[SOURCE] Canadian Domestic Anabolics Introduction

My thoughts exactly hahaha.

Prices look real nice with the deal in place.

I aim to provide fair prices and listen to any and all feedback from the community.

I forgot to add.

I have waived the minimum order price however potential clients must do cash in mail to order a lower amount.

It's not like your lab name is Trademarked to you. Heck you could put any name as a lab name on the label as no one knows your lab name or if you even have a lab name.

So here is the issue as I see it with not having a brand name of the product. When labs brand their product they need to stand behind what they are selling or their brand goes down the drain, if there is no brand name that the lab is willing to stand behind then if something goes wrong you just pack up and open shop somewhere else and there is no way to link any past experiences to you. UGL's build their rep by their name, it's not like anyone is going to say "hey you guys tried that Test E with no name on the bottle". You look at any issues with labs they are not defending their product they are defending their name.

So here's my thoughts:
1. Label your products
2. Post what has been asked of you within reason, I get you don't want to post pictures of your basement, but @Jak3d asked for a photo with Meso-rx and I believe your nick on it, and price list has been requested (please include Deca on it).

If you can do that I will shoot you an email so we can have a chat.

Don't forget that labels include batch numbers so if there are issues then the batch can be called back and clients refunded if the gear is bunk
Ok I posted above while reading into the first few pages. You are well spoken and think things through which is refreshing. Here are my issues tho

1-- no labels means no batch numbers. No batch numbers means you can't pinpoint batches that have issues and correct them

2-- you don't labmax. Doesn't matter if you post them or not. Melting points aren't always right no matter what you say. Your raw dealers could be mixing raws 70/30 and unless you spend the money to check that shit you never know what you're getting.

3 -- you don't have the right types of products. I commend you on trying to keep it a small list but you can't do much other than basic cycles, which is good for the newbs on this site. As for the vets this does nothing for us as we need other products included. And I'm not about to buy from 2 different companies to get one cycle going.
Ok I posted above while reading into the first few pages. You are well spoken and think things through which is refreshing. Here are my issues tho

1-- no labels means no batch numbers. No batch numbers means you can't pinpoint batches that have issues and correct them

2-- you don't labmax. Doesn't matter if you post them or not. Melting points aren't always right no matter what you say. Your raw dealers could be mixing raws 70/30 and unless you spend the money to check that shit you never know what you're getting.

3 -- you don't have the right types of products. I commend you on trying to keep it a small list but you can't do much other than basic cycles, which is good for the newbs on this site. As for the vets this does nothing for us as we need other products included. And I'm not about to buy from 2 different companies to get one cycle going.

1--You're correct, I have no labels. That doesn't mean that I don't track my batches. More than one way to track batches and identify them.

2--My raws are lab tested, not labmax. I may not have made that clear in my intro. If that's the case I apologize.

3--Everyone is free to decide for themselves what to purchase and from where. I don't think ordering from 2 sources is a big deal but to each their own really. If my oils are better liked than the bigger guys, I don't see a problem. Again, to each their own. In time I'm going to expand my lineup. I prefer slow, careful, methodical growth. Every product I sell will be a quality product or I will not sell it.
Any Canadian members here know why he would come here first? Maybe I'am not seeing something here, I'am just curious as to why he would not start out in Canada?
Any Canadian members here know why he would come here first? Maybe I'am not seeing something here, I'am just curious as to why he would not start out in Canada?

Maybe because Meso is the best? :rolleyes:

It doesn't really seem to matter anyway, since any new UGL's that appear on Meso are always questioned about their activity on other boards, and then it is usually frowned upon if they came from another board.

The questions then become "why did you leave such and such a board?" or "why come here if you're doing so well over there?"
I don't understand what you mean by "start out in Canada". He's a canadian that sells oils only in Canada. Him starting and being only on meso is actually smart because it's frown upon to come from another board. Not to mention that no one gives a shit about past reviews / bloods from anywhere BUT meso.

Are you a new member by the way?
I'am really confused here! why would he come to an American forum? Doesn't even ship to the USA, why not a Canadian forum?
I'am really confused here! why would he come to an American forum? Doesn't even ship to the USA, why not a Canadian forum?

The above answers didn't clear it up for you?

If this is the issue, then why do canadians even come on this forum when it is an American forum? (although I find Meso to be pretty international)...
1--You're correct, I have no labels. That doesn't mean that I don't track my batches. More than one way to track batches and identify them.

2--My raws are lab tested, not labmax. I may not have made that clear in my intro. If that's the case I apologize.

3--Everyone is free to decide for themselves what to purchase and from where. I don't think ordering from 2 sources is a big deal but to each their own really. If my oils are better liked than the bigger guys, I don't see a problem. Again, to each their own. In time I'm going to expand my lineup. I prefer slow, careful, methodical growth. Every product I sell will be a quality product or I will not sell it.

Fair enough. I just have to question. Your answers are well thought out. Not getting what I fully want for answers but overall you're not the worst lab to pop up on here in regards to communication skills

I'am really confused here! why would he come to an American forum? Doesn't even ship to the USA, why not a Canadian forum?

And what are you smoking girl. Theres tons of Canadians on here. Theres a whole section for us "northerners" to talk on lol
Any Canadian members here know why he would come here first? Maybe I'am not seeing something here, I'am just curious as to why he would not start out in Canada?

I am in Canada. This board has many Canadian members as has been stated.

I am here because of the traffic this board generates. I may spread out in time but i just easily may not.

The larger my footprint on the web, the more attention I may garner.

On a side note. Many have taken advantage of my special pricing. Ill be leaving it running for a while longer. Feel free to look back a few pages for my list or contact me for one sent to your secure email.
Soooooooo not saying you are lying here but where are all these members that have placed orders? Not even one will confirm that they atleast got what they ordered? Little strange no?
Soooooooo not saying you are lying here but where are all these members that have placed orders? Not even one will confirm that they atleast got what they ordered? Little strange no?

I'll never coerce anyone to post here. That's up to the client. I have no idea of their handles here. Nor do I care. They wish to remain anonymous. Which is fine by me. I believe a couple have posted that they got their gifts. I have a feeling some are waiting on bloodwork and have been in steady contact with me. However I'd rather not speculate.
I can say his Test p is good, there is some pip but seems too get better with every poke.....I will see about getting bloodwork this week i dont need it to confirm its good i can feel that, but i want to check my estro ,i have ordered aromasin incase i need it..
I have his test c and tren a but i cant comment on those,,,Wanted to start with just test p but i'm liking the results so far so i may just stick to that for this cycle......first cycle in over ten years..