So i just read in china when they reopened gyms they did this

Edit: went to the doctor for this as well when I was in the thick of it. Was told “unknown virus and respiratory infection” along with sinus and both ears infected (which I’m highly prone to).

Had you died of a heart attack at the doctor's office, you would have become a corona virus death statistic for having displayed the symptoms prior to death. Since you didn't die, and your symptoms deemed non life threatening, you are excluded from those statistics.
Had you died of a heart attack at the doctor's office, you would have become a corona virus death statistic for having displayed the symptoms prior to death. Since you didn't die, and your symptoms deemed non life threatening, you are excluded from those statistics.
Yep. A nurse who is friends with my lifting buddy confirmed this over a week ago. You die of anything and also have corona virus, it’s death due to corona virus.
If any government interferes with my ability to grow food for my family...... Hearts and minds campaign would be in full swing!

2 to the heart and 1 to the mind.
I think it's going to be exactly the opposite when places reopen. I think ppl are gonna go fucking apeshit! Gyms will be packed, the bars will be slammed full, and ppl will be like junkies who finally got a fix after coming down. We are social creatures, living in isolation isn't normal unless you're a die hard monk

Yeah, it's going to look just like this : )

Reopening will take about a year

...and when take finally reopen, boom a reinfection second wave, even worse than the first one.

Viruses don't care about your feelings or the economy.
And those at the top that control the mayhem and hysteria around this virus and use it to move their agenda forward are like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Soon they will have the majority of the world deceived into thinking that their plan is the only viable one and if you trust in big brother and do your part as a good citizen the world will get back on track. Meanwhile we will have given up most of our freedom and privacy, more than we will ever know...
At some point in the next 18 months Bill Gates will save the world with what will be a global mandatory vaccine and digitally implanted ID. He is setting the stage for a one world government dictatorship run by the UN. He is not the only player in the game but one of the more dangerous ones....
Can't compare countries like Sweden, UK or even USA NY with each other. The population densities and demographics are vastly different.

Population density of Sweden is 25 people per sq km.

UK is 270 people per sq km, and England is 430 per sq km.

NYC is 10,194 people per sq km.

Many peoples minds are on the economy, the problem is if you were ever suffocating on mucous, had to be knocked out and intubated, have you hands tied to the bedrails so you don't yank your breathing tube out, have a catheter inserted, two IV's placed, an arterial line for ABG access. You'd probably not enjoy it.

As someone that grew up in the 70's when we had a lot less toys, our cars were shitbangers and yet our standard of living was much higher because we went outside and played, hung out. Nobody sat in their house worrying about bullshit. Nobody sat around watching the news. This idea that you need to constantly work at a job you hate for 50+ hours a week just to survive is dumb.

Sell your shit, walk away from debt and live life with less so you can be free. Stop buying these $40,000 cars, signing up for $200,000 house loans. People have enslaved themselves and the top .001% have made a killing off peoples poor impulse control.

When I see thousands of people lining up for food banks and driving really expensive vehicles. These people are dumb fucks. When I see someone that is 45 years old doing this. WTF have they been doing?

And I don't agree with the stimulus package at all, I don't see a need. There should be survival pay, but not this bullshit unemployment check where they add an extra $600/week. This is basically Trump buying votes using the Andrew Yang idea of Universal Basic Income, the conservatives laughed at it and now they embrace it when it's an election year.
People should consider that since I was born the US has doubled in population.

I'm all for population control. I'm a strong believer in shutting down all forms of immigration and reproduction as much as possible. I'm not against have sex, just the baby part.

Having more people has been beat into our heads. The idea that we need these people to compete in the world economy as if that's the goal of being a human.

Lets look back at the 40's, 50s, 60s, 70s and see a country that is doing pretty damn good. People had food, shelter, a vehicle, basic education, junior had a bicycle, alarm clock, books and cloths that all had made in the USA.

Now where did it all fuck up, why did property values sharply increase. Why did incomes stay flat while the basics of life became obscenely priced.

Simple solution is to drastically decrease the population so people can spread out, the natural resources will take care of those left behind. Stop importing from China and exporting wealth. Live life within your means, stop listening to advertising, question everything, question the government, religion and any fuckhead that tries to con you.
I'd bet you on that a year my ass lol.... I'll msg u in 2months when everything opens again and tell you how wrong you were.
In 2 months the worldwide (official) death toll will hit the 1 Million mark, then panic will break lose.
Mark my words.

The virus seems to kill obese patients which makes sense. It's a serious respiratory virus that fills a person lungs with mucus, the patient tires out and has to be put on a respirator.

For me it's very simple. Give everyone a 5 pack of 500mg Hydroxychloroquine or they can get the prophylactic 8 doses of 400mg where you take one a week for 8 weeks. Zpack and zinc.

The mode of action of this medication is something that actually works as it blocks the virus from attaching to the ace2 receptors on cells and decreases the pH of lysosomes in the cells making the cytoplasm more acidic.

The government like always tells you to trust your doctor and only do what these fuckers tell you to do. You don't have a brain, you can't think for yourself, always trust the authorities as they know best.

As for the constant beating of the drum telling us we need to get everyone tested. That's bullshit, that won't accomplish anything. Just give us the medication to treat ourselves, the worse that can happen is a few die from heart problems and some idiots might overdose and cause a retinopathy.
Hydroxychloriquine doesn't cure all patients, it is no silver bullet.
If it did, nobody would die anymore. Simple fact.

Jesus Christ what a buncha paranoid conspiracy theorizing bulllshit.

I think if 1/2 you morons downplaying this contracted the fucking virus you’d have a different comment
At the very least they'd erase a couple years worth of gym/juice gains.

I'm one that takes the virus seriously. Then again I have asthma and know what it's like to be in the emergency room gasping for air needing a breathing treatment and shot of adrenaline.

You can live without food and water for sometime, but you can't live without air for more than maybe 20, 30 minutes tops.

As for the country, I see idiots more worried about the economy than people. There's a way to balance the concerns of both, but when I see a dick cheese like Trump who is more worried about the economy because his hotel businesses lost shit loads of money, that pisses me off. We don't exist to serve fuckhead billionaires. I don't consider people canon fodder lining up to take their chance at death for $12/hr to make their masters richer.
He probably already bailed out himself.

What would have happened if we just let people keep gathering and infecting everyone. That’s the “curve,” right?

a spike in the curve means tens of thousands of people susceptible will need respiratory care. We can’t handle that. So people line up in parking lots to die.

Sad that a conspiratorial theorist denies this reality.
It's unbelievable how crowded our normal life was, crowded sidewalks, offices, malls, clubs, cinemas, restaurants, schools and so on.
It'll take a long time so it's safe to return back to normal.

Say one million people died out of 7.6 billion, which by all accounts is a huge bump over projected death totals, is that cause enough to halt the world's economy?

80% of people put on ventilation die from this. I'm willing to bet that 20% success rate is almost exclusively under 55 years of age.

The seasonal flu, which is floating around like it always does this time of year, kills on average no less than 12000 people in the US (that was from back in 2010, so that minimum has gone up) The medical professionals have stopped counting flu deaths since this started. You can happily subtract, at a minimum, the aggregate flu deaths for the covid time frame (perceived start to end) from the death total. It's at least 12k. That's about half of the covid deaths.

Now, with all that being said, I have yet to hear someone grandstand that the virus isn't real and that it will not cause a large swath of death. What I'm hearing is the solution is causing more problems than the issue.

I agree with this.

There was talk about suicide rates and how they have been tracked in past situations like this. They spike, bigly. There was almost 50k suicides in 2018. How big of a jump do you suppose that'll make when people economic outlook shatter? When their personal relationships suffer because of this and they can't be rebuilt? When their business folds and dozens off families are depending on government hand outs to survive now?

That's just one angle. There are more. I believe in hindsight we will conclude that it wasn't the pandemic it was made out to be and how it was handled was wrong. You don't isolate those that are able to survive, you isolate the weak and wait for a vaccine. This is when mankind needs to realize this is life and people die. This is when we should be making the daily grind to work.

I'd happily be part of the death total to keep a good thing rolling. It's life.
IMO the worldwide (official) 1 Million dead mark will be hit by May or June. Then everyone will panic.

The really big part of the "mishandling" I refer to isn't really the mindless lockdown antics of our local governments. The response that is doing the most harm to people is the $8T (eight TRILLION) in bank and corporate bailouts being created from nothing while the individuals who will ultimately pay the price for that inflation (that would be we citizens) get at best a $1200 check we are expected to immediately spend to prop up the failing economies and sooth our raw backsides.

Virus or no virus, we have been royally fucked, and as I like to keep pointing out, all most of us are doing is cowering in our homes from a virus that may or may not be any worse than the seasonal flu.
I wonder how much of that $1200 check will go to illegal drugs and call girls.

Curious what anyone thinks about the food shortages. Pork is going to be scarce. Eggs are in low supply, as is milk.

if we let all the churchie people and conspiracy theorists do as they want, we’d be in a much worse hole than we’re in now.

and that smells like a worse long term economic issue to me
IMO food prices will skyrocket.
Basic economics: if they keep on printing money and many people stay at home, basic items like food will increase in price, since producers can buy less goods with the same money.

Yep. A nurse who is friends with my lifting buddy confirmed this over a week ago. You die of anything and also have corona virus, it’s death due to corona virus.
Do people shot dead also count as coronavirus victims, as long as testing confirms they had the virus?
Now seriously, the virus seems to harm the brain parts controlling automatic breathing and heartbeating.
So it's very possible that a heart attack was actually virus related.

Can't compare countries like Sweden, UK or even USA NY with each other. The population densities and demographics are vastly different.

Population density of Sweden is 25 people per sq km.

UK is 270 people per sq km, and England is 430 per sq km.

NYC is 10,194 people per sq km.

Many peoples minds are on the economy, the problem is if you were ever suffocating on mucous, had to be knocked out and intubated, have you hands tied to the bedrails so you don't yank your breathing tube out, have a catheter inserted, two IV's placed, an arterial line for ABG access. You'd probably not enjoy it.

As someone that grew up in the 70's when we had a lot less toys, our cars were shitbangers and yet our standard of living was much higher because we went outside and played, hung out. Nobody sat in their house worrying about bullshit. Nobody sat around watching the news. This idea that you need to constantly work at a job you hate for 50+ hours a week just to survive is dumb.

Sell your shit, walk away from debt and live life with less so you can be free. Stop buying these $40,000 cars, signing up for $200,000 house loans. People have enslaved themselves and the top .001% have made a killing off peoples poor impulse control.

When I see thousands of people lining up for food banks and driving really expensive vehicles. These people are dumb fucks. When I see someone that is 45 years old doing this. WTF have they been doing?

And I don't agree with the stimulus package at all, I don't see a need. There should be survival pay, but not this bullshit unemployment check where they add an extra $600/week. This is basically Trump buying votes using the Andrew Yang idea of Universal Basic Income, the conservatives laughed at it and now they embrace it when it's an election year.
Minimalists with savings in the bank will survive the better.

People should consider that since I was born the US has doubled in population.

I'm all for population control. I'm a strong believer in shutting down all forms of immigration and reproduction as much as possible. I'm not against have sex, just the baby part.

Having more people has been beat into our heads. The idea that we need these people to compete in the world economy as if that's the goal of being a human.

Lets look back at the 40's, 50s, 60s, 70s and see a country that is doing pretty damn good. People had food, shelter, a vehicle, basic education, junior had a bicycle, alarm clock, books and cloths that all had made in the USA.

Now where did it all fuck up, why did property values sharply increase. Why did incomes stay flat while the basics of life became obscenely priced.

Simple solution is to drastically decrease the population so people can spread out, the natural resources will take care of those left behind. Stop importing from China and exporting wealth. Live life within your means, stop listening to advertising, question everything, question the government, religion and any fuckhead that tries to con you.
Make America Great Again starts with Make America Less Populated Again?
According to the government FEMA has 26 million doses of Hydroxychloriquine. You can bet millions of those doses are located in bunkers for the elites.

However for the rest of us it's the same old bullshit of trust your doctor to write the script only when you're gasping for air and about to die. Of course then it's too late to do anything.

We in the AAS community know the bullshit that is the healthcare field. I know it because I worked in it for 25 years. The mantra goes as follows. You aren't allowed to do anything without a doctor, you don't own you, if you use anything we haven't approved you will be locked up in a cell and raped repeatedly until your bung hole is fully tanked up on jizz.......remember this is for your own good. God Bless America.

Seriously if you can get these medications like we know we can thanks to crypto, then buy them. Keep them on hand. It's no different than most us that keep an assortment of antibiotics encase we run into some bad gear. The bottom line is if you want something in life, don't look to the government or the authorities, they don't give a shit about you, they're only interested in money.
All of this is just speculation right now let's just wait and see I guess.... time will tell this thread went into a big debate lol.
In 2 months the worldwide (official) death toll will hit the 1 Million mark, then panic will break lose.
Mark my words.

Hydroxychloriquine doesn't cure all patients, it is no silver bullet.
If it did, nobody would die anymore. Simple fact.

At the very least they'd erase a couple years worth of gym/juice gains.

He probably already bailed out himself.

It's unbelievable how crowded our normal life was, crowded sidewalks, offices, malls, clubs, cinemas, restaurants, schools and so on.
It'll take a long time so it's safe to return back to normal.

IMO the worldwide (official) 1 Million dead mark will be hit by May or June. Then everyone will panic.

I wonder how much of that $1200 check will go to illegal drugs and call girls.

IMO food prices will skyrocket.
Basic economics: if they keep on printing money and many people stay at home, basic items like food will increase in price, since producers can buy less goods with the same money.

Do people shot dead also count as coronavirus victims, as long as testing confirms they had the virus?
Now seriously, the virus seems to harm the brain parts controlling automatic breathing and heartbeating.
So it's very possible that a heart attack was actually virus related.

Minimalists with savings in the bank will survive the better.

Make America Great Again starts with Make America Less Populated Again?
Gunshots no, but they are testing people who have died from a known problem (lung dancer, heart disease), and if they test positive for corona then corona is cause of death.
I like the lawsuit idea. A class action suit from closed businesses against their state's governor might work. The lock down here in VA definitely violates the state constitution.

Sorry for the formatting. Twitter and FB links get displayed automatically and slow down the forum, so I had to wrap them..


Becky Akers

An anonymous benefactor of mankind submitted this list of protests and defiance against the State:

Michigan and on [url=]facebook[/URL]


[url=]Brad Little Is A Disgrace[/URL]


[url=]On Twitter[/URL]
also see lawsuit


[url=]On Facebook[/URL]


[url=]On Twitter[/URL]


German court maintains ban on lockdown-defying protest | DW | 10.04.2020

The year of the protest meets the year of the lockdown

The year of the protest meets the year of the lockdown
Oh look, corona virus is a cure for pneumonia. Wonder how many other causes of death, I mean diseases, it cures (yes, I know I'm getting carried away).

I have told family and friends that the numbers for the virus simply don't add up for quite some time. The US had an estimated population of 328 million as of 2019. If that is true, then we are looking at an infection rate of 0.01pct of the population. Think about that for a minute; our entire economy is shut down for 0.01pct infection rate. The models are now predicting a death rate of 60,000 by August of 2020. That is the equivalent of a bad year of deaths from influenza. I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but something simply does not add up. At the very least, a severe overreaction to a worse case scenario computer model. At worst, something far more sinister. I live in an state that is considered a hot spot. We will not open back up for April 30th, it will be extended. The severe, short and long term economic impact will be far worse than the disease itself
I have told family and friends that the numbers for the virus simply don't add up for quite some time. The US had an estimated population of 328 million as of 2019. If that is true, then we are looking at an infection rate of 0.01pct of the population. Think about that for a minute; our entire economy is shut down for 0.01pct infection rate. The models are now predicting a death rate of 60,000 by August of 2020. That is the equivalent of a bad year of deaths from influenza. I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but something simply does not add up. At the very least, a severe overreaction to a worse case scenario computer model. At worst, something far more sinister. I live in an state that is considered a hot spot. We will not open back up for April 30th, it will be extended. The severe, short and long term economic impact will be far worse than the disease itself

The problem is all it takes is one carrier to infect a large group of people. We've seen 15 family members get together and 5 of them die from this virus.

So if you were in charge and tasked with the responsibility to keep your citizens out of harms way. Would you say get back to work and roll the dice, if you die you die?

History doesn't look kindly on presidents or politicians that have poor judgement. If you let a fire spread through the United States and say half a million people die, your head is gonna be on a platter.
Sure you can look at the number of deaths caused by other things.

About 650,000 die every year from heart disease which is mostly due to the standard american diet. No one is gonna stop selling shit fast food.

400,000 die from tobacco use, never a word about stopping it.

100,000 die from alcohol related.

Most of these are choice related, you made the bad choice and now you pay the price.

A virus like this isn't a choice. When you see someone working a shit job for $12/hr being exposed to a virus and they die suffocating on mucous. It's not worth it. Most of the jobs in America are shit jobs that no one needs to do. Lets be honest.

Humans need clean drinking water, food, shelter, sanitation, utilities, basic healthcare, tools, some form of mass transit to shuttle goods around(trains and trucks), basic education.

So how many people are involved in these types of jobs. How much of the economy is focused on essentials? Many people work jobs that if they didn't exist would hardly be noticed by anyone with real concerns.