Well-known Member
I have a question regarding the significance of the Progesterone Receptor (PR) in humans, progesterone levels, and how these relates to commonly used AAS such as MENT (trestolone), Deca (nandrolone/19-nortestosterone), Tren (trenbolone).
My question is:
Progesterone Receptor (PR) in humans: it's been demonstrated by mammalian reporter gene bioassay that the aforementioned compounds bind quite strongly DIRECTLY to the PR. @PeterBond 's Book on Steroids cites research demonstrating progesterone "appears to control the proliferation and morphogenesis of the luminal epithelium of the breast" (Book on Steroids, p. 88) in women at least, yet states it is unlikely to cause male gynecomastia as clinically presented. However, anecdotes abound of pain, sensitivity, even lactation, which is probably worse.
It's not unheard of that these compounds are associated with erectile dysfunction in addition to lactation in men.
Perhaps because of PR in the brain? Assuming that it's not an aromatizable compound (test!) increasing E2 that's causing these issues, what is it about these compounds that worsen symptoms?
Is it that they act as substrates for E2 (the compounds themselves?) Or does interaction directly with the PR cause these problems (assuming not test)? or is it almost certainly the aromatizing compounds (i.e., test) that cause these problems?
Presumably bloodwork won't even reflect these interactions? Certainly not by prolactin values.
Another major question, do guys confuse prolactin and progestersterone? I know it is common for guys to use caber or lately p5p (a form of vitamin B) when running these compounds. I don't even think they can affect progesterone? If guys take caber or p5p, what are they accomplishing? These drugs do seem to do something for the embarrassing side effects mentioned I think, but how?
My question is:
Progesterone Receptor (PR) in humans: it's been demonstrated by mammalian reporter gene bioassay that the aforementioned compounds bind quite strongly DIRECTLY to the PR. @PeterBond 's Book on Steroids cites research demonstrating progesterone "appears to control the proliferation and morphogenesis of the luminal epithelium of the breast" (Book on Steroids, p. 88) in women at least, yet states it is unlikely to cause male gynecomastia as clinically presented. However, anecdotes abound of pain, sensitivity, even lactation, which is probably worse.
It's not unheard of that these compounds are associated with erectile dysfunction in addition to lactation in men.
Perhaps because of PR in the brain? Assuming that it's not an aromatizable compound (test!) increasing E2 that's causing these issues, what is it about these compounds that worsen symptoms?
Is it that they act as substrates for E2 (the compounds themselves?) Or does interaction directly with the PR cause these problems (assuming not test)? or is it almost certainly the aromatizing compounds (i.e., test) that cause these problems?
Presumably bloodwork won't even reflect these interactions? Certainly not by prolactin values.
Another major question, do guys confuse prolactin and progestersterone? I know it is common for guys to use caber or lately p5p (a form of vitamin B) when running these compounds. I don't even think they can affect progesterone? If guys take caber or p5p, what are they accomplishing? These drugs do seem to do something for the embarrassing side effects mentioned I think, but how?