a rematch from the Kern. This will be interesting as it’s Raw only. Remember Haack fucking took 3rd in sleeves at a wrapped meet.
Joe fuckin Sullivan vs Ashton Rouska ( this I really want to see) I think Rouska can walk away with a podium tbh. we will see. Kevin Oak also in the roster at 220 which with the injury status he’s dealing with the last year may be damn interesting.
242: Jamal will clean house

Not super Familiar with the 275’s and up here but the dots kinda hurts them unfortunately. To my understanding the placing will be dots here and at most money meets going forward

Definetly some talent miss from this meet. I think some of the other bug names like Dan Bell will be at the Pioneer Open

I'm really excited for 220 class
Going to be a fucking grinder. said at 240 though, Browner is going to crush everyone, so not going to be a battle.
But it's still awesome to see Jamal get on the platform, it's like watching a fucking Alien lift weight
Guy is crazy

And of course, who isnt a Haack fan?
Total monster, always fun and impressive to watch him
I'm really excited for 220 class
Going to be a fucking grinder. said at 240 though, Browner is going to crush everyone, so not going to be a battle.
But it's still awesome to see Jamal get on the platform, it's like watching a fucking Alien lift weight
Guy is crazy

And of course, who isnt a Haack fan?
Total monster, always fun and impressive to watch him

Watching some guys doing grip training the last few months has made me want to see Jamal connect with some of those guys to improve his grip. That seems to be his only limiting factor in powerlifting. I'm not sure how much he might already be focusing on it but if he really dialed that in he'd be more superhuman than he already is.
Watching some guys doing grip training the last few months has made me want to see Jamal connect with some of those guys to improve his grip. That seems to be his only limiting factor in powerlifting. I'm not sure how much he might already be focusing on it but if he really dialed that in he'd be more superhuman than he already is.
hes focusing hard on grip right now actually
Talked about it in one of his YouTube videos.

seeing him lift with straps is fucking wild.
like you said, grip is huge.
He only missed lifts because of grip
hes focusing hard on grip right now actually
Talked about it in one of his YouTube videos.

seeing him lift with straps is fucking wild.
like you said, grip is huge.
He only missed lifts because of grip

I've actually never checked out his YouTube, I'll have to give him a follow. I follow him pretty closely on IG but he seems to keep it short and sweet on there. Seems like SBD days mostly... He was doing a deload yesterday I think, looked like he could jump off the ground doing like 675lb squats.

Fun fact: he listens to gospel music while he lifts but isn't religious. God damn weirdo. I'm definitely going to try it though just to make sure it's not what's holding me back from deadlifting 900lbs.
I've actually never checked out his YouTube, I'll have to give him a follow. I follow him pretty closely on IG but he seems to keep it short and sweet on there. Seems like SBD days mostly... He was doing a deload yesterday I think, looked like he could jump off the ground doing like 675lb squats.

Fun fact: he listens to gospel music while he lifts but isn't religious. God damn weirdo. I'm definitely going to try it though just to make sure it's not what's holding me back from deadlifting 900lbs.

His YouTube vids involve a lot of talking about his training diet and prep
I recomend it for sure
I've actually never checked out his YouTube, I'll have to give him a follow. I follow him pretty closely on IG but he seems to keep it short and sweet on there. Seems like SBD days mostly... He was doing a deload yesterday I think, looked like he could jump off the ground doing like 675lb squats.
That’s the Georgia in him
I'm definitely going to try it though just to make sure it's not what's holding me back from deadlifting 900lbs.

You hook or mix? My friend is a 800 + sumo puller with straps but his limit without is high 700’s. He’s talking about switching to mix grip
That’s the Georgia in him

You hook or mix? My friend is a 800 + sumo puller with straps but his limit without is high 700’s. He’s talking about switching to mix grip

Mix grip. I can manage a hook but mix just feels better and my grip has never been an issue so I've never devoted much time to improving hook.

It's also just uncomfortable on my thumbs and I don't know if it's normal but I had to completely reset my hook in between reps. If I'm doing real low reps I'll hook them just to remain proficient.
Men’s 308’s

Shane Haller looks to be the favorite here with a prior 2300 lb total in sleeves. So by a wide margin to the rest of the 308’s but we never know.

Mens SHW
Luke Nall looks like the favorite here. Thomas Davis could also be a contender with his total but at his bw won’t be winning anything on dots.
Men’s 308’s

Shane Haller looks to be the favorite here with a prior 2300 lb total in sleeves. So by a wide margin to the rest of the 308’s but we never know.

Mens SHW
Luke Nall looks like the favorite here. Thomas Davis could also be a contender with his total but at his bw won’t be winning anything on dots.

I havnt watched too much of the big boy stuff

I have s lot to learn about them
I havnt watched too much of the big boy stuff

I have s lot to learn about them
Daniel Bell has the shw ATWR squat and total. TD smash is a really entertaining lifter and Julius Maddox’s training partner I believe but unlike Julius he’s a full power lifter. Brandon Allen used to be in the mix here but hasn’t been since I think Boss of Bosses 6 due to injuries
Looks like head to head
Blake Lehew vs Jason Garrison
Sean Norieaga is supposed to be here as well but I can’t see him beating either of these 2 guys. especially after Lehew’s performance at Kern
198 : Chad Pension up against John Haack in a rematch from the Kern. This will be interesting as it’s Raw only. Remember Haack fucking took 3rd in sleeves at a wrapped meet.
Joe fuckin Sullivan vs Ashton Rouska ( this I really want to see) I think Rouska can walk away with a podium tbh. we will see. Kevin Oak also in the roster at 220 which with the injury status he’s dealing with the last year may be damn interesting.
242: Jamal will clean house

Not super Familiar with the 275’s and up here but the dots kinda hurts them unfortunately. To my understanding the placing will be dots here and at most money meets going forward

Definetly some talent miss from this meet. I think some of the other bug names like Dan Bell will be at the Pioneer Open
I’m surprised Joe Sullivan is competing again so soon. I didn’t think he was benching up to par yet...he had some nerve damage I think it was. Maybe it’s fixed, that would be awesome.

I definitely see Andy Huang taking 275. He’s a monster... Watch out for Jackson Powell. That kid’s like 19 and squats 900+ ...I wouldn’t be surprised if he took overall.
Mix grip. I can manage a hook but mix just feels better and my grip has never been an issue so I've never devoted much time to improving hook.

It's also just uncomfortable on my thumbs and I don't know if it's normal but I had to completely reset my hook in between reps. If I'm doing real low reps I'll hook them just to remain proficient.
I do hook but my max isnt that high. I have nerve damage in one of my thumbs so that helps haha