[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I'm having same issues on sust, and I'm only doing trt dose of 220 (m,w,f pin) a week. Seems like my acne is coming back, left nipple seems a bit sensitive, low libido, etc. Seems like this isn't the compound for me. Usually I'm good without an AI up to 500 a week on cyp or E.
Just did bloodwork on sas's sustanon on Monday, should get results next week sometime. I'll post when results are in.
Heck yea Id be interested in the results.
I like pinning it M,W,F. Early on it was my go to but as ive gotten older it seems harder to control my e2 when running it. You ever hear of that Tbagger?
Hear of E2 being out of control? Yeah, something about the different esters in it cause aromitazation more than something like Cyp or E. I used it years ago when I first started using AAS and it had decent results, but Cyp has always been my go to.
Please let me know if this works. Seriously, ever since I got on TRT I can’t shoot as much or as far. Also could’ve been the vasectomy I got 6 months prior to going on TRT. Or age.
Not sure how old you are, but age definitely comes into play when it comes to shooting. TMI, but off cycle, my shit dribbles out now. When I was younger I could hit the wife’s face after pulling out. On cycle, it spurts. Anyway again - TMI, but you brought it up lol.
Not sure how old you are, but age definitely comes into play when it comes to shooting. TMI, but off cycle, my shit dribbles out now. When I was younger I could hit the wife’s face after pulling out. On cycle, it spurts. Anyway again - TMI, but you brought it up lol.

Haha nah it’s not tmi, that’s exactly what I’m talking about and want to do again! Fuck it used to be multiple ropes of power shots, now I get maybe 1 or 2 ropes with little power. I’m 41.
Haha nah it’s not tmi, that’s exactly what I’m talking about and want to do again! Fuck it used to be multiple ropes of power shots, now I get maybe 1 or 2 ropes with little power. I’m 41.
45 here. What really fucked up my shooting was when I tried Rogaine. Dick shriveled and maybe a DROP of cum. Took me months to recover my volume and lost the shooting after that.
Since we're brewing so much right now I won't be posting a current stock list for a few days. The information on it would become inaccurate within a few hours.

I can tell you we do not have Tren E in stock.

If you have any questions about stock please email me!

Ordered late last Fri night, just got everything today (following Thursday), always responded to emails. A+ from me
Hey I think have bicep tendinitis near the shoulder. No pain at all. What do I do? Should I take time off or work through it. It’s only slightly inflamed. I don’t feel it, just a bit tender to the touch. And my bicep feels tight when I flex it. I thought it was a bad dealt injection at first but its lower than where I pinned and i notice it after the gym which was like 14 hrs after the pin.
Hey I think have bicep tendinitis near the shoulder. No pain at all. What do I do? Should I take time off or work through it. It’s only slightly inflamed. I don’t feel it, just a bit tender to the touch. And my bicep feels tight when I flex it. I thought it was a bad dealt injection at first but its lower than where I pinned and i notice it after the gym which was like 14 hrs after the pin.
I would say work around it, not through it. What I mean by this is try to find alternate exercises. I had horrible tennis elbow or tendinitis as a result of my biceps workout. I reduced my biceps routine to 7 sets of 21’s and 4 sets, 12 reps of T-Rex’s and some hammer curls with the rope extension. Problem solved and still made great gains.

Working through it will only make it worse and you might not be so quick to heal from it, if ever.
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Hey guys using coinbase but in order to get $$$ from bank acct. it’s a 7 days waiting period then when you send it’s another 3days....anyone know a more efficient way without waiting so long or different app
Hey guys using coinbase but in order to get $$$ from bank acct. it’s a 7 days waiting period then when you send it’s another 3days....anyone know a more efficient way without waiting so long or different app
Abra, 1-2 days waiting period then transfer to blockchain or jaxx wallet.
Hey guys using coinbase but in order to get $$$ from bank acct. it’s a 7 days waiting period then when you send it’s another 3days....anyone know a more efficient way without waiting so long or different app

You might find the answer you are looking for in the cryptocurrency thread. Ive used CB and the 14 day wait was horrible. I’ve used Coinmama with the instant purchase, but the fees were extremely high. I’m using Gemini now and the wait is 5 days. But the fees are so damn low, it’s worth it. I just try and plan ahead.
You might find the answer you are looking for in the cryptocurrency thread. Ive used CB and the 14 day wait was horrible. I’ve used Coinmama with the instant purchase, but the fees were extremely high. I’m using Gemini now and the wait is 5 days. But the fees are so damn low, it’s worth it. I just try and plan ahead.

The wait is only 5 days if you transfer money in when you are making a bitcoin purchase. If you hold funds in your Gemini account you can purchase instantly.

The fees were extremely low but they just went up to 1% which still isn't too bad.