Source QC and C of A (do you have one?)

Have you thought about purchasing some finished oils and raws from a couple of the bigger domestic sources here and doing the testing yourself?

They have reimbursement deals. Also, it might ignite some support should you find anything weird.
After I come up with a workable testing package that is definitely one option. I have made some small progress with a couple of sources as well. I will celebrate small wins...this concept is now on their radar. Axle said he will check this out on his own and another source is at least considering some trial evaluations it appears. TBD. Thanks for suggestion.

None of this is an indictment of any source who finishes overseas raws. If I was a source I'd want to know what I am putting in my finished product.

For the impurities of potential concern the smartest place to look is the raws. Highest contaminant concentration would be there.

Is there even a modest issue? Is dilution the solution?

If I knew beforehand there would be this meltdown instead of collaboration I may have taken a different path. With the brash in my face attempted bullying I now plan on tripling down.
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After I come up with a workable testing package that is definitely one option. I have made some small progress with a couple of sources as well. I will celebrate small wins...this concept is now on their radar. Axle said he will check this out on his own and another source is at least considering some trial evaluations it appears. TBD. Thanks for suggestion.
Checking it out on his own was Axle politely telling you to fuck off lol
I clearly have no words or response if folks are fine injecting gear with floaters / known visible contaminants. Are they refiltering?
In my opinion some of these newer guys are just happy to get oil in the mail. If I had a dollar for everytime a member said they’ll send a sample to Jano and never follow through I could retire tomorrow.

QSC clearly has some filtering issues going on, within the past week floaters have been reported. It’s crazy that no one seems to care, their response is “will they be available in the USA warehouse”? I mean that’s crazy. Years ago Meso would shut down sources for floaters or hairs in vials.

I’m not against adding more testing. My stance is that unfortunately I don’t think it’ll change anything. Let’s say a sample comes back with slight amounts of heavy metals, what are customers gunna do? There’s no other options besides going intl for pharma. Majority of guys don’t want do deal with customs which is why the UGL market is so big. You would think this would make guys second guess what they’re injecting but who knows. I’ve seen dudes buy vials of Tren from some guy brewing on a hot plate in a tent.
Choosing sides between the guy trying to get more testing done and the sources that say fuck off should be easy.
I haven't seen many source telling him to fuck off other than QSC

Its not really the message, its the messenger.

To be frank, I think ultimately it was him being annoying since coming here, constantly linking his threads from t-nation or here.

Saying "Please read my thread"

If there are indeed heavy metals in the raw, I don't think we can do anything about it unless we go directly to the manufacturer(which we know they won't care)

I do agree with @SkankHunt , the only other option is pharma.
I haven't seen many source telling him to fuck off other than QSC
Nice misdirection but not very subtle.

The sources aren't telling me to F off. It is you and your band of "harm reduction" specialists obstructing at every opportunity. His comment there was directed at some select members not sources.

I am annoying for linking to my other posts? I must have 10k threads between excelmale and tnation. Spent alot of time researching and getting everything I posted since 2018 as factually accurate as I could. There is info there that helps folks daily from the feedback I have received.

You disappoint me. Further confirmation no good deed goes unpunished. Your 10th grade mentality clique won't stop my mission. Either there is no issue with contaminants or there is. We will find out either way. Your continued use of the term "heavy metals" to narrowly frame my position sounds extremely obstinate and frankly stupid since I have tried to correct you on multiple occasions now.
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Brother this is gold funny !
Sad really.

No one was bitching about contaminants. Ad hominem from the very people who would benefit from the education and impurity awareness. I brought up some concepts and asked questions / solicited feedback and got sh*t in return. The question remains why the vile reactions?

And then the rocket scientists who insist I need to source myself to get to the bottom of this. Fortunately it appears there are some inquisitive, thoughtful people here.
If there are indeed heavy metals in the raw, I don't think we can do anything about it unless we go directly to the manufacturer(which we know they won't care)
Pathetic rationalizing. Sounds almost junky like.

Not to worry though I got a post for you. See my post on "ladder of accountability".

Is this due to ignorance or indifference?

Will education (like some test cases here) help bring about demand? TBD.

I clearly have no words or response if folks are fine injecting gear with floaters / known visible contaminants. Are they refiltering?

Thanks for your thoughts.
I think people don’t care because there is no massive outbreak of infection, death nor diseases associated with ugl products purchased from sources here or anywhere for that matter unless it didn’t hit the news yet.

Anyone here had their ass cut out from QSC’s gear yet after injecting their cheap chinese products with floaters?

Everyone here knows the risk and honestly I believe some would still buy ugl products even if testing says it has heavy metals or it’s contaminated as long as its helping them grow bigger; just like addicts will inject heroin for the high and alcoholics destroy their livers as long as they can get drunk.
I think people don’t care because there is no massive outbreak of infection, death nor diseases associated with ugl products purchased from sources here or anywhere for that matter unless it didn’t hit the news yet.

Anyone here had their ass cut out from QSC’s gear yet after injecting their cheap chinese products with floaters?

Everyone here knows the risk and honestly I believe some would still buy ugl products even if testing says it has heavy metals or it’s contaminated as long as its helping them grow bigger; just like addicts will inject heroin for the high and alcoholics destroy their livers as long as they can get drunk.

Thanks for saying it out loud (bolded above). Now we are getting somewhere.
I think people don’t care because there is no massive outbreak of infection, death nor diseases associated with ugl products purchased from sources here or anywhere for that matter unless it didn’t hit the news yet.
no one has done the properly powered and blinded RCT comparing ugl vs pharma equivalent to assess the incremental morbidity/mortality/toxicity risk posed by ugl gear. I agree any additional risk may manifest over years instead of days/weeks based on anecdotal data we have. As we know ugl has highly variable quality so important to improve the ugl raws screening analysis used before making finished products.

Is the toxicity of the AAS themselves a bigger concern than any contaminants? TBD. The question should be asked and good faith attempt on my part to daylight and provide some progress for answers.
Thanks for saying it out loud (bolded above). Now we are getting somewhere.
So your problem is convincing the customers there is problem with their gear. Your approach to this is the issue.

I suggest you research and find evidence that contaminants in ugl products have caused health problems to users. Unless, there is a impending danger to the user upon injecting these ugl products, nobody will care.
no one has done the properly powered and blinded RCT comparing ugl vs pharma equivalent to assess the incremental morbidity/mortality/toxicity risk posed by ugl gear. I agree any additional risk may manifest over years instead of days/weeks based on anecdotal data we have. As we know ugl has highly variable quality so important to improve the ugl raws screening analysis used before making finished products.

Is the toxicity of the AAS themselves a bigger concern than any contaminants? TBD. The question should be asked and good faith attempt on my part to daylight and provide some progress for answers.
Here lies another issue, people have been injecting ugl for more than 30 years now, and there is still no massive cases of infection, sickness or death that warrants public out cry even inside the bodybuilding circles.

Nowadays, things might change since the advent of glp-1 drugs opened the doors to reddit Karens who are more prone to cause uproar in the event of any problems with these drugs.
find evidence that contaminants in ugl products have caused
Almost. First you have to identify contaminants are present and what they are. Maybe will find nothing but unreacted androstane raw material (feedstock) and some side products that are structurally very similar to active ingredient. Maybe something else. Residual solvents need to be quantified if present.

A raw testing 96% purity begs to be analyzed. Maybe all these Chinese producers are putting out powders that are excellent. 4% pile a non issue? Would be good to know.