Somatrogon (NGENLA) Test Run

long acting GH + long acting insulin is a recipe for disaster, with regards to mounting insulin resistance.

With that combination, insulin resistance will be unavoidable. It won't matter how much cardio you do, how much metformin you take, or GLPs you add

Even with normal GH and fast acting insulin that's in an out much quicker, you'll notice your fasted blood glucose starts to mount over time, which is why most people cycle the insulin, allowing themselves a period to let insulin resistance reset.

I would stick to fast acting insulin personally, and if it's not going to be cycled responsibly, as in 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off--another thing I'm seeing people do is incorporate fast acting insulin 1-2x a week on their heavy days (usually legs and back day), then the other days are carb cycling with fasted cardio. Doing it this way could let you run the insulin much longer without needing to necessarily do an "on" and "off" protocol for insulin resistance

checking your fasted blood glucose is important. It'll paint the picture of what's actually happening

thats why I said "breaking plateau", nobody is going to use Lantus longer than 5-6 weeks, same as orals such as dianabol anapolons etc for longer periods, they are used for specific timing

and insulin resistance at 40 ui gh week is a joke
thank you!

looks like 2.77 is the official ratio

I already have buddy. Weeks ago. Ngenla is fairly new, it must be getting updated with new info

Nope, just checked. The page is as empty and general as the last time I checked it.

So please, show me where on wiki does anything contradict what I've said?

Your explaination for why Ngenla needs to be dosed higher is "becuz pharmacology".

My hypoethesis for why Ngenla needs to be dosed higher is a lot more comprehensive than yours and i'm fairly confident in it.

So 10 mg ngenla/wk should be equivalent to like 3.6 IU hGH/d? (still close to this prediction)

My thinking was to correlate serum hGH and IGF1 levels at various doses of ngenla and hGH. IGF1 is all over the place but maybe we can get a hint with a few more data points.
10mg Ngenla per week

10mg x3 = 30ius Ngenla
30ius ÷ 2.77 = 10.8 GH
10.8 ÷ 7 days = 1.55iu GH/day

*assuming (Ngenla : GH) conversion ratio = (2.77 : 1)

@Intrepid , care to double check my maths?

Conversions make me feel like dyslexic despite the simplicity.
10mg Ngenla per week

10mg x3 = 30ius Ngenla
30ius ÷ 2.77 = 10.8 GH
10.8 ÷ 7 days = 1.55iu GH/day

*assuming (Ngenla : GH) conversion ratio = (2.77 : 1)

@Intrepid , care to double check my maths?

Conversions make me feel like dyslexic despite the simplicity.

Ngenla is weighed in mg, not IU of hGH equivalents. You'd need the molecular weight of ngenla to do even come remotely close to doing this calculation. But as mentioned above, it's irrelevant. Don't know why you keep pounding this drum. Just order some and try it if you're so hell bent.
Ngenla is weighed in mg, not IU of hGH equivalents. You'd need the molecular weight of ngenla to do even come remotely close to doing this calculation. But as mentioned above, it's irrelevant. Don't know why you keep pounding this drum. Just order some and try it if you're so hell bent.
I did actually touch on that above if you managed to read it.

Abstractly, I proposed that Ngenla most likely has a form of "ester" attached to the HGH it contains, hence, a given quantity of Ngenla would have fewer GH molecules than a quantity of conventional GH with the same weight, as the "ester(s)" constitute part of Ngenla's molecular weight.

As of right now, none of us have the molecular weight of Ngenla or any potential "esters". Hence, based off data we do have, the ratio between Ngenla and GH is 2.77 : 1

Speaking of the molecular weight of Ngenla, I plan on spending the next couple of days looking for it.
Speaking of the molecular weight of Ngenla, I plan on spending the next couple of days looking for it.

come one dude just shoot 10 mg and report serum GH & IGF levels to compare to @xeonmasters

Ideally much longer with once weekly dosing but anything is better than nothing.

Disclaimer: I have no intention of using this product. Maybe you're just one of the talkers not walkers which is fine, not judging.