[SOURCE] Canadian Domestic Anabolics Introduction

Still not sure if serves any purpose other than showing he can follow through..

If anything, if he's been brewing and using his own "high quality" gear for "many years"... He's not in very good shape... Makes me wonder how "high quality" it really is... Lol

No harm meant @CDNDA....

I took a break. I always do. Stop training. Gear. Everything.

This is first injection in a while. Back training less than a month. I come back fast though.

In video. Test C Eq and Tren. Today was prop and npp. My goal isn't to be huge. I'm 220 in that video.

Also, @CDNDA just because you posted that video it doesn't mean you're out of the woods just yet. You still have a lot of unanswered questions pending a response.

Lab equipment and sterilization procedure are next.

I'll have a look through the thread to see where I need to provide more answers or elaborate on my responses some more.

What do you need to know about my sterilization? I did put some preliminary info in my intro. Would you like a more detailed response?
You know @CDNDA, I hope this works out for you and you're proven legit and respectable...

We can always use more small ugls up here in the great white north, since a ugl can shut down at any time... And realistically, we only have a few great domestics...

You've had one of the most well thought out intros I've seen here, and it's good to see the fine Meso folks still able to give you a decent vetting...
You know @CDNDA, I hope this works out for you and you're proven legit and respectable...

We can always use more small ugls up here in the great white north, since a ugl can shut down at any time... And realistically, we only have a few great domestics...

You've had one of the most well thought out intros I've seen here, and it's good to see the fine Meso folks still able to give you a decent vetting...

Well, that makes two of us. I hope it works out too.

I put a lot of time into my intro. I worked on it for months. Literally, months. I tried to cover as many bases as possible.

I'd be disappointed if members didn't run me through my paces. I wouldn't want to use an UGL that wasn't vetted.

Am I going to be perfect? No. I'm a human being. Just as capable of mistakes as anyone. All I can do is provide what I'm claiming in a timely, professional manner and man up and deal with issues in a meaningful way when they come up.

I'll never please everyone. I know this and that's OK. As long as I'm dealing with people in a straight up manner, honestly and stay true to my word. No one will be able to say otherwise.

I'd like to add I'm going to get my own blood work done down the road and post it here. I understand as a source it will be heavily scrutinized but I'd rather post it then not. I'm learning my complete hands off approach to posting proof is not the best way to proceed. I freely admit that.
Yes, best of luck going forward. I sincerely hope that you can provide your products to a niche market at a reasonable price. We can always use more quality Canadian labs. I sincerely hope that your objective remains the same going forward, i.e. to be a smaller UGL providing quality gear to a select client base.

Good luck with this endeavor and stay active on Meso.
There's always someone. These guys have to get started somehow

If they report back to this thread is not up to me nor do I ask any of my clients to do so. That is entirely up to them.

I would imagine some who may like to come forward are going to feel as they shouldn't as they may not want to admit a purchase from me after all that has been said in this thread.

I have no idea if anyone will post blood work, I welcome them to. Full reimbursement upon posting of course. Again, that is up to them to post as I will never coerce anyone to do anything that they don't decide to with their own free will.
If they report back to this thread is not up to me nor do I ask any of my clients to do so. That is entirely up to them.

I would imagine some who may like to come forward are going to feel as they shouldn't as they may not want to admit a purchase from me after all that has been said in this thread.

I have no idea if anyone will post blood work, I welcome them to. Full reimbursement upon posting of course. Again, that is up to them to post as I will never coerce anyone to do anything that they don't decide to with their own free will.

That's the way it is with every potential new ugl.. Look at the initial 10+pages on every "respected" source now...

Same vetting process, same expectations. If you survive that, and provide great service and great product, then you've made it.

There will be people coming forward, stepping up and supporting you, or bashing you based off t/a, bloods, labs, etc...

Again, if you follow through with providing what you've set out to provide, you'll be fine...
Ok I've decided to take some advice from people here and I'll run a special promotional offer for a limited time.

From this moment forth all products will be reduced by $10 a vial. I wont go any lower so please don't ask. This promotion will run until further notice. I will give some warning as to when it will end.

Anyone who ordered already and didn't get this deal, fear not...I got you covered. I have a special deal for you that will be included with your next order. You'll get this deal plus a gift to make up for your hardship.

For anyones order that is pending, I will adjust your total and send you a new total with the proper discounts. Anyones order who has not been shipped yet I will contact you and let you know the options.

Canadian Domestic Anabolics

At this time I am only offering a small assortment of products. This will change in time. More products will be added fairly frequently. However at no time will I offer products I cannot stand behind.

If I am ever out of something I will let you know and will not accept payment for items I do not have. At the end of the day we all want what we pay for. Not some song and dance from a greedy source.

Current Product List as of July/2017

⦁ Test E 250mg/mL $50 SALE PRICE $40
⦁ Test C 200mg/ML $50 SALE PRICE $40
⦁ Test P 100mg/mL $40 SALE PRICE $30
⦁ tren A 100mg/mL $60 SALE PRICE $50
⦁ Mast P 100mg/mL $60 SALE PRICE $50
⦁ EQ 200mg/mL $60 SALE PRICE $50
⦁ NPP 100mg/mL $50 SALE PRICE $40

No EO in any of my preperations. . I have used it in the past and of course have experience with it but as of this moment I have none in my lab. So no chance of any "trace" amounts being found in any of the above preperations. Zero.
The lab is also peanut free for those who are sensitive to nuts. I do my very best to restrict known allergens/contaminants from entering the lab. I cannot guarantee zero allergens because of the raws. Nothing will be introduced on my end.

Carrier is GSO. I have used CSO, MCT, Flax, Avacado, Safflower and probably a few others I'm forgetting. If something else is preferred, let me know. If you guys want a test batch of another carrier let me know. If you guys want new oils let me know. If you want mixes, let me know. I am completely open to suggestions for new products or ideas. Or new concentrations on existing products. If I get enough interest, I'll make it happen.
Prices are subject to change at any time. In time I hope to gain your business and your trust. Minimum will be $100. Free shipping on orders over $300.
I have kept my introductory prices low due to being a new source with no feedback or history. I'm not going to do like other sources and jack my prices up once good reviews come in either like "some" sources I have seen doing lately. I feel my prices are fair for the quality of the product. They aren't the lowest around and they aren't the highest.

At this time I will accept CIM and WU (ID waived) as sources of payment. That is subject to change at any time. If/when it does I will be updating this thread.


Canada Domestic Only. $20 Flat shipping fee regardless of order size with tracking. No tracking info will be given out unless a problem arises. A batch number will be included.
I am not labelling my product at all. Each compound will be identifiable. I won't elaborate here for security purposes. Your order will be securly packaged in a non descript way. No shaking, leaking or any other form of identity of the contents.

I placed an order friday and recieved it today....Test p Test c and Tren a ordering whent great!!!......

Thank you for the feedback! I'm happy you got your gift! I look forward to hear how you like it. Any and all feedback is useful, good or bad will help me provide better and better service for my clients. Every piece of feedback is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person and as a business.