
New Member
alright well my labs came back and the numbers are
t3 uptake 33%
Total T4 6.5 ug/dl (4.0-11.0)
TSH 6.781 uU/Ml (.5-4.5)
FSH 2.0 iu/L (1.5-14.3)
LH 3.7 iu/L (1.0-5.6)
prolactin 19.7 ng (2-18)
Total test 199 ng/dl ()
Free androgen index 62 (29-188)

So what do these numbers means and what will synthroid do to help me? If someone could help explain what the numbers mean to me and if I should take the synthroid that would be greatly appreciated. And if you think I shouldn't take it what other options are there? I want to ask my doc about hcg to restart my system should I? Synthroid is being prescribed at 75 mg. I have reservations about what I am being prescribed, so if any one could help me out that would be greatly appreciated.
Synthroid is a thyroid medicine. you need to be on TRT and your estrogen under control. what is the reason you are prescribed synthroid? I would get your Testosterone raised and your estrogen lowered, before doing the thyroid medicine if it was me.
Synthroid is a thyroid medicine. you need to be on TRT and your estrogen under control. what is the reason you are prescribed synthroid? I would get your Testosterone raised and your estrogen lowered, before doing the thyroid medicine if it was me.
Idk because I'm hypothyroidal? I haven't had the opportunity to speak to my doctor, because I'm not home and won't be for a couple months. I don't want to be on trt unless there's no other option.
Synthroid is a thyroid medicine. you need to be on TRT and your estrogen under control. what is the reason you are prescribed synthroid? I would get your Testosterone raised and your estrogen lowered, before doing the thyroid medicine if it was me.

His TSH is high indicating possible hypothyroidism.
His TSH is high indicating possible hypothyroidism.
Yeah this is why but all other things considered, is there any other alternative to get this fixed other than a life long pill regimen? Will this affect my ability to have kids and will it improve my living? These are the things I want to understand.
Yeah this is why but all other things considered, is there any other alternative to get this fixed other than a life long pill regimen? Will this affect my ability to have kids and will it improve my living? These are the things I want to understand.

It depends on why you're hypothyroidic really. Some ppl don't get enough iodine in their diets to allow the thyroid to produce the hormones needed. If that's the case then more iodine will help. I suspect it won't help you though and you'll need to take thyroid medications to keep it where it needs to be. No, thyroid issues should not impact your ability to have kids. TRT might, but many have kids while on TRT so it's not a definite no in either case n
It depends on why you're hypothyroidic really. Some ppl don't get enough iodine in their diets to allow the thyroid to produce the hormones needed. If that's the case then more iodine will help. I suspect it won't help you though and you'll need to take thyroid medications to keep it where it needs to be. No, thyroid issues should not impact your ability to have kids. TRT might, but many have kids while on TRT so it's not a definite no in either case n
Alright that's what I was wondering. This is just on the thyroid level right? I'm going to need more meds to get right on the test/estrogen side of the spectrum? Should I just start up on the synthroid in your opinion?
Alright that's what I was wondering. This is just on the thyroid level right? I'm going to need more meds to get right on the test/estrogen side of the spectrum? Should I just start up on the synthroid in your opinion?

I think many ppl prefer taking T3 or a combo of T3/T4 rather than t4 solely but it's something you need to talk to your doctor about b
Idk because I'm hypothyroidal? I haven't had the opportunity to speak to my doctor, because I'm not home and won't be for a couple months. I don't want to be on trt unless there's no other option.

you have 2 options low Testosterone or TRT you make the choice.
I think many ppl prefer taking T3 or a combo of T3/T4 rather than t4 solely but it's something you need to talk to your doctor about b
Yea I've been reading that and will be something I talk to my doc about. For now, I'll just take the t4 until I get an appointment in a couple months.
I think many ppl prefer taking T3 or a combo of T3/T4 rather than t4 solely but it's something you need to talk to your doctor about b
I just talked to my docs nurse and she said I wouldn't be on synthroid for life just on it until my TSH went down. I told her that it shuts down my system so when they take me off I'll just get worse. She said no that doesn't happen and they wouldn't prescribe it if it would. Is she bs'in me?
I just talked to my docs nurse and she said I wouldn't be on synthroid for life just on it until my TSH went down. I told her that it shuts down my system so when they take me off I'll just get worse. She said no that doesn't happen and they wouldn't prescribe it if it would. Is she bs'in me?

You're thyroid isn't functioning properly. Whether it returns to normal after stopping treatment or not is irrelevant as it's not functioning "normal" to begin with.
You're thyroid isn't functioning properly. Whether it returns to normal after stopping treatment or not is irrelevant as it's not functioning "normal" to begin with.
You're right. Thanks. But now for the other part. The first thing the nurse said for me was to get on trt. I REALLY don't want this to be the first option. Is there anything that I can do and try to make this the last resort?
You're right. Thanks. But now for the other part. The first thing the nurse said for me was to get on trt. I REALLY don't want this to be the first option. Is there anything that I can do and try to make this the last resort?

You could try a restart for the HPTA which may or may not work.
You're right. Thanks. But now for the other part. The first thing the nurse said for me was to get on trt. I REALLY don't want this to be the first option. Is there anything that I can do and try to make this the last resort?

are you crazy? your hormone levels are not going to bounce back. fight TRT or HRT all you want. you'll just get older faster than if you was doing TRT or HRT.
are you crazy? your hormone levels are not going to bounce back. fight TRT or HRT all you want. you'll just get older faster than if you was doing TRT or HRT.
Why are you still replying I'm not trying to listen to anything your negative ass has to say. Stop wasting your time. When it comes to that point I'll do it but if I can restart then I am.
Why are you still replying I'm not trying to listen to anything your negative ass has to say. Stop wasting your time. When it comes to that point I'll do it but if I can restart then I am.

FUCK YOU RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your not going to be restarting shit! restarting your hormones is a fucking pipe dream. I can't help it you are so stupid you can't figure out how the body works.
FUCK YOU RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your not going to be restarting shit! restarting your hormones is a fucking pipe dream. I can't help it you are so stupid you can't figure out how the body works.
Lol alright man. How about some common decency? I realize that it's a long shot but why not give it a shot? There's been people who have done it and they bounced back a bit. I realize that I'm not going to be back to normal but I want to at least try. Idk your story or why you decided to try and destroy all my hope, but you're not the one in your 20's dealing with this. I'm just looking for help. If I do it and it fails then where's the harm? I'm already fucked up, so there's not that problem. Thanks for your words and I'll keep them in mind but I'm going to try if it's alright with you.